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lofl -

"That may be true.

But I referred to historical systemic or structural racism.

Probably what you talk about is an effort to try and
[sic] address the legacy of that." (source)

So what roc_abilly roc_abilly is really saying here, is that there should be systemic discrimination against white people (which he admits there is) in their own countries, in revenge.

I think one of the key things people should understand about the Jewish mindset is that it basically runs on that very idea, revenge.
So what roc_abilly roc_abilly is really saying here, is that there should be systemic discrimination against white people (which he admits there is) in their own countries, in revenge.

I think one of the key things people should understand about the Jewish mindset is that it basically runs on that very idea, revenge.
Poor Jambo. What a fucking cretin.

You really think the motive for the diversity, equity, and inclusion frameworks that emerged under JFK in the 1960's was "revenge"?

(Rather than perhaps a resolve to promote the fair treatment and full participation groups that had historically been subject to discrimination.)

Jambo, here is yet another aspect of your "intelligence" that is absolutely in the gutter. Sub zero.

On a par with the dumbest computer system (chess playing) unable to make inferences using causality rather than correlation.

(Correlation based on the spurious "statistics" that your white supremacist muses deal in, always reinforcing in you the message that you are the victim.)

Jambo, wake up, you're only the victim of yourself, and of your own stupidity and laziness.

Understanding cause and effect is the quintessence of human intelligence.

There are no Jews scheming "revenge" against you and that stupid abstraction you have subsumed yourself in, "muh white race".

This thread was meant to be open to Jambo only when a ban was needed, to try and improve his behaviour and contributions.

An alternative to a complete banning, allowing him to work off his rage and tantrums in view of the forum, so he could be better understood and helped by other posters.

Now he's turned it into yet another virtual fellating of white supremacist and antisemitic creeps on Telegram thread.

This has turned into a mess now - do we need another thread, "Jambo's fellating of white supremacists on Telegram", where he can regurgitate his stupid links (that no one can watch even if they were inclined to, as you need the Telegram app).
Newtownmountkennedy: we used to sing a driving song with only that moniker as the lyric to the tune of:

'..tra-la-la bumpsy-ay,
her knickers flew away.
They came back yesterday:
They were on holidays..'

Except our version was:


Trite, I know.

But we were innocent little kids.

How about you, Jambo?

Ever left the house at all?
Poor Jambo. What a fucking cretin.

You really think the motive for the diversity, equity, and inclusion frameworks that emerged under JFK in the 1960's was "revenge"?
<cough> Bullshit!

There wasn't any mention of 'DEI', was there 'billy.

You replied to someone who said -

"You know, there really is "systemic" racism in the society I live in. It actively discriminates against people of Asian and European descent"

with -

"That may be true.

But I referred to historical systemic or structural racism.

Probably what you talk about is an effort to try and address the legacy of that."

So how exactly is systemic racism today an effort to try and [sic] address the legacy of systemic racism? Write it here -


(Rather than perhaps a resolve to promote the fair treatment and full participation groups that had historically been subject to discrimination.)

Jambo, here is yet another aspect of your "intelligence" that is absolutely in the gutter. Sub zero.

On a par with the dumbest computer system (chess playing) unable to make inferences using causality rather than correlation.

(Correlation based on the spurious "statistics" that your white supremacist muses deal in, always reinforcing in you the message that you are the victim.)

Jambo, wake up, you're only the victim of yourself, and of your own stupidity and laziness.

Understanding cause and effect is the quintessence of human intelligence.
There are no Jews scheming "revenge" against you and that stupid abstraction you have subsumed yourself in, "muh white race".

You can do your Mowl routine all you like but you know what "my" nationalism is.. because in essence it's the same as yours (you just happen to be a stereotypically hypocritical Jew about it).
<cough> Bullshit! There wasn't any mention of 'DEI', was there 'billy. You replied to someone who said -

"You know, there really is "systemic" racism in the society I live in. It actively discriminates against people of Asian and European descent by denying them access to academic placement and employment based on "race". Today they call it "DEI".
This thread was meant to be open to Jambo only when a ban was needed, to try and improve his behaviour and contributions.

