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Not at all, I know exactly where she's from. I watched a documentary about one recent record she made (during Covid) and was genuinely surprised at her talent. She can improvise her melodies and harmonies on the spot, as well as fire out some quality lyrics with conviction.

But I still can't say I'm a fan of hers or would buy her records/go to her shows.

But in terms of wealth?
Unlike Liam Gallagher - she'll never need to do a reunion tour of any sort - she outdoes him on every level, particularly the cash dollar one.
It really depends on what you mean by the word 'need'.

You need to thieve a few garden tools so you can sell them second-hand, so you can keep yourself in cheap weed and plonk, and if you're lucky, a half-price (about to be thrown out) rotisserie chicken or two for the next few days.

Liam Gallagher doesn't need to do that.

Albeit, by all accounts, he is a remarkably unwealthy man - considering his achievements and talent.

I have no idea how long she's been around - but that's just me.

Was she a Spice Girl before going solo?

You'd know about that kind of shit, right?

That's why they pay me, Jambo.

Exactly the reason.

Jambo, I just said THIS about Amy Winehouse:


Nah, I liked the ones in that documentary about the tin pot factory and all those Jews who lived in it.

Living in a tin pot factory isn't my idea of a happy life (and you know how I feel about the national happiness, Jambo) but they seemed to love it.

I know half of it was makey-uppey stuff about how much they were paid and what hours were expected of them.

But it was still funny how it turned out in the end.

Yeah, I laughed too.

Especially at the bit in colour at the end where they gave him a few pebbles to remember them by.

Fucking Jews - tight cunts, all the same.
It really depends on what you mean by the word 'need'.

I 'need' you to both fuck AND off - all at once.

You need to thieve a few garden tools so you can sell them second-hand, so you can keep yourself in cheap weed and plonk, and if you're lucky, a half-price (about to be thrown out) rotisserie chicken or two for the next few days.

Nah - much as it kills you to know it, all the weed up here is seriously good.

Or, as your buddy Saul Bucket put it: 'real as fuck'.

Liam Gallagher doesn't need to do that.

Not yet, at least.

Albeit, by all accounts, he is a remarkably unwealthy man

In terms of talent, originality, and accent - you're right.

- considering his achievements and talent.

Which apart from red-top column inches isn't much, now is it?

He has no achievements of merit that I can see, and neither do I see any talent.

He does do a very good impression of a Down's Syndrome spazmo when he sings that 'sheeee-ine' type knackerism.

And they are knackers, Jambo - Noel was very clear about how the family ended up in Manchester when his Ma was younger. And she is Irish traveler blood, and proud of it. In my family home, we treated the gypsies and travelers as equals - even in charity. Mam would give the old lady a bag of second hand baby clothes and accept nothing more than a toy car for the kids in return. The old lady then filled in the gaps in the exchange praying over the babies and rattling her beads around the cot.

The Gallaghers are also gypsy blood, as Noel himself said.

In fact, it was one of his earliest memories of Ireland when his Ma took the pair of them home.

So much as you're aware that the only Jews I dislike are those that I know, you'll note I also happen to have time for travelers/gypsies and will treat them as I would any other Irish person. Apart from you, who I'd rather clatter in the mouth, then pull your trousers down and trip you up into a nice cold canal with your boots still on. Or not. Depending.

Liam's going to have to figure something out fairly soon, like start writing some music that sells rather than champagne supernova-pissing it up the wall.

That big gaff and even bigger drugs problem isn't going to pay for itself, see.

Don't forget: it was Noel who wrote all the songs, you dumb cunt.

Liam's just a mouth - literally, and is paid his share on that basis and THAT basis alone.

Notice how not even one of Liam's solo efforts even made it onto college/indie radio, let alone mainstream?

He's a flop, Jimmy - lie your little wee-wee.

I 'need' you to both fuck AND off - all at once.

Nah - much as it kills you to know it, all the weed up here is seriously good.

Or, as your buddy Saul Bucket put it: 'real as fuck'.

Not yet, at least.

In terms of talent, originality, and accent - you're right.

Which apart from red-top column inches isn't much, now is it?

He has no achievements of merit that I can see, and neither do I see any talent.

He does do a very good impression of a Down's Syndrome spazmo when he sings that 'sheeee-ine' type knackerism.

And they are knackers, Jambo - Noel was very clear about how the family ended up in Manchester when his Ma was younger. And she is Irish traveler blood, and proud of it. In my family home, we treated the gypsies and travelers as equals - even in charity. Mam would give the old lady a bag of second hand baby clothes and accept nothing more than a toy car for the kids in return. The old lady then filled in the gaps in the exchange praying over the babies and rattling her beads around the cot.

The Gallaghers are also gypsy blood, as Noel himself said.

In fact, it was one of his earliest memories of Ireland when his Ma took the pair of them home.

So much as you're aware that the only Jews I dislike are those that I know, you'll note I also happen to have time for travelers/gypsies and will treat them as I would any other Irish person. Apart from you, who I'd rather clatter in the mouth, then pull your trousers down and trip you up into a nice cold canal with your boots still on. Or not. Depending.

Liam's going to have to figure something out fairly soon, like start writing some music that sells rather than champagne supernova-pissing it up the wall.

That big gaff and even bigger drugs problem isn't going to pay for itself, see.

Don't forget: it was Noel who wrote all the songs, you dumb cunt.

Liam's just a mouth - literally, and is paid his share on that basis and THAT basis alone.

Notice how not even one of Liam's solo efforts even made it onto college/indie radio, let alone mainstream?

He's a flop, Jimmy - lie your little wee-wee.

Mowl, get with the program would ya.

You're a (failed) pub drummer and Liam's a multimillionaire -


New thread created with amendable title.
A sad article on the fate of stray cats.

If there's one thing that angers me it's people getting their family members kittens at Christmas, or on birthdays...only to abandon them as they get older. Cats are small as well, so they're unable to defend themselves against larger predators such as foxes and badgers. Stray cats are also at the mercy of cruel treatment from scumbags, particularly around Halloween, e.g. tying a piece of string around the cat with a banger attached before lighting it.
She was such a beautiful kitty. Looks like a Norwegian Forest Cat I used to have called Max (also a tuxedo).
Why is it that beautiful Eastern European women who could pass for supermodels are also some of the nicest people you'll ever meet...yet fat, ugly Irish skanks are stuck up their own arses as they think they're God's gift to men?
Mainly because of their Ma telling them they're all that and more. It shuts them up when they start whining about how the cellulite keeps building up even though they've cut out the fish and chips and are eating only McDonald's grub. It's also because they look at their Da and wonder how the fuck their Ma even met the cunt, let alone married the drunk bastard.

Their Ma will also remind them that they're still young and 'have it all ahead of them' and other trite bullshit like that which has them thinking that they can still like a young teenie even though they're in their mid-thirties and their nine-inch high-heel court shoes are impossible to walk across the cobblestones in Temple Bar without gathering into groups of three of four all holding each other up, their other hand clutching a bottle of something bright blue coloured and stinking of red bull.

Thighs like tree trunks.

Arses the scale of double decker buses.

Hair plastered solid with hair spray and glitter.

Smoking Johnny Blues one after the other and passing round a little spliff that looks like it was rolled by Val.




Last major sex event they had was giving some bloke head behind the bins outside the back door of Copper Faced Jack's.
It's ironic how these skanks lose the plot over their boyfriends talking to another woman, yet they're probably shagging half of the lads in the village themselves behind his back.
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