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I was just writing about my own over on the music thread. I was a loner, the only blokes from school I hung with outside of school hours were usually the freaks and weirdos. Music, art, and literature were better friends to me than out on the streets. My Dad and I had a falling out because I quit soccer and GAA, rugby too. But when he saw my brother bloom, he was really proud.

But I had to show him and let him make his own mind up.

We went to watch him train and play with Ballyfermot United (which I was previously a player for).

That's when the penny dropped.

I had a similar mate named Terry Lee - he was the weirdest kid I ever met.

Also a bit of an eejit in that in his late teens he wanted to be an alcoholic. Really, that was his wish. He sold two beautiful guitars for peanuts so he could 'experience rock-bottom' and act out the role he learned from another freak we met busking, and he WAS an alcoholic. A right fucking gouger I despied at first sight.

Terry Lee died young, he went to teach English in Spain after his Mam died. The old man died soon after and the younger brother simply sold the house, took the money and fucked off to Asia, spending the whole lot. Weird family, very snooty, totally NOT suited to Ballyer.

I loved Lego, I was given gifts of it for years.
Meek equates with intelligence?

How so?
Well I don't exactly think that it's an equation. He wasn't a kool kid, a bit.. nerdy, reserved, intelligent, not very forceful.

Then again, you know what the Bible says about the meek..

No, comics weren't my thing.
You've heard of Warren Zevon?

Music is educational in more ways than one.

Sounds a bit derivative (and boring) to me

So neither of you called each other nasty names?

That's early childhood for you - there's lots to learn along the road to manhood.


My childhood school days were mostly crap: I was too smart to be lumped in with the gobshites and far too mature for my age. That came from the way I preferred the company of older people. I was too well read for a Ballyer kid and that fucked with the teacher's ways of handling me. They knew that if they clattered me that my old man would be calling by next AM to repay the gesture, so at least I didn't have that to worry about.

The lessons learned from childhood will mostly stay with you, and maybe even more occasions of magical memories can occur to us as we age.

I have an almost photographic memory of my childhood, and I can list the books that shaped throughout those years.

Books and Ballyer aren't exactly best friends.
I suppose every moral has its story
Lumpy Von Talbot Lumpy Von Talbot:
The Final Analysis

If you haven't already read my previous posts relating to this then please do so now:

So, it's somewhat of a mystery why Lump is anti-Israel if we consider the fact that his religion is Holocaustianity, say something that he doesn't like about the Holocaust and you'll be "dead to him".

In fact, I would say that his Holocaustianity is on a par with 'Ricard's and Parlon's, who are both staunchly pro-Israel, so why not the Lump? 🤔 And I see that Zippy has expressed her surprise at this state of affairs too -

Post in thread 'Israel-Palestine it's Endgame?' https://politics.ie/threads/israel-palestine-its-endgame.288554/post-14088701

I think that the answer does actually boil down to religion.

Lump is a (rather juvenile) atheist/anti-theist as we all know.. But aren't Muslims religious, as he erroneously thinks all Jews are? Well yes, but I think a bit of leftism kicks in here. Leftists view Islam more as a race than a religion and Lump wouldn't want to find himself "punching down" (on brown people) as it were. I mean, he may share Holocaustianity with 'Ricard and Parlon but he wouldn't share their Islamophobia.

So I think that he's concocted this notion (as described in my previous posts) that Israel is a theocracy and -

Post in thread 'Israel-Palestine it's Endgame?' https://politics.ie/threads/israel-palestine-its-endgame.288554/post-14088931

"I have nothing but contempt for theocracies."

So that how he escapes the conundrum of the horrors of the 1930/40s perpetrated against the Jews by (the biggest bogeyman of them all) the Nazis as well as being anti-Israel. QED.

If you have any criticism of my analysis then please feel free to say it.
Well I don't exactly think that it's an equation. He wasn't a kool kid, a bit.. nerdy, reserved, intelligent, not very forceful.

Then again, you know what the Bible says about the meek..

The meek ain't gonna inherit shit - 'cos I'll take it.

