Shouldn't this be on the 'I don't want to admit I'm gay' thread?
I'm working on it, Cap'n.
Jambo here doesn't seem to realize his macho-man routine belies an obvious Hansel & Gretel theme to his own personal tragedy in deluding himself.
It's not that Jambo doesn't 'like' girls - it's more that he prefers male company.
I think it's down to his Ma: she kicked the bucket while he was still in knee-pants.
Now that he's finally in longers it's all gone to his head: dizzy like an ADHD/spoiled brat child on too much lemonade - with access to too many power tools.
Jambo's favourite man is of course his main crush: Keith Woods - ardent X user and writer of Jambo's daily instruction/script.
Other men occasionally intersperse the gist of things in Jambo's world, but it's always back to the woods.
If you know what I mean.
Hairy arses?