We don't have one - it must be killing you?
I'm not reading all of Mowl's rubbish (I think that's against the U.N. Charter on Human Rights - Cruel and inhumane torture).. but I'll glean from it that Mowl thinks Montrose should be burned to the ground because...
...you fools will never get another chance like the one that's hiding behind the enormous elephant over there in the corner.
Nope - I was paid for every appearance I made.
Simple common sense.
And that's basically what he runs on, personal vendettas (real or imaginary).
Says the guy who joins one site to talk about another site, then gets barred from said site and then joins yet another site to discuss the one that just booted his ass out the door. I'd lay reasonable odds that he's still a virgin.
Discussion sites (like this) rue the day that you were born

- you're simply not capable, you can't even read (for comprehension).
Hardly - not with the likes of you trailing around after me, hoping to glean some of my shine to your otherwise supremely dull life.
Hahaha.. The old "trolling" canard.
I'd call it 'being a lame little cunt with no direction or vocation in life..'
The Truth is not trolling.
Indeed - you're merely hanging around like a bad fart.
You don't care if Mowl derails a thread
Well, aren't you heartbroken.
An obvious example of course would be the Chess thread. All Mowl has ever done in the Chess thread anywhere he's allowed post (i.e. here and formerly Pish) is spam and try to derail it.
You can't play chess, the little skills you have were totaled by Godsdog.
Just like with Sham - you lay down and gave up.
The difference is, Pish banned him for it (and Drooper AKA 'Tiger' on Arsefield's) whereas you never lifted a finger.
All that rage you're still carrying must get rather heavy after a while.
I would prefer a public and open tribunal.
Go take a shit on O'Connell Bridge so.
We can start with the Nordic Affairs thread..
There's no 'we' here, fool.
I will get my brief together and post later...
Your brief?
You mean you'll pull your knickers up and piss in them - again.
I'm already the best poster - and the biggest draw.
You have a very tiny penis, don't you?
Self-moderated blogs aren't really something I'm in favour of (I'd prefer unbiased and correct moderation) but yes,
Nobody cares what you think.
I told you that earlier - and for the umpteenth time.
I'll take a blog. In fairness, it's probably the only way to defeat the scourge of constant spamming, derailing and personal abuse (AKA 'Mowl').
You're great fun - I'm sure you'll last on here.
And the nice thing about that is that you don't have to lick the smeg off Val Martin's knob to be allowed post at all.
But tell us: what was it like having Val's nuts half-way down your gullet and Declan's finger up your hole?
You seemed very happy over there in the gay bar.
Have you been to clinic to check what sexually transmitted diseases the old culchie fuckers gave you?