The state of Declan?
Check out his interior decoration? I say his, but it's actually Marianne's (his long-suffering and main sponsor) dead mother-in-law's decor you're looking at. In Boston, the plastic Paddies refer to weak-assed plastics as 'Lace Curtain Bum-Boys' who brought their Irish traditions with them to Southie. Not only is Kelly a bum boy, but he even added those little purple curtains up on top that serve no purpose whatsoever, but to his eye, it indicates 'great wealth' and a successful venturing about the silver and gold stakes, neither of which he any of.
The painting of the coffin ship on the wall-papered wall behind him is hilarious: probably one of the mother in law's last paintings before she croaked her last.
Here's another angle of the lounge in Declan's 'mansion' built from his investments in gold and silver with the intention of producing 'my own coin' which sadly never happened. If it did it'd be a miracle. But here's himself trying to act young and vital, but failing miserably:
Fat fool.
Check out his interior decoration? I say his, but it's actually Marianne's (his long-suffering and main sponsor) dead mother-in-law's decor you're looking at. In Boston, the plastic Paddies refer to weak-assed plastics as 'Lace Curtain Bum-Boys' who brought their Irish traditions with them to Southie. Not only is Kelly a bum boy, but he even added those little purple curtains up on top that serve no purpose whatsoever, but to his eye, it indicates 'great wealth' and a successful venturing about the silver and gold stakes, neither of which he any of.
The painting of the coffin ship on the wall-papered wall behind him is hilarious: probably one of the mother in law's last paintings before she croaked her last.
Here's another angle of the lounge in Declan's 'mansion' built from his investments in gold and silver with the intention of producing 'my own coin' which sadly never happened. If it did it'd be a miracle. But here's himself trying to act young and vital, but failing miserably:
Fat fool.