
Green agendar not goodd


It ruinngs thee farmingg economicy. Wat wronng farmerr makin livin andd jus relaxin pint or too in th pub. Itt not askig fuckin muhc now is i

Eam9n Ryann is deth of farming. No more3 food on thee tsble four th3 jackeens down thre inn Dubljn.

Youu taker awayy th farms an their nothings left. It not fuckin dificultt to sea. Stops th greenrs orr it too late
Your man who opened the Irish burger chain Supermac's won his case yesterday, giving hope to the small farmer with just the one acre.

Kick him in the shins and he'll have another acre.
Needs least 100 acre for the modren farmin includin th tilage.

Neer the retirin age so son wantt to do the farmings. He in Garda butt betre off had ben in th army as theys use the gunss.

The crowss ar fuckerrs four stealin the seeds an needd to be goods aim to get rid o thems
Nott times for th politicals at al wit thr farmng.

But doo alwats giv thw locale Fiana Failer lad th votew
Th barn catt hav kitens. Two expenersiv too shot wi th buletrs

Beter jusy drown inn ther buket
Why do farmers think they've a God-given right to shoot / kill any animal which crosses their path?
Because killing and maiming is an integral part of their daily lives. They breed animals whether sheep, cows, pigs, but they never get too emotionally involved, not unless your name is Val and it's late at night and you've had a few too many. Killing is part of life for them. Personally, I couldn't put even a kitten down without floods of emotions, but culchies seem to lack that aspect of nature and respect for life.

And when they're not killing them, they're battering and buggering them - how else does Val make it through the long lonely nights sleeping in the barn upwind of the sheep? They could smell him coming from two hundred yards. Even over and above the rank air above the shitting ditch. Apparently he's over in Italy boring the knickers off the Italians who likely never met a subhuman being before.

Imagine the table manners? The missing teeth? The smell of fertilizer off him? The desperate need to appear smarter than anyone else at the party. gulping down his tay while the other guests are sipping fine wines? By the time he's ready to leave, the Italians will likely quit being EU members. Just in case, like.

Keep an eye on his YouTube channel later in the evening - I've a feeling tonight's the night for some international farming news.

The poor cunt's probably wandering around Milan or Rome looking for a real Italian fish and chip shop.
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Val will probably end up getting drunk and offending some Mafioso guy.

He'll be sleeping with the fishes at the bottom of the Tiber.
I'd love to travel around Italy one day, so many places to see there:

▪︎San Gimignano
▪︎The Amalfi Coast
▪︎The Alps


You'd almost pay for the holiday with the amount you'd save on cigarettes in comparison to Ireland - including the 1 kg of rolling tobacco you're allowed bring back home through customs within the EU. The only thing I didn't like about the school trip to the Italian Alps back in 2003 was the drivers. This one lunatic bus driver was speeding around corners, on icy roads...with a thousand foot drop separated only by a metal railing. That was absolutely terrifying.
Counting up I have been to Rome, Florence, Siena, San Gimignano, Venice and the Italian Alps so haven't done too badly. Siena probably my favourite among that lot. I'd recommend the north of Italy too, up around Perugia.

It is an enormous plain where the towns are all built onto rock formations jutting out of the plain. It is where Hannibal and his crew having crossed the Alps spread out across the plain of Umbria to invade Italy and threaten Rome. In the evenings you can go to the back of Perugia and watch as the low lying mist creeps in and as evening turns into night you can see the lights of various towns on the escarpments which begin to look like passenger ships on a grey sea.

Boar-hunting country so the food there is extraordinarily good and let's face it the Italian lads know a bit about delicatessen meats. Never been to the Amalfi coast which is the one I'd pick if I was going back to Italy. Been to Rome a few times and recommend getting up at 5am or so and going out for a walk towards the Martial fields way. With no-one around and the sun beginning to slant in you can half close your eyes and get a glimpse of ancient Rome. The Vatican doesn't interest me but ancient Rome does. The Rome of Rodolfo Lanciani (died 1929), a magnificent fellow whose maps of the layers of Rome are still standard maps to the ancient city. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/map-rome-history-lanciani-artifact

Amazing fellow Lanciani. I came across a memoir of his which I think is exquisite. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodolfo_Lanciani If you are ever going to Rome I recommend translations of his works to set you up.

