
Chat ğŸ”¥ğŸ¤¬General Chat Thread

I've understood

Nothing whatsoever.

that you're (quite shockingly) not capable of understanding any content

I told you already: I'm highly content.

You're not.

so I guess that you don't have much of a choice other than endless - Yer Ma

That's about all you've got - when you're not plagiarizing Collect/Woulds/Marge.

But it's deathly boring to anyone with an above room temperature IQ

So you must be feeling really excited?
Looking at the front page of the site, it's interesting to note that in nearly every thread (bar the Chess thread) the last post is by you.

You're a conversation killer.
Looking at the front page of the site, it's interesting to note that in nearly every thread (bar the Chess thread) the last post is by you.

Your tiddlywinks thread is so fucking boring I'd rather stick pins in my eyes than look at it.

Or you - with your big mad crush on an eight year old child.

You're a conversation killer.

I bring the party, I bring the fun, I bring originality and I bring new words for you to learn most days.

Any conversation with you really needs a stiff drink before undertaking.

Nobody wants you around - not on any of the sites.


So you fill in the gaps by talking to people who don't even know you exist.

You're always a week late and two dollars short.
That - or you could do us all a favour and give Jambo a decent seeing to?

He needs a ride more than any man on that feckin' island.

Club him from behind, then drop your knickerbockers and sit on his face.
IQ = 12


What? Being happy? Enjoying day eight of a never-ending heatwave? It's plus twenty-eight down by the beach and over thirty here on the balcony. Tomorrow through to Tuesday will be scorchers as well. Best summer I've had in Finland and it's not even officially summer just yet. Very early start this year after a fierce winter of snow and ice and darkness.

I love it.

It makes me.. .. .happy.

Because I'd miss having you around to laugh at, poke at, take not at all seriously, and remind you every passing day that I'm not only happier than you. I'm aware that I'll be even happier as time goes along. I do this because I know you hate to hear it - that we're happier (and prettier) than you'll ever be. The rain, the wind, the damp. The garbage and filth everywhere. Your inner city lane-ways no longer covered in shit, piss, spit, vomit, needles, broken glass, bags of rubbish torn by the seagulls flying rats.

Whereas up here it's all sunshine and blue skies, a healthy economy and a life worth living.

Do you really find Ireland to be a place that's never boring?

Do you really think Finland's boring?

What's so boring about being the happiest country in the world?
Never heard of the cunt.
Of course you haven't, he's not on the 6.1 Spews

Last night's stream -

You did what with the what now?

Nobody knows what you're talking about, Jimmy.


Actually, I'm very content - and indeed very grateful too. Finland welcomed me in with open arms and gave me everything I ever dreamed of. Beautiful girls all over the place, little summer dresses and lots of skin on display. Packed out beaches with peaches all over. Cold drinks in the fridge and supper already cooked and cooling off. You on the screen to laugh at.

As for your own content?

Remember this? 🤪

You posted it around one hundred and seventeen times a day once day.


Wanna be taken seriously?

Kill yourself.


Yeah, really.
No, he didn't.

He quoted and copy/pasted the written contents of that (Tollagram) link but didn't qualify it by mentioning the author's name.

It's a very traditional ruse from Jambo - he does that all the time....
Oh ffs.

I really thought he had actually said something for the first time in his life.

What a sad bastard.
Your tiddlywinks thread is so fucking boring I'd rather stick pins in my eyes than look at it.

Or you - with your big mad crush on an eight year old child.
I bring the party, I bring the fun, I bring originality and I bring new words for you to learn most days.
None of that is true but regarding the part in bold, that of course has never happened.

What I have noticed (because I'm highly observant) about you is that if I use, shall we say, a less commonly used term you will then start using it afterwards. I'm not sure what degree of consciousness is involved but that isn't an unadmirable trait in and of itself.

But as my line for you goes and as Shania Twain once said, your mediocre vocabulary and passable written English don't impress me much.

Rather than try to expand your vocabulary you'd be better off endeavouring to improve something like your reading comprehension.

Any conversation with you really needs a stiff drink before undertaking.

Nobody wants you around - not on any of the sites.


So you fill in the gaps by talking to people who don't even know you exist.

