
Jambo/Electricity/Saul/CG&P: Irish Nationalism v Old Age Pensioners

The state of Declan?

Check out his interior decoration? I say his, but it's actually Marianne's (his long-suffering and main sponsor) dead mother-in-law's decor you're looking at. In Boston, the plastic Paddies refer to weak-assed plastics as 'Lace Curtain Bum-Boys' who brought their Irish traditions with them to Southie. Not only is Kelly a bum boy, but he even added those little purple curtains up on top that serve no purpose whatsoever, but to his eye, it indicates 'great wealth' and a successful venturing about the silver and gold stakes, neither of which he any of.

The painting of the coffin ship on the wall-papered wall behind him is hilarious: probably one of the mother in law's last paintings before she croaked her last.

Here's another angle of the lounge in Declan's 'mansion' built from his investments in gold and silver with the intention of producing 'my own coin' which sadly never happened. If it did it'd be a miracle. But here's himself trying to act young and vital, but failing miserably:

Fat fool.

Aaah, isn't it nice that Jambo finally found someone to call a pal:


'Jaze but, I just had a look there for the first time in a few months.


He's gone totally off the deep end.

Nah - just having some fun needling you and your pathetic existence.

I'd say he's stir-crazy on the deserted site, every day just him Gowling at the Moon..'

You're even beginning to write posts like your other best bud Clamp/Piggery.

Poor Jimmy, has even less balls than mates.

Can't stand on his own two feet - needs Roundy and Swordid to prop him up.

Well Dan and Swords protect him. From my own perspective, when I post stuff that goes too close to the bone for Jambo, they just delete it.

Happens all the time on Arsefield's. Happened just last night.

So you see Jambo isn't wholly a believer in "free speech", only in his own right to spam his conspiracist drivel. So I'd say that's why he is still cowering over there, sucking up to those two mutants.

That's the explanation right there, Jambo, Wolf and Feeney are too chicken shit to come over here and get into a one-on-one without any assistance from above. Much easier to just be a snivelling little coward, hiding under Mammy Dan's dress while acting the internet hard man - safe in the knowledge that any rebuttal would result in an instant ban.

Dear Jambo, Wolf and Feeney...either come over here and face Mowl like a man or just shut the fuck already.
Gas fun today.

Roasting Frank- into the -enstein of his dual-personality self was hilarious. Talk about giving him enough rope? The more you laugh at him the angrier he gets. He's like a petulant little girl with a ridiculously overestimated notion of how pretty she is. Pimples all over the face giving the lie to his Ma's daily fish and chip diet of carbs and a full slab of Dutch Gold to avoid dehydration. Filthy skin to be born into. Greasy, oily, rather pale-blue, and frighteningly grim-looking.

The Feeney's have that ugly DNA that demolishes generation after generation's chance of ever being less than mutant-looking - and fat.

Especially fat.

And ugly.

Mutant, even.

Take Declan Kelly's multiple chins, fat gut, and charmless personality?

Or Val Martin's toothless guffawing at life?

Or young Anderson's zits and boils?

These guys are hilarious.

Notice how I didn't even need to mention Jimmy and his last grasp at 'making friends' before he dies?

Bear in mind here: his Ma died when he was nine years old, and he has no problems telling you he doesn't remember much about her.

He was raised by his Da - a Protestant civil servant in his sixth decade of public service: Jambo learned everything he knows when his Da was out.

At the pub, sometimes - yes.

Fucking hookers in bed and breakfast lodges on the weekends.

And a big fan of Barry Manilow the rest of the time.

Gas lads.

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