An alternative to a complete banning, allowing him to work off his rage and tantrums in view of the forum, so he could be better understood and helped by other posters.

Now he's turned it into yet another virtual fellating of white supremacist and antisemitic creeps on Telegram thread.

This has turned into a mess now - do we need another thread, "Jambo's fellating of white supremacists on Telegram", where he can regurgitate his stupid links
(that no one can watch even if they were inclined to, as you need the Telegram app).
One can, actually. Although the buffering seems to be something awful (if you click on - View in channel, I don't think it's as bad).

You of course know what the solution to that is, you even recommended it yourself in the 'Invisible Thread' (that I saw before I left it) and that's to turn on embedding. Something David could do in 5 seconds (but Mowl won't allow him).
What does it matter what it's called?

Your filthy, satanic mob calls murdering babies - Reproductive Healthcare , ffs

So whether it's Affirmative Action (I think the UK title for that even had the word 'discrimination' in it - Positive Discrimination (Orwell has been with us for a long time)) or DEI, it's the same thing.
I say that it's the same thing but it has gotten progressively (pun unintended) worse.

Specifically because standards have to be dropped.. to fulfil the Marxist egalitarian lie which is firmly rooted in race denialism (reason #45 why race denialism is evil) and people of all races are going to suffer and indeed die because of it.
Guess Who?

This chap ("Neon Nazi" - The Left) -

You said, "There wasn't any mention of 'DEI', was there 'billy." I quoted the post in full, you had left out the next sentence.

Are you fucking brainless.

... but you know what "my" nationalism is.. because in essence it's the same as yours (you just happen to be a stereotypically hypocritical Jew about it).
Your "nationalism" is about imaginary, non substantial fears of "replacement", stoked by grifters, and populists, and youtube, and scientific racism, and all the rest of it.

The ideals of this "nationalism" of yours seem to revolve around sharing Telegram videos of idealised young white girls dressed in frocks running though European meadows at the turn of the century.

Jewish nationalism was founded on the necessity to repatriate Jews from their conditions of persecution, prejudice and continual harassment, that they experienced in Russia, Europe, and elsewhere, and give them a healthy and normal economic existence, allow them be Jews, be themselves, raise their self-confidence, find a secure basis of existence, defend themselves from harassment, recognise their own cultural contributions etc.

(Just as Irish nationalism was founded on similar after hundreds of years of persecution, prejudice and harassment, that we experienced under the British, and its objects were similar)

Then as regards your white supremacist dogma, and slogans, about "multiculturalism for white countries just not for Israel", and "multiculturalism being a codeword for white genocide and anti-racist being a codeword for anti-white", and "anti-whites demand more multiculturalism only of white countries, it's genocide, and the Jews are behind it", and so on.

Well Israel is much more ethnically and culturally diverse than this country.

But they have a specific exigency, stemming from Arab Muslim colonialism and the perception that "Israel, to the Arab world, is like a cancer":

“In demanding the return of the Palestinian refugees the Arabs mean their return as masters, not slaves, or to put it more clearly – the intention is the extermination of Israel.” - Salah al-Din, Egyptian Foreign Minister
“If the refugees return to Israel – Israel will cease to exist.” - Gamal Abdel Nasser
“The day on which the Arab hope for the return of the refugees to Palestine is realized will be the day of Israel’s extermination.” - Abdallah al-Yafi, Lebanese Prime Minister etc.

If I was Jewish, where's the "hypocrisy" in pointing out those differences?

In addition, let's say our Muslim population was around 20% like Israel's (we're at around 1.6%). Would you be happy like most Israelis to get near the magic 50% as long as you had some kind of nation state law in place that ensured the country stayed "... Jewish (Irish in our case) in character, in purpose, religiously or demographically or any other reasonable definition..."?

Your filthy, satanic mob calls murdering babies - Reproductive Healthcare , ffs.
Ah the old views around abortion that for some reason seem to unite all of you unhappy conspiracist minded blame game merchants.

Without coming down on one side or other of the argument, is it not striking how this is perhaps the central characteristic of your racist nationalism after "whiteness"?