You're always a week late and two dollars short.
He (Tollah) has made 6 or 7 posts relating to this but I'll leave you with this one..

I actually saw it through somehow.

Another "highlight" was something to the effect of "you say the Irish are going to be a minority by such and such year, but if it gets to 50 percent, the rest will be be 30 percent this and 20 percent that, so the Irish will still be the biggest group, so what's your problem?"

I mean, Christ. Two points: what happens when it gets to 50 percent? It just stops and the demographic shares are just frozen in time? The process via which it will have gone from about 98% to 50% in less than half a century will just come to a violent and permanent halt, will it?

More importantly: you're the ones arguing for the ongoing cataclysmic overturning and destruction of the previous, natural state of affairs, which was ethnic homogeneity. It's for you to explain why the populations of Ireland or any other White country should not be somewhere above 95% native with small numbers of mostly non-citizen foreigners, not for us to explain why they should not be majority foreign - though of course, we can all do that very easily.

They of course cannot explain why, looked at solely from the point of view of native interests, White countries should not be somewhere above 95% native with small numbers of mostly non-citizen foreigners.

That's why you ask them to name a single thing non-Whites can do that we cannot do ourselves and that we cannot survive or thrive without. The entire dispute is covered in that one question. Nothing else matters. All you have to do is keep asking that question. And we know that the only correct answer is, "but there isn't anything non-Whites can do that we cannot do ourselves and that we cannot survive or thrive without."

That means they're left to argue in defence of a plus column containing a few trivialities like South Asian food and foreign music that would be easily recreated or imported in restored ethnostates if the demand remained and which we'd be more than fine without, and a minus column in which our people and our country play host to and are subjected to all of the violence, criminality, degeneracy, incompetence, corruption, ethnic nepotism, competition, and racial/cultural grudges and animus of peoples who are not only foreign, but in most cases, have over the course of history been demonstrably less civilisationally competent and enlightened.

There's a reason why they censor, deplatform, and imprison us rather than putting us on the television and promoting us.

Now who does that remind you of in bold (emphasis mine)? 🤔
So it reminds me of roc_abilly roc_abilly

Obviously 'billy spends most of his online day shilling for his (murderous) tribe but in terms of antiwhiteism, he seems to have two modes of operation; shovel out off-the-shelf anti-white talking points or come up with his own chin-stroking rubbish (I honestly think that he considers himself intellectually superior to his fellow anti-whites)

And it's actually the latter when the most laughable nonsense emerges. That's how you end up with: "Trees don't grow to the sky", s-shaped curves, not understanding that when replacement is referred to as a "theory", it (solely) means conspiracy theory and so on and so forth..
Of course you haven't, he's not on the 6.1 Spews

Last night's stream -

Two hours plus of bullshit from some cunt I never heard of and I'll never listen to, yet you post links anyway.

A little bit of cop-on might suit you well, Jimmy.

Oh ffs.

I really thought he had actually said something for the first time in his life.

What a sad bastard.

He got mad as hell when I pointed that out: he lashed up a load of threats and then deleted them all five minutes later.

I think his crush (the little girl he plays tiddlywinks with) told him to fuck off and leave her alone.

None of that is true but regarding the part in bold, that of course has never happened.

Like me private messaging you a few days back about your chess thread, is it?

You said I PMed you about Pinchymokka - remember?

Not too good at spoofing either, are you?

I haven't looked at any of your threads/links/videos/tiktoks/telegrams/etc.

As you can see - you dumb cunt.

What I have noticed (because I'm highly observant) about you is that if I use, shall we say, a less commonly used term you will then start using it afterwards.


Yeah, in your fucking dreams, you sad bastard.

Everyone knows you're mad about me, mad jealous of me, and mad for my cheeky style.

You, on the other hand - have zero fans, zero originality, zero personality.

I'm the Mowl - and Ireland belongs to me:

I'm not sure what degree of consciousness is involved but that isn't an unadmirable trait in and of itself.

Your alexithymia has been known to preceed you.

Yeah: look it up, Jimmy.

But as my line for you goes and as Shania Twain once said, your mediocre vocabulary and passable written English don't impress me much.

Shania Twain.

