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But you agree that the poster you're protecting is far left? 🤔

Your obsessions with the left and right and trying to pin labels on people (like you do to yourself) using terminology you borrowed from your telegram heroes makes you look more than a bit desperate.

But that's how you roll.

I'm not protecting anyone, merely trying to keep threads on-topic.

Jambo thinks the whole world is out to get him.

Spaghetti - bolognese, all over the place.

Do you think that Kamikaze what's-her-face, Antifa etc. are far left?

You're some sad little wanker, Jambo.

I couldn't care less if a poster is left, right or centre....providing they stick to the OP topic.
He's at it again with Lumps over on the left/right ethno/civic up/down in/out thread you let him have a ban hammer on.

Never have I seen a blogger with what we can only assume is the world's tiniest penis.

But that's not (an answer to) what I asked you

Nobody is giving you any answers to anything anymore - ever.

We all know your sad little game, Jambo.

We could stick you a room by yourself and come back an hour later to find you covered in black eyes and bruises.
I'd be very surprised if science either did or didn't come to any conclusion on 'god'. Mainly because that's not its job. As an offshoot of scientific advancement mr 'god' has become so small now that he/she/it is hiding in the nanoseconds before universal expansion.

Bit of a demotion for sandal-boy when you think of it. The only reason 'god' remains as a trope in the world at all is because there are ferociously undereducated people in it.

Most of them with little access to education in the developing world. Which doesn't explain westerners who do have access to education wailing for Sandal-Boy Cloud -God for some deep seated emotional reason.

Bunch of daffodils.
Once again.. I think you're kindof proving my point
But that's not (an answer to) what I asked you

Why do you feel the need to invade every single thread, on every single forum you visit? It's not fair on others who want to have a regular discussion relating to the OP for one.

What do call-outs to Roc and Lumpy have to do with the 2024 US election for instance?
R u afraid to admit that one of your protected posters (which is almost all of them - except for me) might be an extremist? And that this site, based on the current membership, is a far left site? 🤔
Exactly. There are people very hard of understanding in the world.
Why don't you try replying to posts.. And we might better understand what you're trying to say.

You do this all the time on Gaychat too, your - Lumpy Speaks posts (replying to nobody).

Perhaps if you engaged more (with us lesser mortals) you wouldn't be ignored as much.
Almost everything is a 'far left' site to some sophisticate off a farm in a largely forgotten bog.

I wouldn't say P.ie and Boards are left-wing sites either...which is often claimed. Just stricter with moderation than sites such as here or Pish.
Everything is 'left wing' to a bogger. It is the extent to which they acknowledge any form of thought beyond what they can cram down their own gullet.

It'll be someone's servant sooner or later.
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