And the Irish import variant of the above slogan, created in the US, localised for the yokels.

What does this remind you of? 🤔

'Joe Metcalfe was 15 when he resolved to launch a terror attack in the UK. Shut in his bedroom in his family home, drinking vodka and smoking cannabis, he had become embroiled in the online world of neo-Nazis working to trigger an international race war.'

The state machine created and funded a body to search out these characters in an effort to underpin their 'far-right threat' narrative and propel them into the headlines. A lone teenager surfing the net in his bedroom is threatening us with an 'international race war'! So risible, but so very dark and menacing. But that's its function. To demonise and crush resistance.
And here's the Tory Telegraph swallowing this whole, only to spew it back into the faces of its readers.

You said, "There wasn't any mention of 'DEI', was there 'billy." I quoted the post in full, you had left out the next sentence.

Are you fucking brainless.
Your interlocutor said that that's what systemic racism is called nowadays

Your "nationalism" is about imaginary, non substantial fears of "replacement"
There's nothing imaginary about replacement

, stoked by grifters, and populists, and youtube, and scientific racism, and all the rest of it.
Scientific racism is what you call race realism (i.e. the truth about race)

The ideals of this "nationalism" of yours seem to revolve around sharing Telegram videos of idealised young white girls dressed in frocks running though European meadows at the turn of the century.

Jewish nationalism was founded on the necessity to repatriate Jews from their conditions of persecution, prejudice and continual harassment, that they experienced in Russia, Europe, and elsewhere, and give them a healthy and normal economic existence, allow them be Jews, be themselves, raise their self-confidence, find a secure basis of existence, defend themselves from harassment, recognise their own cultural contributions etc.

(Just as Irish nationalism was founded on similar after hundreds of years of persecution, prejudice and harassment, that we experienced under the British, and its objects were similar)
Jewish nationalism is about a Jewish homeland, as is Irish Nationalism (about an Irish homeland)

Then as regards your white supremacist dogma
I'm not a white supremacist..

How many of your lies have we gotten through now? 🤔

, and slogans, about "multiculturalism for white countries just not for Israel", and "multiculturalism being a codeword for white genocide and anti-racist being a codeword for anti-white", and "anti-whites demand more multiculturalism only of white countries, it's genocide, and the Jews are behind it", and so on.

Well Israel is much more ethnically and culturally diverse than this country.

But they have a specific exigency, stemming from Arab Muslim colonialism and the perception that "Israel, to the Arab world, is like a cancer":

“In demanding the return of the Palestinian refugees the Arabs mean their return as masters, not slaves, or to put it more clearly – the intention is the extermination of Israel.” - Salah al-Din, Egyptian Foreign Minister
“If the refugees return to Israel – Israel will cease to exist.” - Gamal Abdel Nasser
“The day on which the Arab hope for the return of the refugees to Palestine is realized will be the day of Israel’s extermination.” - Abdallah al-Yafi, Lebanese Prime Minister etc.

If I was Jewish, where's the "hypocrisy" in pointing out those differences?
In addition, let's say our Muslim population was around 20% like Israel's (we're at around 1.6%). Would you be happy like most Israelis to get near the magic 50%
Gerrup da fuckin' yard, ya spoofer

First of all, there isn't an indigenous or majority population anywhere that wants to become a minority (notwithstanding your anti-white bullshit) and secondly, according to this, about half of the Jewish population of Israel want the Arabs/Muslims who are there now.. GONE! -

as long as you had some kind of nation state law in place that ensured the country stayed "... Jewish (Irish in our case) in character, in purpose, religiously or demographically or any other reasonable definition..."?

Ah the old views around abortion that for some reason seem to unite all of you unhappy conspiracist minded blame game merchants.

Without coming down on one side or other of the argument, is it not striking how this is perhaps the central characteristic of your racist nationalism after "whiteness"?

And the Irish import variant of the above slogan, created in the US, localised for the yokels.


That was an "anti-vax" protest, ya muppet (so what if they borrowed a slogan from the baby murderers)
Depends how long you stick around: there could be another fifty African countries within another six months weeks at the rate they're going..
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