Muhammud Ali.

The Bangles.


Like a little girl with a daddy complex.

Rather than try to expand your vocabulary you'd be better off endeavouring to improve something like your reading comprehension.

I speed read at a rate you wouldn't be able to follow. I write at speed too, like streams of consciousness.

As a child I was the school spelling champion: I could roll off the exact spelling of supercalifragilisticexpialidocious in seven seconds. I won every spelling bee we ever held and my teachers said it was incredible that a child so young had such an extraordinary talent. At the age of around three I used to copy Mam and Dad when they were reading. I'd grab a book and look at the blocks of text trying to figure out what they were doing. Then I played a little game I made up: I'd take a pencil, and from the top of the page to the bottom, I'd use the pencil to draw a line through the text (never touching ANY of the letters) the shortest length possible. Neither of them knew what I was doing but later they clocked it when they saw all these penciled in lines I made for them.

That was when they realized I was actually a child prodigy.

Whatever I was given I'd figure it out very quickly - like Rubik's cube, Lego, Meccano, guitar, then drums, then saxophone, and so on and on.

Writing skills was one I wasn't too focused on until I turned teen and was given my first ever essay homework: I wrote a story about fictional character from my neighbourhood who had some very odd habits. When the finished essay was read, marked, and returned, I scored 97% - plus a standing ovation after reading it to the class.

So it reminds me of roc_abilly roc_abilly

What does?


Obviously 'billy spends most of his online day shilling for his own (murderous) tribe but in terms of antiwhiteism, he seems to have two modes of operation; shovel out off-the-shelf anti-white talking points or come up with his own chin-stroking rubbish (I honestly think that he considers himself intellectually superior to his fellow anti-whites)

What's the latest from your trio of doom, Jimmy?

And it's actually the latter when the most laughable nonsense emerges. That's how you end up with "Trees don't grow to the sky", s-shaped curves, not understanding that when replacement is referred to as a "theory", it (solely) means conspiracy theory and so on and so forth..

You must find life a terrible tragedy to endure.

Only solution I can offer you is around six feet of rope.

'Poor little Jimmy - wouldn't let go...'

The" Brotherhood of man" - roc_abilly roc_abilly

Watch on X 👇
Two hours plus of bullshit from some cunt I never heard of and I'll never listen to, yet you post links anyway.

A little bit of cop-on might suit you well, Jimmy.

He got mad as hell when I pointed that out: he lashed up a load of threats and then deleted them all five minutes later.

I think his crush (the little girl he plays tiddlywinks with) told him to fuck off and leave her alone.

Like me private messaging you a few days back about your chess thread, is it?

You said I PMed you about Pinchymokka - remember?

Not too good at spoofing either, are you?

I haven't looked at any of your threads/links/videos/tiktoks/telegrams/etc.

As you can see - you dumb cunt.


Yeah, in your fucking dreams, you sad bastard.

Everyone knows you're mad about me, mad jealous of me, and mad for my cheeky style.

You, on the other hand - have zero fans, zero originality, zero personality.

I'm the Mowl - and Ireland belongs to me:

Your alexithymia has been known to preceed you.

Yeah: look it up, Jimmy.

Shania Twain.

Muhammud Ali.

The Bangles.


Like a little girl with a daddy complex.

I speed read at a rate you wouldn't be able to follow. I write at speed too, like streams of consciousness.
As a child I was the school spelling champion: I could roll off the exact spelling of supercalifragilisticexpialidocious in seven seconds. I won every spelling bee we ever held and my teachers said it was incredible that a child so young had such an extraordinary talent. At the age of around three I used to copy Mam and Dad when they were reading. I'd grab a book and look at the blocks of text trying to figure out what they were doing. Then I played a little game I made up: I'd take a pencil, and from the top of the page to the bottom, I'd use the pencil to draw a line through the text (never touching ANY of the letters) the shortest length possible. Neither of them knew what I was doing but later they clocked it when they saw all these penciled in lines I made for them.

That was when they realized I was actually a child prodigy.

Whatever I was given I'd figure it out very quickly - like Rubik's cube, Lego, Meccano, guitar, then drums, then saxophone, and so on and on.

