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When you think about it, Dan most likely stabbed Val in the back to appease Feeney. I can't see that going down too well.

Why does Dan seem to be completely incapable of cutting the apron strings with Mammy Feeney? Pure cowardice if you ask me. I'm no fan of Val, but I'd have happily given Mandy the boot, then again it'd be a cold day in hell before a Feeney was/ is ever given any power on Isle.

Lol at a Feeney wailing about unfair treatment. The same waste of space who spent EIGHT YEARS banning and / or censoring individuals with different viewpoints to his own on Pish. Also tries to get other forums shut down left, right and centre.

Jumped-up little dictator, wouldn't be worth pissing on if he were on fire...let alone shown so much as an ounce of sympathy.
We don't have one - it must be killing you?

...you fools will never get another chance like the one that's hiding behind the enormous elephant over there in the corner.

Nope - I was paid for every appearance I made.

Simple common sense.
Says the guy who joins one site to talk about another site, then gets barred from said site and then joins yet another site to discuss the one that just booted his ass out the door. I'd lay reasonable odds that he's still a virgin.
Sorry but I can't let this one go the Mowl, it's a real humdinger from Plunktard :)

Remember that science thread I talked about earlier, check this out -

Post in thread 'A physicist proves that black holes cannot exist' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.co...-that-black-holes-cannot-exist.448/post-37193

And the Scientism cult has no answer for this, but to suggest the theoretical weak force of gravity is enough to not need such a physical barrier. We are hurtling through space at 66,000 mph (probably bullshit) and they expect us to believe gravity can overcome the rate of speed and immense negative forces of the vacuum of space??

So gravity is described as a "weak force", I mean, I could post some goofy video of say someone dropping something (suitably) metallic and then picking it up with a magnet and they be like - "Woahhh! This tiny magnet defeats the gravity of an entire planet!" and this is how he "understands" it.. along with his (idiotic) notion that the "vacuum of space" should "suck" the atmosphere off like a hoover (Americans call hoovers - vacuum cleaners).

And den this 🤣 -

Here's an idea. Put a tennis ball on a stick, cover it in shaving foam and drive down the motorway with the ball out the window at 100kmh. Lets see how much shaving foam remains at the end of the journey. The ball and foam, in this instance, have suffered suffered much milder forces than does our atmosphere against the void of space.

I mean, that's not just retarded, it's childlike, it's called making a public spectacle of oneself.

Wouldn't you agree?

Hardly - not with the likes of you trailing around after me, hoping to glean some of my shine to your otherwise supremely dull life.

I'd call it 'being a lame little cunt with no direction or vocation in life..'

Indeed - you're merely hanging around like a bad fart.

Well, aren't you heartbroken.

You can't play chess, the little skills you have were totaled by Godsdog.

Just like with Sham - you lay down and gave up.

All that rage you're still carrying must get rather heavy after a while.

Go take a shit on O'Connell Bridge so.

There's no 'we' here, fool.

Your brief?

You mean you'll pull your knickers up and piss in them - again.

You have a very tiny penis, don't you?

Nobody cares what you think.

I told you that earlier - and for the umpteenth time.

You're great fun - I'm sure you'll last on here.

And the nice thing about that is that you don't have to lick the smeg off Val Martin's knob to be allowed post at all.

But tell us: what was it like having Val's nuts half-way down your gullet and Declan's finger up your hole?

You seemed very happy over there in the gay bar.

Have you been to clinic to check what sexually transmitted diseases the old culchie fuckers gave you?
To Declan of Arsefield's

I'd delete those Cyril Penguin and *Kingdom of Heaven accounts if you know what's good for you - along with any other accounts connected to the individual behind them.

