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I think that's a good idea and it should be implemented in Ireland. Time to send some TDs a few emails highlighting the Finnish example. But as usual they'll probably be too busy catering to the potholes crowd, or some other parish pump bullshit...this is Ireland after all.

Simple solutions are simple: if you go to the machine and there's a big bloke standing there loading his tins into the machine, you can also ask him to take a thirty second break by stopping putting items in, request the receipt for credit, let you return your smaller number of items, and then he can continue where he left off. Doesn't matter how many receipts you have, they're all redeemable at the point of sale.

If there's one positive from this it's that it incentivises people to clean up the environment. The less bottles and cans left in forests and dumped into rivers by scumbags the better.

That's exactly why I was so happy to read about Ireland actually getting this done.

It's appalling to see how awful some people can be about dumping their shit anywhere they feel like it.

Ireland's a filthy country: only three or four days ago, the same guys who took the power hoses to the concrete on Mount Street after the migrants were booted out were sent to do the same to the pavements on O'Connell Street where they hosed down the entire street in a few hours. That's the first time I've ever seen or heard about power-washing public streets in Dublin, or Ireland in general.

The last snow melted very quickly. The city sent the guys in to clear all the remaining grit off the pavements and re-store it into the boxes. Then they took out the power washers and now you can't find any grit anywhere: they sprayed the pavements (you can even see the left/right of the swishing of clean water) and the roads, the gutters, the lot. It's now spotless where it was previously a mess of mushy slush pebbled with grit.

Washing the streets in the city centre is a nightly affair: they come around 0500, along with delivery trucks for the outlets. No trucks after 0800 in the city. Finns are used to waking up to clean streets, no trash, and no chewing gum stuck to the ground. That was the thing about O'Connell Street. Every time I came home to Dublin, I'd go from the airport into town to see how things are looking. The streets are full of gobs of green phlegm, the stink of piss everywhere, chewing gum and other shit on the pavements, disgusting crap everywhere - and Irish people STILL wear their shoes inside the home.

I mean, how stupid can you be?

You're stepping into and out of filth and grime, then you walk it into your carpets and mats inside your house?

The fuck?

No shoes beyond the hallway - walking in with your boots on will see you booted back out again.

Never ever wear outdoor shoes inside your home.
Watched a bit of some tourist's drone footage over Dublin city centre (southside) in and around the Dame Street/Stephen's Street area from last night (Friday 10th May) and the streets were teeming with people outside the bars and lounges drinking in the street.
In the entire four minute video shot from just above a tall person's head height, I didn't see one dark skinned person. Not one. They were all white people, standing and sitting around, groups of dozens of girls and boys, chatting drinking and having a laugh.
They were elsewhere

It honestly reminded me of the early 1990's when the Dublin scene really began to explode as a result of the youth and culture of the times.

Yeah, one or two Asians - but hooded black guys in groups? None.

Hard-faced skangers? None.

Pretty girls? Loads.

Regular blokes? Loads.

Laughter, people-watching, people talking to each other rather than engrossed in the phone/device.

I found it rather heart-warming, it's some of the nicest reminders of my old Dublin, which I know doesn't exist any more.

But a guy can dream, eh.

By "migrants" presumably it's meant asylum seekers (fakeugees)
At least the black lads get up off their holes to see the city they live in.


Not so much.

Sloganeering little tosser.

Get a fucking grip, you stupid little cunt.
MORBIDLY OBESE White NGO woman threatens to call Regime enforcers on citizen journalist for "breaking the law" filming at Dublin's Grand Canal migrant camp

Watch on YouTubeđŸ‘‡

Pity the poor black or brown bastard who drew the short straw to have to eh, service her needs đŸ¤¢
LOL at the Irish pub in the background.

Ever considered letting a willing Somalian lick your little balls E Electricity ?

For beer money, like?


It's not as though I'm suggesting you'd actually enjoy it, right?
The wonder of the modern age is that you can rent a person of pretty much any nationality or age or religion quite cheap.

Look at Ireland in general.

What are you doing out of bed?


That's the slabs of Dutch Gold fucking with you again, right?

Sounds like this angry brown shitebag came from war-torn France

He didn't look particularly brown-skinned to me.

Here he is fucking the NGO Irish slag with him in the tent afterwards -

That's how you get your kicks, eh Jambo?

Perving at people fucking in a tent?

You've never been to a large music festival, have you?
The heat from the midday sun is absolutely brutal today. Yet I bet you'll still get gobshites walking around toppless...just asking for sunburn and a few nights insomnia due to the pain.

With global warming we're going to need a hell of a lot more trees for shade in this country. Time to start investing in air conditioning as well methinks.
The heat from the midday sun is absolutely brutal today. Yet I bet you'll still get gobshites walking around toppless...just asking for sunburn and a few nights insomnia due to the pain.

You think the cops had it bad with the refugees down Mount Street end of the Grand Canal?

They'll have a tougher job with all the Paddies and Biddies outside the pubs along the bridges further up towards Ranelagh.

With global warming we're going to need a hell of a lot more trees for shade in this country.

You'll give Val a heart attack with that kind of talk.

Still - better than him giving himself a stroke, mind you.

The twitchy fucker.

Time to start investing in air conditioning as well methinks.

We've got fifteen degrees today, but it'll get warmer into the evening.

This is a perfect time of the year: the trees are all budding, spring flowers all over the place, blue skies and clear water. I went down to the last bridge and weir along the River Vantaa which spills all the melt water out into the estuary and on out to sea. Two weeks ago the waterfall was still mostly frozen, but it's completely melted away. The only snow we have in the south are the big piles out by the main prison where we dump it every winter.

My house plants are all sprouting new leaves and fronds, and four of them are taller than I am myself.

New season, new start, new life.

The Eurovision Song Contest was morphed into a 'gay' thing in the 80s/90s. The first 'trans' winner was 'Dana International' (born Yaron Cohen) in 1998. Now it is an overt celebration of degeneracy, particularly aimed at our youth.
It's the slippery slope yet again, with a good hard push from the usual suspects. Every Single Time!

Here, were you hanging out over at Jambo's place last night, Missus?

We haven't seen the sad bastard all day - what the fuck did you do to the lad?

That fanny of yours could house him and his hump ten times over - can you check he isn't lost somewhere up your flange?
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