Writing skills was one I wasn't too focused on until I turned teen and was given my first ever essay homework: I wrote a story about fictional character from my neighbourhood who had some very odd habits. When the finished essay was read, marked, and returned, I scored 97% - plus a standing ovation after reading it to the class.
Mowl, every child scribbles on paper and sometimes wallpaper

I really don't know who you think you're kidding with the "child prodigy" shite. You were so dense (and probably disruptive) in school that you were too stupid for the dunce class

And now you're an adult retard with a major personality disorder

What does?


What's the latest from your trio of doom, Jimmy?

You must find life a terrible tragedy to endure.

Only solution I can offer you is around six feet of rope.

'Poor little Jimmy - wouldn't let go...'

Mowl, every child scribbles on paper and sometimes wallpaper

Wall paper?

I wasn't a vandal - I was raised to live with dignity and respect.

I really don't know who you think you're kidding with the "child prodigy" shite.

Me, the Mowl.

Everyone knows this.

You were so dense (and probably disruptive) in school that you were too stupid for the dunce class

See, now you're just making shit up.

It's not a good look for a man in your position, Shay.

And now you're an adult retard with a major personality disorder

Yes, I can't stand spoofers - I always tear them another arse for their spoofing.

Still wishing you were born black, is it?

You should get some happiness into you.

It's great.

Seriously, but.
Wall paper?
No, wallpaper (one word)

Many children are vandals. I remember (probably because of the reaction) being one myself as a very young child. I did a right job on the wallpaper halfway up the stairs

I wasn't a vandal - I was raised to live with dignity and respect.

Me, the Mowl.

Everyone knows this.

See, now you're just making shit up.

It's not a good look for a man in your position, Shay.

Yes, I can't stand spoofers - I always tear them another arse for their spoofing.

Still wishing you were born black, is it?

You should get some happiness into you.

It's great.

Seriously, but.
No, wallpaper (one word)

Many children are vandals. I remember (probably because of the reaction) being one myself as a very young child. I did a right job on the wallpaper halfway up the stairs

We didn't have wall paper: we painted the walls, three fresh coats once every second/third year (it was my pocket-money chore).

I didn't scribble on the walls because it's a fucking idiot thing to do.

One thing I can assure of: Finnish kids most definitely are NOT vandals: they're polite, respectful, usually silent unless one speaks to them, they're bashful, shy, and often quite introverted. The little tykes even more so. They get allowances earned from chores. Some kids don't want their hair cut, so it's an everyday thing to see four and five year old boys with hair down to their hips. They'll have their precious hair cut off if they neglect their chores/homework/etc.

They're raised in a completely different way to Irish brats - most of whom are being spoiled rotten from an early age.

I notice too how darker skinned (immigrant) children are also very quiet and introverted: it has to do with many aspects of the environment they're raised in. Adults don't speak to kids as though they're stupid. We speak clearly and directly and they heed what they're told. Irish kids? Little fucking cunts, generally speaking.

So when you fucked up the wall paper in your childhood, what happened?

Did you get scolded and told off or did they batter the shite out of you?

I'm leaning towards the latter.
We didn't have
What you should have had is a father who put some manners on you..

wall paper: we painted the walls, three fresh coats once every second/third year (it was my pocket-money chore).

I didn't scribble on the walls because it's a fucking idiot thing to do.

One thing I can assure of: Finnish kids most definitely are NOT vandals: they're polite, respectful, usually silent unless one speaks to them, they're bashful, shy, and often quite introverted. The little tykes even more so. They get allowances earned from chores. Some kids don't want their hair cut, so it's an everyday thing to see four and five year old boys with hair down to their hips. They'll have their precious hair cut off if they neglect their chores/homework/etc.

They're raised in a completely different way to Irish brats - most of whom are being spoiled rotten from an early age.

I notice too how darker skinned (immigrant) children are also very quiet and introverted: it has to do with many aspects of the environment they're raised in. Adults don't speak to kids as though they're stupid. We speak clearly and directly and they heed what they're told. Irish kids? Little fucking cunts, generally speaking.

So when you fucked up the wall paper in your childhood, what happened?

Did you get scolded and told off or did they batter the shite out of you?