*Ramsay Bolton
What are these so-called online nationalists hoping to achieve anyway? This is Ireland - we don't do things at the national level here. The parish comes first, and maybe the county second during sporting events. And when said sporting events are finished...it's back to thinking at the parish-level. Trying to bring Irish people to a national consensus on just about anything is like trying to herd cats, aka. it just doesn't happen. But good luck to the tools in the NP and on forums such as Arsefield's who seem to believe that the Irish nation is going to rise up as one, driving the foreigners into the sea as St. Patrick supposedly did the snakes. Most Irish people couldn't give a flying fuck about left-right politics or any sort of idealism in general providing Jimmy the local FFG / Independent Councillor gets the potholes fixed. The NP will always be 0.1% of the vote (basement-dweller, Arsefield's types)....your average Joe and Mary in Ballygobackwards are as happy as pigs in shite providing their morning commute isn't too bumpy, and the spuds in Supervalu just about affordable enough.

Sorry Arsefield's / NP supporters, but there isn't going to be a "revolution". This is Ireland and things work on a Parish >> County >> National basis (rarely, if ever). Get out and get a real hobby you losers, at least it could be said that Barrett & Co are making a name for themselves out of all this...the only thing you wasters have accomplished is spending approximately the past decade of your lives giving out about "the foreign invasion" from behind a keyboard...in a cold, damp bedsit...which you pay €1,000+ every month for to some (likely) FFG-connected gombeen - with the additional privilege of sharing a bathroom with several other individuals.

Fuck off with your "muh revolution"....it'll never happen - parish pump politics will always see to that. The only thing some of these sad cases are going to achieve at the end of the day is an expensive trip to the dentist, e.g. Cyril Penguin and his online hard man act. We'll see just how hard you are when it's finally discovered where you live - including by the groups of individuals you spend all day badmouthing. There’ll be no revolution / "revolutionaries"...just business as usual at the parish pump and a few online loudmouths heading for some very unfortunate encounters. You lot wouldn't say boo! to your mammies, let alone instigate an armed insurrection against the state. Get over yourselves.
Whyy therse fukers inn Centra adcertizing rols as ful brekfast? Good valu me arswe Id giv mor to onr of the chikens durng a feedings.

You be ad well of jusr buyong th lot andd cokimg yurselfs.
Mowl isn't censored, he's moderated.

But not here.

Obviously on Pish, the idea was to corall him. Everyone hates his guts and knows that he's an abusive, malignant faggot. Except for you - not a good look

Actually, I have far more admirers than haters - I think that's what's bothering you: you'd like to be as popular as me but you haven't the wit or the guile to do so. Nor the originality of thought: all your ideas come from the same place, and few of them are what anyone would consider to be informed or original. Quoting all your heroes on Telegram and elsewhere and re-posting their tweets and farts with zero additional points of your own show you up for what you are: a follower. A drone. A useful idiot to the worst of the worst out there.

Yap, yap, yap all fucking day and night - but never doing anything to address the broken nature of modern Irish life.

Ireland's the only country you could possibly survive in, because you know how to tell the right lies to the right people: the dole office, the various social welfare emergency departments, and your local off license. That just about sums up your entire existence. An a mere existence it'll always be, not a life a such.

So keep on trailing me - and I'll keep on being several steps ahead of you.

I invented it.

Attempt One.

Once again, how would you know?

Attempt two.
Sorry but I can't let this one go the Mowl

Attempt three.

All failures, all struggling to keep up, all falling short of any sort of impact.

What are these so-called online nationalists hoping to achieve anyway?

Great post - 100% on point. The Irish are in general rather tiny minded. Whether it's the island nature of things that causes it is no longer a possibility as Ireland has the same issues with incoming foreigners as any other EU country. Apart from the fact that you keep taking more and more in even though you've literally nowhere to put them.

Or do you?

Notice how the RTE debacle has budged the incoming hordes issue off the top of the national headlines? Now why would that be? Would it be down to the fact that everyone's had enough banging their heads off the wall or is it that the schools and universities are now off on summer break, leaving thousands of classrooms up and down the country empty for these men of fighting age to doss in for the next three months? Never undermine the sly nature of the Irish - even in how they treat their own, never mind Abdul and Jamal.

By the time the RTE shitholing is over and done with, Ireland will have created another half dozen millionaires in the legal departments.

This is how your country works: it's how it's always been and how it'll always stay.

