Poor Mowl,
Mowl's rather far away from poor, Jimmy.
In fact, the things I actually value as being part of my personal wealth aren't even necessarily tied to cash dollar money - or material things.
They're all about freedom, choice, quality of life, options to change both tack and track, the security of my migrant life, my happiness quotient in Finnish terms, autonomy, and the sense of being part of a society so far ahead of Ireland that it's convinced me there's nothing whatsoever to be gained from maintaining any connection to the shit-hole country of my birth. You can have her, she's a slut. With scabies.
I can accept that these things mean nothing to a layabout like you: after all - the dole/welfare in Ireland does offer you a certain guarantee that your €235 a week will keep you in drink, frozen pizzas, telephony, and smokes. All in all, you're doing quite well for an idiot of your calibre.
doesn't understand that a Zionist is an ethnic nationalist
Don't care either.
And the only reason you do is to have something that distracts from the hopelessness of your current living conditions.
Something to keep your tiny and hopeless mind ticking over until 'De Grate Revelay-shun' kicks in.
Who the fuck gives a shit about Jewish philosophy anyway, you banal little wanker.
I'll give one thing toroc_abilly, he has poor Mowl wrapped around his little finger
We make a good team when it comes to stripping you of your Liam Gallagher raincoat that everyone can see you for the tiny-dick loser you are.
"If you consider ethnic nationalism to be a bad thing, than zionism is worse than ethnic nationalism. It is pro jewish ethnic nationalism but anti all other ethnic nationalism(European ethnic nationalism, Indian ethnic nationalism, African ethnic nationalism, Arab Nationalism). Zionist not only believe that jews have the right to claim a ethno-nationalist state of their own but also belive that they are the only racial/ethnic group that has the right to claim so. This comes from a purely racial supremacist mentality."
Is Zionism an ethno-nationalist movement?
Michael Corleone's answer: If you consider ethnic nationalism to be a bad thing, than zionism is worse than ethnic nationalism. It is pro jewish ethnic nationalism but anti all other ethnic nationalism(European ethnic nationalism, Indian ethnic nationalism, African ethnic nationalism, Arab
Michael Corleone?
He can't write, or spell.
This is precisely how you waste your meaningless life.
Let's say you're right?
Then what?
Or let's say you're wrong: then what?
Same difference - and you'll still be sitting on your hole waiting for the next dole cheque to arrive.
Nothing you say matters to anyone.
Clearly, the Jews have you right where they want you, right?
I mean, they're obviously really really worried about the things you say and how you say them - right? Never mind to whom (or no one).
You're fighting a battle that started decades before you were terminated/aborted into the world, picked up out of the bucket they threw you into and hosed down, clattered around sufficiently to addle your tiny brain, and then sent out into the wider world as a sort of spastic experiment: how long until your rage begins, how intense it is, how best to contain it, and when to snuff it out.
And that's the point, Jimmy.
Nothing you say or do changes anything anywhere.
Not even here, your only social outlet.
Sad bastard.
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