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See post 273 of this thread.

What condition would that be now, Feeney? The latest diagnosis you've decided to pull out of your arse, yet one I've never actually been diagnosed with by an actual psychiatrist / mental health team?

Trouble - trouble as in defamation, posting lies about individuals having xyz medical condition on the internet? What a little knacker you truly are.
Yet another Feeney sock account on Declan Kelly's site.

Posts can now be edited for up to 60 minutes after being published without the last edited mark appearing.
Very good. I hate that ugly last edited timestamp and it's completely unnecessary to have it appear after only 5 minutes (which I presume might be a software default).

I asked Ramsey to change that for me on Arsefield's but of course he didn't. Bastard :)

Thick cunt, it's blatantly obvious who that statement was targeted at. You know as much about defamation as you do about physics...or just about any other subject.

Stick to spamming Declan's website with re-tweets and YouTube videos you chimpanzee.

Try Aesop's Fables instead, it's more at your level of comprehension you pea-brained spam merchant.

Thick cunt, it's blatantly obvious who that statement was targeted at. You know as much about defamation as you do about physics...or just about any other subject.

Stick to spamming Declan's website with re-tweets and YouTube videos you chimpanzee.
LOL @ the To The Moon thread

He's back! Talking utter shite 🤣

The sad thing is that there's people like the Australian fish showing deference to him.. rather than acknowledging that he's a submoron, Arsefield's village idiot (or one of them).
He couldn't tell his arse from his elbow, yet he's expecting to become an expert on Islamic theology? At least if it were a remark made by Zippy it would be somewhat believable. I don't like Swords but it's pointless denying that he's at least intelligent

Arsefield's truly is a joke of a forum.
Well Islam isn't Catholicism.. So there is that.

Of course his Catholicism to me, as previously mentioned, comes across as extremely childlike (and tacky).

It's just, when he talks about physics it's so laughable. He is fully ignorant on the subject and really, he gives the game away when he talks about the "materialist narrative" -

Post in thread 'To The Moon' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/to-the-moon.162/post-39084

Materialist is another word for atheist. His motive (to deboonk the science) is to simply say - it's God whatdunnit. The guy is a buffoon of the highest order.
Wasn't the whole point of Arsefield's to reminisce online with fellow Bostonians about the days spent at the local pub Dan used to work for, hence Sarsfields Virtual Pub? Instead it's become a dumping ground for Pish posters...with all of the original members nowhere to be seen.

Seems to me like Feeney is using Dan's site as a means of avoiding prosecution under Ireland's new hate speech laws, aka. Dan can't be prosecuted under them as he's based out in the USA. Feeney even went so far as to delete all of the evidence on Wayback machine etc. Feeney also benefits from Arsefield's becoming Pish 2.0 as:

(a) He needn't worry about prosecution as it's not his site, nor is it based in Ireland...hence not subject to the new laws.

(b) Dan foots the bill.
Wasn't the whole point of Arsefield's to reminisce online with fellow Bostonians about the days spent at the local pub Dan used to work for, hence Sarsfields Virtual Pub?
Yeah, I think it was, when he had no posters.

Back to square one, eh :)

Instead it's become a dumping ground for Pish posters...with all of the original members nowhere to be seen.
Bigoted Catholic, flat-earther dregs like Plonker and Drooper.

Hell, he even sacrificed me because of some idiot who thinks his dead mother is a Saint.. and he hasn't been seen for a week (he must be reading the astrology pages). The same idiot by the way who's told me (and others) umpteen times that he's "done with these sites" and he never is, although he is known to take months long sabbaticals.

Seems to me like Feeney is using Dan's site as a means of avoiding prosecution under Ireland's new hate speech laws, aka. Dan can't be prosecuted under them as he's based out in the USA. Feeney even went so far as to delete all of the evidence on Wayback machine etc. Feeney also benefits from Arsefield's becoming Pish 2.0 as:

(a) He needn't worry about prosecution as it's not his site, nor is it based in Ireland...hence not subject to the new laws.

(b) Dan foots the bill.
I'm not particularly worried about the anti freedom of speech, anti-Irish, anti-white laws.

It will be interesting I suppose to see who they persecute prosecute and the backlash, if any.
You're already brain dead, you're halfway there.
Did you have a rush of ad hom to your head, anything else to say?

Well I wasn't actually talking to you and I'm not sure where David found you but seeing as you've struck up a conservation with me.. Why don't you tell me something about yourself, O'Danny boy?

You're American, political hero O'Bozo? 🤔
Did you have a rush of ad hom to your head, anything else to say?

Well I wasn't actually talking to you and I'm not sure where David found you but seeing as you've struck up a conservation with me.. Why don't you tell me something about yourself, O'Danny boy?

You're American, political hero O'Bozo?
Don't you remember denying the Holocaust to me earlier, in another thread?

That is kind of a red flag as to what kind of human being you are, if I had to compare you to something, well, I accidentally stepped in dogshit once.
Animal trials during the Middle Ages.

The sixteenth-century lawyer Bartholomew Chassenee was successful in stopping a trial against rats that ate a field of barley by claiming that his clients could not appear in court because they were afraid of the village’s cats.

You're Jewish?

I don't think I did "deny the Holocaust" by the way, what are you trying to do, get me arrested?
I live in the U.S., people here deny it openly, I'm not trying to get you in trouble and am not aware of what the penalities in Europe are for denying the Holocaust.

I'll rephrase that: you sounded skeptical of conventional wisdom regarding the Holocaust. I apologize for being such a dick. And no, I'm not Jewish, I'm an athiest, as well as being 48% German, as well as a mix of Scottish, Hungarian and even a touch of Russian.
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