Me, you, and the rest of the Irish nation can see that the state knows it's been caught out by RTE and shaken down for cash money. So too do the Irish people, but instead of seizing the opportunity NOW while they can, they'll instead argue and deliberate their slight differences of opinion as to what exactly needs to be done until it's too late, until the horse is halfway around the course already.

RTE have zero intention of changing anything - that much is perfectly clear.

All this talk of 'restoring confidence' and 'rebuilding trust' in RTE is just another way of saying 'we know we're fucked up, we know we were caught out, but we're here and we're not leaving'. So while you're scratching your nuts trying to decide what to do next, the opportunity that you have will be gone. First get your crowd on, then march out to Montrose and empty the canvas. Then torch the joint and everything in it. Simply make sure to save the archives - but burn everything else. That way they've nowhere to go back to, they'll be splintered and lost as to how to respond. If two hundred and fifty people throw torches in at the same time, then none will be tried in court later. The state can't afford to rebuild RTE and more than RTE can 'rebuild trust' mainly because RTE never had any trust to the average Joe or Mary.

There's a time for talking and a time for acting: the time for splitting hairs and exploring the minutiae of things has passed.

You missed the bus - all over again.

RTE will return: bigger, with even more staff, with even more state money, with even more of your license fee, and no one will be penalized for the rot that's been exposed over the last few weeks. Dee Forbes is likely over in Spain or somewhere hot and remote, reading about herself from a safe distance while her doctor's note gets passed around the board of the investigation for the sniggers.

Nothing changes in Ireland - because the Irish.

And that's more or less the whole problem: the Irish.

Whyy therse fukers inn Centra adcertizing rols as ful brekfast? Good valu me arswe Id giv mor to onr of the chikens durng a feedings.

Val's idea of a breakfast roll is to strip down to his y-fronts and hop into the shitting ditch and roll around in it.
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Actually, I have far more admirers than haters - I think that's what's bothering you: you'd like to be as popular as me but you haven't the wit or the guile to do so. Nor the originality of thought: all your ideas come from the same place, and few of them are what anyone would consider to be informed or original. Quoting all your heroes on Telegram and elsewhere and re-posting their tweets and farts with zero additional points of your own how you up for what you are: a follower. A drone. A useful idiot to the worst of the worst out there.

Yap, yap, yap all fucking day and night - but never doing anything to address the broken nature of modern Irish life.

Ireland's the only country you could possibly survive in, because you know how to tell the right lies to the right people: the dole office, the various social welfare emergency departments, and your local off license. That just about sums up your entire existence. An a mere existence it'll always be, not a life a such.

So keep on trailing me - and I'll keep on being several steps ahead of you.

Attempt One.

Attempt two.

Attempt three.

All failures, all struggling to keep up, all falling short of any sort of impact.

Great post - 100% on point. The Irish are in general rather tiny minded. Whether it's the island nature of things that causes it is no longer a possibility as Ireland has the same issues with incoming foreigners as any other EU country. Apart from the fact that you keep taking more and more in even though you've literally nowhere to put them.

Or do you?

Notice how the RTE debacle has budged the incoming hordes issue off the top of the national headlines? Now why would that be? Would it be down to the fact that everyone's had enough banging their heads off the wall or is it that the schools and universities are now off on summer break, leaving thousands of classrooms up and down the country empty for these men of fighting age to doss in for the next three months? Never undermine the sly nature of the Irish - even in how they treat their own, never mind Abdul and Jamal.

By the time the RTE shitholing is over and done with, Ireland will have created another half dozen millionaires in the legal departments.

This is how your country works: it's how it's always been and how it'll always stay.

Me, you, and the rest of the Irish nation can see that the state knows it's been caught out by RTE and shaken down for cash money. So too do the Irish people, but instead of seizing the opportunity NOW while they can, they'll instead argue and deliberate their slight differences of opinion as to what exactly needs to be done until it's too late, until the horse is halfway around the course already.

RTE have zero intention of changing anything - that much is perfectly clear.