A Dublin band called Something Happens! opened his show at The National Boxing ring many years back, and when one/two of his own players were ill, he roped them in as his backing band for a time. They had a few Irish chart hits with songs like 'Hello, Hello, Petrol' - commonly referred to as the source/rip off of Bono's inspiration on Vertigo.

Others included 'Parachute' (a big hit on Irish radio) and 'Forget Georgia'.

Worth a listen.
Sounds a bit derivative (and boring) to me

He had a bigger hit with this one:

I suppose every moral has its story

If I can influence just one Ballyer kid to be the best they can be, then it'll have been worth the effort of staying in touch with my community in Ireland.

Just as others helped me along in many different ways, I'd like to repay the gesture. So when people write to me with their problems and issues, I always do my best to help them along to where they need to be. Hence the ever-growing population on the BBBB (over nine thousand eight hundred-plus by now).

I sleep better at night knowing my Mam is safe from any harm.
No, it's a lurking account that's been there since I don't know when.

The current threads are all scraped and spidery.

The most recent being from Cunt/Connolleagues.

How sad is that?
He's back! Lumpy Von Talbot Lumpy Von Talbot

Post in thread 'Israel-Palestine it's Endgame?' https://politics.ie/threads/israel-palestine-its-endgame.288554/post-14090132

"I quoted the Israeli Supreme Court case in 2013 which denied such a thing as an 'Israeli nationality' existed outside of a core qualification of being jewish."


Read your own cited article (for comprehension) birdbrain, 'Israeli nationality' does not exist for anyone, period.

And it seems rather obvious that the reason it doesn't is because that would put all Israeli citizens (Jewish and non-Jewish) on an equal footing.. Which the Jews don't want because Israel is a Jewish ethnostate.

The only reason the mods are accusing you of "trolling" is because they don't realise that you're a dumbass (and a soapbox dunce)
Th barn catt hav kitens. Two expenersiv too shot wi th buletrs

Beter jusy drown inn ther buket
Jaze yeah, him. Another spammer

Another no-life having twat.

His written English is pathetic - like his mannerisms.

Great post! -

Maybe, but only going by Arsefield's standards - which are so low as to be leading into the minus regions.

Post in thread 'Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/mass-migration-to-ireland-europe.252/post-102991

It's not even a great tweet

He needs a great clatter in the ears, the simping little groveler.
Why do farmers think they've a God-given right to shoot / kill any animal which crosses their path?
Because killing and maiming is an integral part of their daily lives. They breed animals whether sheep, cows, pigs, but they never get too emotionally involved, not unless your name is Val and it's late at night and you've had a few too many. Killing is part of life for them. Personally, I couldn't put even a kitten down without floods of emotions, but culchies seem to lack that aspect of nature and respect for life.

And when they're not killing them, they're battering and buggering them - how else does Val make it through the long lonely nights sleeping in the barn upwind of the sheep? They could smell him coming from two hundred yards. Even over and above the rank air above the shitting ditch. Apparently he's over in Italy boring the knickers off the Italians who likely never met a subhuman being before.

Imagine the table manners? The missing teeth? The smell of fertilizer off him? The desperate need to appear smarter than anyone else at the party. gulping down his tay while the other guests are sipping fine wines? By the time he's ready to leave, the Italians will likely quit being EU members. Just in case, like.

Keep an eye on his YouTube channel later in the evening - I've a feeling tonight's the night for some international farming news.

The poor cunt's probably wandering around Milan or Rome looking for a real Italian fish and chip shop.
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Val will probably end up getting drunk and offending some Mafioso guy.

He'll be sleeping with the fishes at the bottom of the Tiber.
Checkmate, bigots

Post in thread 'Almost 200,000 immigrants came here & stayed in just 6 years, says the CSO' https://politics.ie/threads/almost-...ust-6-years-says-the-cso.282329/post-14089893
I notice the very next post is from another frother, The Nal commenting on how amazin'! Jack Walsh's anecdote is -

"Only took her 8 years from when she arrived. Assuming with no English either. Incredible."

Yeah, perhaps read the Pravda propaganda piece first, huh -

"I thankfully had English, so that was one less barrier", she said

The reality is that the lovely cailin hijabi probably came here as part of a family of educated, affluent asylum shoppers from the Middle East (stealing a scholarship from an Irish kid)
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