I'm leaning towards the latter.
What you should have had is a father who put some manners on you..

You're only saying that because your Ma topped herself.

I had an excellent childhood - truly wonderful all things considered.

I learned at an early age that Irish people weren't part of my destiny, neither was being Irish as such.

I knew from my first school days that I'd get the fuck out of Ireland as soon as I possibly could.

My problem was that I read too many things a child that young shouldn't read.

It changed my world view and I noticed throughout my childhood that I was always more friends with my elders than my peers.

But anyway - about 'putting some manners on you...' - is exactly why Irish kids are so fucking rotten: vicious little cunts who love smashing things up, robbing, breaking, vandalizing, etc. The parents keep battering them and they get worse and worse in their behaviour that they end up as angry and miserable as you. In my family home, violence against the kids was non existent.

And I turned out brilliantly while you're a sad, angry, and lonely little bastard.

The saddest part about that is that you'll never get any better, only angrier, more destructive, ignorant, useless, and self loathing.

Knowing that your aul fella clattered you around so much makes me want to pity you - but I can't quite get there.

Sorry about your Ma, by the way.

is she still dead or what?
You're only saying that because your Ma topped herself.

I had an excellent childhood - truly wonderful all things considered.

I learned at an early age that Irish people weren't part of my destiny, neither was being Irish as such.

I knew from my first school days that I'd get the fuck out of Ireland as soon as I possibly could.

My problem was that I read too many things a child that young shouldn't read.

It changed my world view and I noticed throughout my childhood that I was always more friends with my elders than my peers.

But anyway - about 'putting some manners on you...' - is exactly why Irish kids are so fucking rotten: vicious little cunts who love smashing things up, robbing, breaking, vandalizing, etc. The parents keep battering them and they get worse and worse in their behaviour that they end up as angry and miserable as you. In my family home, violence against the kids was non existent.

And I turned out brilliantly while you're a sad, angry, and lonely little bastard.

The saddest part about that is that you'll never get any better, only angrier, more destructive, ignorant, useless, and self loathing.

Knowing that your aul fella clattered you around so much makes me want to pity you - but I can't quite get there.

Sorry about your Ma, by the way.

is she still dead or what?
Not to stereotype, but you strike me as having (irresponsible) working class parents - "My Mowly dindu NUFFIN!"

I don't have a problem with parents hitting their children (within reason).. and that's probably all your father needed to do, a schlap or two.

And you absolutely did and do not have the wherewithal to be introspective about your own (bad) behaviour. Not then, not now
Not to stereotype, but you strike me as having (irresponsible) working class parents - "My Mowly dindu NUFFIN!"


I don't have a problem with parents hitting their children (within reason).. and that's probably all your father needed to do, a schlap or two.

I take it your aul fella battered the shite out of you every time he got drunk - you can always tell with sad bastards like you.

And you absolutely did and do not have the wherewithal to be introspective about your own (bad) behaviour.

Everywhere I go I'm loved.

Apart from inside your head (rent free).

Not then, not now

'Then' I lived in Ireland - 'now' I do not.

This was exactly how I planned it.

It came to fruition precisely how I made it.

You're still stuck there with no way out, so it's hardly surprising that you're as bitter as two peeled lemons in the eyes.

That's the main reason you trail around after me: you want to be like me, live like me, be as happy as I am.

But sadly that's not your destiny.

Your true destiny is to be my bitch and when I tell you to jump, you say 'how high'?

It's great being the Mowl.

I take it your aul fella battered the shite out of you every time he got drunk - you can always tell with sad bastards like you.
Wrong again

In fact, my father never hit me

Which is what you were sorely in need of (if not by your father then your mother)

Everywhere I go I'm loved.

Apart from inside your head (rent free).

'Then' I lived in Ireland - 'now' I do not.

This was exactly how I planned it.

It came to fruition precisely how I made it.

You're still stuck there with no way out, so it's hardly surprising that you're as bitter as two peeled lemons in the eyes.

That's the main reason you trail around after me: you want to be like me, live like me, be as happy as I am.

But sadly that's not your destiny.

Your true destiny is to be my bitch and when I tell you to jump, you say 'how high'?

It's great being the Mowl.

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