All this talk of 'restoring confidence' and 'rebuilding trust' in RTE is just another way of saying 'we know we're fucked up, we know we were caught out, but we're here and we're not leaving'. So while you're scratching your nuts trying to decide what to do next, the opportunity that you have will be gone. First get your crowd on, then march out to Montrose and empty the canvas. Then torch the joint and everything in it. Simply make sure to save the archives - but burn everything else. That way they've nowhere to go back to, they'll be splintered and lost as to how to respond. If two hundred and fifty people throw torches in at the same time, then none will be tried in court later. The state can't afford to rebuild RTE and more than RTE can 'rebuild trust' mainly because RTE never had any trust to the average Joe or Mary.

There's a time for talking and a time for acting: the time for splitting hairs and exploring the minutiae of things has passed.

You missed the bus - all over again.

RTE will return: bigger, with even more staff, with even more state money, with even more of your license fee, and no one will be penalized for the rot that's been exposed over the last few weeks. Dee Forbes is likely over in Spain or somewhere hot and remote, reading about herself from a safe distance while her doctor's note gets passed around the board of the investigation for the sniggers.

Nothing changes in Ireland - because the Irish.

And that's more or less the whole problem: the Irish.

Val's idea of a breakfast roll is to strip down to his y-fronts and hop into the shitting ditch and roll around in it.

Well said. Irish pettiness and divisiveness is what allowed for the Normans to conquer so much of the island after 1169, and so rapidly.

Nearly a thousand years later and it seems nothing has changed.
'All art is quite useless' according to Oscar Wilde.

'Each man kills the thing he loves' is another quote of his.

I'd disagree that the Irish aren't into art. I have a client list of hundreds upon hundreds of clients I worked for creating art to help them sell their businesses from the age of seven through to just a few years back when I closed my Irish company and shifted base up to here. They still flew me in and gave me huge amounts of work and space to design unique themes for their business models, and paid me extremely well for it.

I painted my themes in an instantly recognizable style that people instantly clocked and reacted to. Over the years I was often cornered and spotted by other artists who didn't know how I created these illustrations in reverse on the inside of the front windows selling products with instantly recognizable logos to the passing hordes. So they'd buy a coffee and hang around watching me to see how I did it. I took to hiding my kit under a towel for brush cleaning and mixed my paints into disposable paper/plastic cups so they didn't know what the balance of the paint mix actually was. Some even asked my directly. So I lied, every time. I'd send them on wild goose chases thinking they had to use oils and spirits rather than 100% water-based mixes of my own invention and then using the right type of ink for graphic separation (in reverse) so that the Food and Drink people had no problem with me working in an open bar/restaurant/shop decorating their exteriors - from inside.

But by around 2013 I could see it was getting less and less profitable for me to bother with anymore, so I shifted that base up to here along with my music business stuff. Ireland was grey and miserable to be in around that time and I couldn't wait to get back out of there when I was sure I wasn't coming back. These days, proper artists have the cop-on to see and explore my methods: a few have it right, but most haven't a fucking clue and are only doing it because their relative has a shop that needs some colour to attract some attention.

So not all art is entirely useless.

It simply depends on how, where, and why you're creating it.

I created my own client list just as I created my own business model - starting at age seven.

That's how life was in Ballyer: and that's how I got out too.
I think the Arsefield's crew are a classic example of begrudgery. Instead of congratulating someone with good writing, musical and artistic skills...they'd rather drag them down into the gutter. There are probably thousands of talented kids out there who'll never discover their true talents as their parents are thick, ignorant cunts like your average Arsefielder. In Ireland it seems that it's all about sports and the few pints...any interests outside of that are deemed suspect.

It's likely why Ireland keeps losing its best and brightest, generation after generation....the atmosphere towards such people is hostile here. And it hasn't really changed since 50 or a 100 years ago either...your average Arsefielder is proof of that, aka. nasty, bitter, manipulative, backstabbing, ignorant and two-faced. They'd rather Putin fire a thousand nuclear weapons at Helsinki than see one of their own succeed.
Mandy is back...only three days after Tuesday's Drama Queen flounce act.

