
X / Telegram etc

By the way, I saw this clip on Telegram recently and I couldn't help but be reminded of roc_abilly roc_abilly.

It's a clip taken from a rather long stream with The Distributist, Wokal Distance and some moderator.

I wouldn't know much about any of them, a little bit about The Distributist, who's not a WN (more of a Christian dude) but he would be the rightist in the debate and Wokal Distance the leftist. But Wokal Distance says that he's against the left, or progressivism at least. But at the same time, he's a libtard, and if you know anything about the left, or a certain part of it (Mercurial for example), you'll know that 'liberal' is a dirty word for them.

Anyway he's for all for 'multiculturalism' for gentiles (and generally nihilistic about it) but not for, have you guessed it? Israel. And what struck me, although he's Christian, or so he says, he admits that he's ethnically Jewish on the stream and in this clip -

He makes the exact same excuse for being all for the 'Brotherhood of Man' for gentiles but not for Jews as roc does.

I mean, it (their un-self-aware hypocrisy), it's.. It's like it's in their DNA.
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Laura Towler (wife of Sam) on Alex Jones..

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Gas the way even a complete fucking crackpot like Val Martin's more popular than you are, isn't it Jambo?

I mean the one thing you do with your time, online from morning til night - whacking your typewriter with those filthy stumps you call fingers a second-hand version of whatever the latest brain-fart on telegram is - and for all your time, effort, consideration, and purpose - you're trailing behind Val Martin to the tune of three thousand people?

There aren't even words to describe how SAD that actually is.

You unbelievably sad bastard.

Yeah - nice one, Mister Irish Nationalist: these black guys you keep trotting out in celebration of your whiteness is telling.

To say the least.

It's telling me that you're too fucking stupid to actually clock how fucking dumb you are.
He's a culchie too, is it?
I don't think that it's a Dublin accent (he has)

Just as well you didn't click on the link the Mowl, you'd be scratching your eyes out -

"Why does Woodsy have hundreds of thousands of followers on social media (Telegram & Twitter) and I only have 9 Facebook 'friends'" 🤣

Woods - I should have guessed.

Coal, Gas & Peat? Check
Electricity? Check
Posts & Telegraphs? Nope - Myles didn't know how to change his name
Forestry & Fisheries? Check - Keith Woods just graduated
E Electricity: has Woodsy ever done any telly work?
LOL @ telly

No one (with a clue) watches telly

Prime Time type shit? Chat shows? Comedy/stand up? How about a night at The International Bar on Wicklow Street? That one's a free for all, a veritable Speaker's Corner with a proper little stage and a mic/PA. I did some poetry/spoken word type shows there back in the 90s. Twenty people and it's stuffed. Ever thought of doing any stand up yourself, Jambo? y'know, a sort of 'One Night Only' speaking engagement where you can cover all the topics of the day that enthuse you?

I'm thinking Val could be elevated to a far more prominent position than he is now: momentum's on his side, but originality sadly isn't. Hardly matters, time loves a hero and he's on a roll. I can get him some attention from the producer of one current talk show. AllI need do is drop him a few choice links to some of Val's more 'out there' moments. The Scratching Song we'll overlook until the general public have met the man proper:

I'm not sure if I linked the correct video, but you get the idea.

If I can vault Val onto the national television screens for even one minute - we can change fucking everything in one fell swoop.

Val's kryptonite is that high-pitched warble he does when he's pretending to find something hysterically funny.

He goes: 'a-haa, ha, haaa, aaaaha, nyuck-nyuch, tahaaaaaaaaaa, ooojaze - ahaaaaaaaaaaa, ha, ha, haaaaaaaaaa-ha, ahem, umm, eh, ummmm, yeh... a um '

Except he doesn't even deliver a punchline beforehand.

It is what it is.

And I think - NO: I'm sure that the Irish general public are more than ready for a new King Of Comedy:

This could be exactly what saves RTE going forward.

Think about it?

This article assumes that the aim of multiculturalism was to produce a rainbow utopia. That is incorrect.
The aim of multiculturalism was to destroy the West and ensure white people were reduced to a hated minority within their homelands.
Things are proceeding exactly as planned.
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#blackandtans #ballyogan
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Michael Healy-Rae

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Gearoid Murphy jumped on an X Space with a bunch of Irish anti-whites (includes one disgruntled African)

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Every single one of them is a babbling retard
So it reminds me of roc_abilly roc_abilly

Obviously 'billy spends most of his online day shilling for his (murderous) tribe but in terms of antiwhiteism, he seems to have two modes of operation; shovel out off-the-shelf anti-white talking points or come up with his own chin-stroking rubbish (I honestly think that he considers himself intellectually superior to his fellow anti-whites)

And it's actually the latter when the most laughable nonsense emerges. That's how you end up with: "Trees don't grow to the sky", s-shaped curves,
not understanding that when replacement is referred to as a "theory", it (solely) means conspiracy theory and so on and so forth..
I just saw this post on Telegram (much to my chagrin, here we go again 🙄) -

If you watch the accompanying 30 second video, it's a (supposed) juxtaposition of a well-known brown anti-white, Ash (literally a communist (LARPer)) Sarkar

I've been talking about this for a while now and I don't think I'm being in any way pedantic. Rightists need to understand this too, when anti-whites refer to replacement as a "theory", they mean conspiracy theory. The 'Left' don't deny that white genocide (although they wouldn't call it that) is actually happening
Ukrainians being driven to the polls in Sligo in Fine Gael's campaign vehicles for their local election candidate Thomas Walsh.

The driver seems surprised that anyone would think this is unethical. That's the level of gombeenism we're dealing with.

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As an outspoken nationalist of whatever type, how do you manifest your stance in the real world?
Mowl, considering it's not my nationalism.. that should be a clue that you can actually google it if you want to learn more about it (best to include search words such as 'ethnic')

Coincidentally, I just saw this video by Blair Cottrell on Telegram which I think is worth a watch (you'll need to install the Telegram app if you haven't already) -


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You'll notice that this Telegram post is forwarded by an English Telegram channel from an Irish one. That's how it (white nationalism) works

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lol Yer wan who beat up Myles O'Reilly in a pub no fan of the state propaganda wing #cheeriocommie

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Separated at birth, John McGuirk and roc_abilly roc_abilly? 🤔..

Interesting exchange with Gript editor John McGuirk. Editor of the main source of anti-immigration reporting in the country is totally fine with the Irish becoming a minority through mass-immigration but a passionate supporter of Jewish ethnonationalism.

Not surprised he didn't respond to the last post, these hasbara talking points like "Israel isn't an ethnostate because Arabs live there" fall apart under any scrutiny.

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lol Yer wan who beat up Myles O'Reilly in a pub no fan of the state propaganda wing #cheeriocommie

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Great news that Niall Boylan was not elected. I posted this clip on his Twitter without comment and he blocked me.

Boylan as part of the fake right is an enemy masquerading as a friend. There as a gatekeeper to stop a real opposition from rising. The Irish right must be extremely vigilant about repulsing these characters. They will say anything to get elected as they are without a Nationalist ideology.

Hermann Kelly and the Irish Freedom Party are part of this fake right group along with Independent Ireland, Aontù and Gript Media.

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