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We should get Viriato to join Arsefield's, he'd slow down Dan's site servers with the amount of videos he'd be posting on a daily basis.
Caught red-handed: desperately tries to make a distraction by spoofing about some protest or other.
That's what the article I posted was about, ya dope đŸ˜†

Spoofer, RTE's your best friend - you ARE paying for it after all.

Even if you're not (being the dole head you are) paying for the license, you're still a member of their audience. It's your national broadcaster after all.
Nope, not part of RTE's audience, I told you, I don't watch telly

In that light, you either agree with them, disagree with them, consider them liars or agents of the truth or total spoofers.
I think any Regime hack is a spoofer, journalism died a long time ago the Mowl

But you still abide with them.
Abide? What do you mean by that? đŸ¤”

You can't deny that: no matter how many videos Keith Woods makes, I doubt he made one about that.

Abiding with spin and distortions of the truth makes you part of the problem. By ignoring that simple fact, you place yourself among their ranks. You might try to dismiss them with the occasional crack at their (undeniable) ineptitude, but you still sit there swallowing their Kool Aid.
You claim: 'I checked the RTE website (and theurinal.ie) to see what they had written about the protest..'
So you wanted to read about the protest?
No, I wanted to read what they had to say about it

Why weren't you there with the rest of your pals, Woods, Morgon, Towelhead, et al?

You didn't bother to turn up, instead you stayed home and read about it on RTE.

You're a fucking idiot, Dawson - a total fucking time-wasting little pin-head dick with the brains of a retarded culchie gombeen gobdaw.

You're also a liar, a lick-arse, a long-term spoofer, a drunk, and an unemployed yap sucking at the teat.

What more needs to be said?

You sad bastard - everyone's laughing at you - you dropped your pants at exactly the wrong moment.

Protest? My arse - what the fuck has any protest got to do with you? The only thing that'll ever get you off your lazy hole is a cut in your benefits that leaves you having to choose between bread, tea, chicken wings, frozen pizza, or else your slab of Dutch Gold. You have no credibility, you never did actually. Right now you're a laughing stock and you won't get to forget this boob too easily. I won't let you. Neither will anyone else.

Bet your Z Team are busting their sphincters at you, standing there with your pants around your ankles and your little balls in your hand.

Ask anyone.

Even RTE.


verb: abide; 3rd person present: abides; past tense: abided; past participle: abided; gerund or present participle: abiding
  1. 1.
    accept or act in accordance with (a rule, decision, or recommendation).
    "I said I would abide by their decision"
    comply with

Got it now, RTE fan?

Who's your favourite newsreader on the Six/One?

Do you like Katie Hannon too?

That fat frumpy auld hag who wanted me to appear on her show?

Ever been on the telly, Jambo?


How about the radio?


Ah, sure.. . ..at least you have RTE to enjoy while you figure out what to do with your miserable excuse for a life an existence.
Got it now, RTE fan?
Who's your favourite newsreader on the Six/One?
Don't know who they are

Do you like Katie Hannon too?

That fat frumpy auld hag who wanted me to appear on her show?

Ever been on the telly, Jambo?


How about the radio?


Ah, sure.. . ..at least you have RTE to enjoy while you figure out what to do with your miserable excuse for a life an existence.
How do I "abide with RTE"? đŸ¤”
Val's on a roll at the moment, but like with everything else, he lets it go to his head. He's already making videos mentioning how smart he is, dropping as many number of views as he can as often as he can, and how nobody but him can do what he's doing. And that he's just 'a small farmer 'with cows''.

What does that even mean? With cows? Is he saying that the cows are his partners and business associates? Or is he trying to allude to Orwell's 'Animal Farm' in some tangential way? The farmer in Orwell's book was a violent drunk who abused his animals. Val's a drunk, yes - but a violent one? Hardly. A fisticuffs with Val would last only as long as he can stop his twitchy head from causing his face to fold in on itself. One serious jolt of the twitches and he's on the floor. They're getting so bad these days that they look more like mini strokes.

Also, when his voice goes all high-pitched and he does his mock laughter, can anyone understand anything he's actually saying?

'Whoa, be the jaze - n'me an' all an them isn't it? HaH HAH hAH. Well, be the jaze'n whooooo-hooo, sez I an' all what, d'hokey, dee ya-see now?


"Anti-Nationality" haven't heard that one before.
Remember only Irish people can commit "hate crimes".
The regime allows migrants to victimise Irish people, everyone else gets special protections.

If you defend yourself against a migrant, you can get charged on an "anti-Migrant" hate crime. We have become 2nd class citizens in our own country.
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Lovely green leaves above the water, I can almost smell the Liffey.

The trees up here are only just beginning to bud.

In another month it'll be lush and balmy.

A lake on an island on a lake.

Finnish nature is so wonderful.
Lovely green leaves above the water, I can almost smell the Liffey.

The trees up here are only just beginning to bud.

In another month it'll be lush and balmy.

A lake on an island on a lake.

Finnish nature is so wonderful.
Is one of the tenement blocks in the background yours? đŸ¤”
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