A hug from Declan...a staff member badge returned....and they all lived happily ever after.
Mandy's problem was with Val, not Dan.

Besides, Dan'd have any knacker on his blog, no matter what language they speak.
It's no coincidence that MandyBolton and Cyril Penguin are nearly always online at the same time.

...it's a classic Feeney technique - the main accounts do their whole butter wouldn't melt in my mouth routine, while minutes later the socks are brought out to attack.
It's dead over on Arsefield's.

There isn't one poster over there worth reading, not one.

Illiterate shower of savages, worse than Pish.

Dan must be thrilled with himself - the scum always rises to the top when he's around.
All 99% of them do is copy and paste tweets all day long.

Looks like Val may have left for good this time as well.
All 99% of them do is copy and paste tweets all day long.

Hundreds upon hundreds of them.

Is that some kind of generational thing where the 'kids' are all down with swapping memes to best represent their points of view?

Looks like Val may have left for good this time as well.

His complete inability to understand how a forum works when he was a moderator was comedy fucking gold.

I wonder has it ever dawned on him that most online 'influencers' get paid (sometimes in kind) for representing brands and other sponsors? He's made around seven million gazillion videos on youtube and none have ever made it out of the confines of the Cavan county border.

I bet you he's planning a video on Declan and Arsefield's - just out of childish spite.

That said, I can at least laugh at Val's bumbling around - but those other fuckers Wolf and Fishit are fucking cancerous.

Nasty fucking savages.
They're just losers who'll spend the rest of their lives whinging about xyz on online forums. That, and they'll never be anything other than a small 0.1% fragment of the overall population.

Joe and Mary just want the potholes fixed...and Jimmy the local FFG / Independent Councillor doesn't want to do or say anything controversial which will lose him the next election, or cause him to lose his cushy pension / public paycheck. So they'll always be a small minority of basement dwellers- never a majority.

Val is a crypto-FFG voter I reckon, the sort who'll vote for Jimmy if there's a few state farming grants/ subsidies thrown in. The whole NP posturing was more than likely a means for fitting in with the lads. I doubt Val could care less as to whether or not Wolf and Mandy have to live beside a load of Nigerians. Val would probably turf them out of one his rentals if they (Nigerians) offered to pay more in rent every month. Yet that would never prevent the losers on Arsefield's from kissing his arse on a daily basis.
The flat-earthers are good for a laugh I suppose.. I see Plunktard is at it again with his unscience -

Post in thread 'To The Moon' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/to-the-moon.162/post-39009

There is nothing obvious about it, in fact it seems something of a cosmic miracle, that one of the weakest forces known in nature can keep a thin veneer of atmosphere around a rock hurtling through the void at 66,000 miles per second (so we're told anyway)

Forgetting, for a second, the extreme inverse forces generated by a vacuum, why doesn't the Moon's gravity suck off the outer periphery of our atmosphere at a constant rate, given that is powerful enough to create tidal forces? (or so we're told)

The "vacuum of space" doesn't exert any force on the atmosphere, it doesn't "suck", it doesn't "blow". What a fucken idiot 😆
And as for (gravity being) "one of the weakest forces known in nature", it's a "weak force" in the grouping - The four fundamental forces of nature.

And of course, thinking of it as a force is Newtonian, in generally relativity it's the curvature of spacetime due to the presence of mass.
And it does seem that the "vacuum of space" thingy must be very popular in The Flat Earth Society (of ignoramuses).

Here's Plunktard's fellow flat-earther talking about it in the same thread -

Post in thread 'To The Moon' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/to-the-moon.162/post-38902

I know what he's trying to say regarding the second law of thermodynamics (entropy) but it's complete liberty taking.

If you look at his diagram, yes, if you were to open a vacuum it would fill with air, in a pressurised system, i.e. atmospheric pressure would "push" the air in, the vacuum is still not "sucking". The only "sucking" force involved with a vacuum would be if you wanted to (artificially) create one.

Imagine the millions and billions of comments that have been made by flat-earthers about this.. all based on a first principle non-understanding 🤣
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