Venice was alright for a day but ye gods that basilica has to be the ugliest piece of architecture I've ever seen. A collection of stolen goods, as if designed by an Essex fence of burgled goods. Topped off with gold painted horses stolen from Constantinople. A city of cultural thieves in its heyday and it shows.
Sounds like fun to me.

One of my best-remembered - if rather unusual train journeys on InterRail, was an overnight run starting out from Aix-en-Provence in the early evening and on to Rome in the morning. An old fashioned train with lots of wood detailing in the cabins. We found an empty cabin and unpacked our stuff and set ourselves up with food and drinks. We hit Marseille soon after and from there we watched the sunset on the Mediterranean Sea as we hugged the coastline all the way up to Ventimiglia. Passport control checked us and the train supervisor told us there'd be few passengers through the night so we pulled out the seats and made a big bed with our sleeping bags and set up a picnic of wines and treats. The window in the cabin became a movie screen of passing towns and bays as the night rolled in, yachts and boats out in the bay also having parties and by the time we hit Genoa we were overwhelmed with the sheer beauty of it all. So we got some sleep and woke up refreshed.

A few hours later we were nearing Rome and other passengers began to arrive, so we put the seats back in order and were soon after joined by an Italian couple. They didn't speak to each other at all and the tension was odd to say the least. The lady was gorgeous but her guy was a roundy little thing with a bald head. He was doing a crossword and he had a pen he wouldn't stop clicking the top of as he ruminated over the clues. Myself and herself were rather pissed off with this and I saw that the lady with him was too. She'd look at him with these withering stares and I dozed off again. I had two seats to myself so I huddled up and went to sleep again.

Just outside Rome I uncurled and sat up straight and stretched, I noticed that the Italian woman and her baldy little bloke were now glaring angrily at me. My girlfriend too was trying to communicate something to me with her eyes but I was too sleepy to clock it. Her baldy little husband looked at me fairly angry too. I was wondering what all the fuss was and when we got to Rome and hopped off the train, my lady friend started laughing hysterically. I asked what was so funny? She told me what happened:

While sitting up and sleeping, I had tried to turn and shift into a more comfortable position. In doing so, I stretched out my right leg (which had pins and needles in) and smacked the woman in the side of the head, which in turn bounced off the window. As my girly was telling me, a picture began to form in my mind and suddenly it came back to me: yes, I had tried to get comfortable, and yes - in doing so I walloped the woman's head into the window with my bare foot. Then rolled a little more and went back to sleep. I saw exactly what I did, but for some reason it didn't register. Red wine and spliffs, you see.

So we went for a coffee just outside Rome central station and when we took our table, guess who was sitting at another table nearby?

We lashed the coffee down and got out of there - prontolissimo.

Busting our guts laughing.

Man, I love InterRail.

You mentioned Marseilles there, Mowl. Along that coast from Marseille to Nice is just gorgeous, the 'Blue' train I think they call it? Fantastic journey and I did it myself way back. Like a dream. The colours all offset by the deep blue Med. One of the best train trips in Europe I reckon.
Definitely, it was unforgettable, even with the head-kicking and clickety-clack pen people.

I'd love to see Ireland try to replicate a train journey of similar epic proportions: think about it? From Malin Head to Mizen Head, either clockwise or anticlockwise? Absolutely stunning on the Atlantic coast, the jagged rocks and tiny islets, or from Belfast down to West Cork on the east coast? Amazing.

But what did Ireland do?

They created a do-it-yourself type coastal walk - then charged you for it.

The Wild Atlantic Way is another cheap-assed kick in the teeth: 'here, we're going to take your tax euro and spend a huge pile of it on fences and a few hand-painted signs. If you want to walk on it, it'll cost you. Pay up or fuck off..'
You mentioned Marseilles there, Mowl. Along that coast from Marseille to Nice is just gorgeous, the 'Blue' train I think they call it? Fantastic journey and I did it myself way back. Like a dream. The colours all offset by the deep blue Med. One of the best train trips in Europe I reckon.

Small beer: the InterRail ticket and the various types of trains in different countries have a variety of names. The S2000 in Sweden for example: Stockholm to Goteborg in less than three hours. The slower overnight trains like the Paris/Amsterdam line, full of party people, hopping from cabin to cabin, swapping stories, spliffs, drinks, music, mental stuff. The Amsterdam/Berlin overnight was insane.

The trans-European overnight lines - we referred to them as trannies.

The innocence of it all?
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