

To distract us from the fact that he still loves dressing up as a woman.

Any excuse at all to shove a few pairs of socks into his wife's bras and ham it up for the Cavan cross-dressers.

Full on transvestite, actually.
Why are rural male gombeen-types so loud, brash, uncouth, confrontational, leering etc? The type who'd start a fight with you at the drop of a hat.

As an introverted sort I really hate encountering this type of thicko and try to avoid at all costs.
So it's simple Simon Harris for Ireland's next Taoiseach and Fine Gael party leader. The age issue is a factor here, no? Do you think this kid has the gumption to fix a few obvious things up like maybe manning the arrivals gates to check who the fuck is landing themselves on Urrland lately, or will he continue with the same Fine Gael tactic of open borders for all?

He's a year younger than Sanna Marin - one year younger, but he's assuming the prime ministerial job at an older age than Sanna was when she assumed the prime minister's role. Sanna deftly guided Finland through some rather heavy-weight moments including the Covid period, the ascension into NATO, and four of our seven years run as 'World's Happiest Country' much to the chagrin of die-hards like Jambo and all the gang over on the gay bar site. They're currently yapping about 'jibby-jabbies' which makes me want to remove their eyeballs from their sockets and soak them in lemon and vinegar before tearing the root nerves out and stomping the things into mush.

What'll Simon's big entrance piece be? Will they have a photo of the new children's hospital projected onto the wall behind him or will they try to shush that one up given the continuing stretch on the budget? Where does he stand on the immigrant issue? Where does he stand on the Northern Ireland issue? Ukraine? Palestine? Washington? What's his plan for all those tented folks lining your streets? Look at the little pup? He's a fucking child.

So what now for Urrland?

You seriously reckon this little bollocks is going to last the distance or will it all fall apart and a general election called?

In fact - why aren't you lot out DEMANDING a general election?

These guys are simply walking into and out of your parliament house like it's a fucking amusement arcade.

They drop a few coins in the slot and pull the handle, hopefully coming up with a ministerial role as winnings.

Where's Urrland going to be in two years from now?

What exactly the fuck is wrong with you people?

'Lieutenant Steve? Lieutenant Steve???'

So it's simple Simon Harris for Ireland's next Taoiseach and Fine Gael party leader. The age issue is a factor here, no? Do you think this kid has the gumption to fix a few obvious things up like maybe manning the arrivals gates to check who the fuck is landing themselves on Urrland lately, or will he continue with the same Fine Gael tactic of open borders for all?

He's a year younger than Sanna Marin - one year younger, but he's assuming the prime ministerial job at an older age than Sanna was when she assumed the prime minister's role. Sanna deftly guided Finland through some rather heavy-weight moments including the Covid period, the ascension into NATO, and four of our seven years run as 'World's Happiest Country' much to the chagrin of die-hards like Jambo and all the gang over on the gay bar site. They're currently yapping about 'jibby-jabbies' which makes me want to remove their eyeballs from their sockets and soak them in lemon and vinegar before tearing the root nerves out and stomping the things into mush.

What'll Simon's big entrance piece be? Will they have a photo of the new children's hospital projected onto the wall behind him or will they try to shush that one up given the continuing stretch on the budget? Where does he stand on the immigrant issue? Where does he stand on the Northern Ireland issue? Ukraine? Palestine? Washington? What's his plan for all those tented folks lining your streets? Look at the little pup? He's a fucking child.

So what now for Urrland?

You seriously reckon this little bollocks is going to last the distance or will it all fall apart and a general election called?

In fact - why aren't you lot out DEMANDING a general election?

These guys are simply walking into and out of your parliament house like it's a fucking amusement arcade.

They drop a few coins in the slot and pull the handle, hopefully coming up with a ministerial role as winnings.

Where's Urrland going to be in two years from now?

What exactly the fuck is wrong with you people?

'Lieutenant Steve? Lieutenant Steve???'

Gosh, you really do take the dog and pony show very seriously
Gosh, you really do take the dog and pony show very seriously

It's a comedy show to me, Jimmy.

I haven't missed even one episode of the Six/One News for the last three months or so, I switch it on for morning coffee and usually listen and laugh along for the first half hour of actual news. The other crap I switch off. I see they busted your man for burning the Ship Wright pub in Ringsend. Big deal there. Loads more drugs found and a few lads hauled in for it. In fact, the drugs hauls of the last month must have taken how many millions off the streets?

You lot'd be better off just skying the dope away until the heat's off, then putting it out onto the streets yourselves - to each other, like.

I bet you the coppers are all pocketing bags of coke and weed for home use.

They're cunts like that.
I haven't missed even one episode of the Six/One News for the last three months or so
Baha! What a waste of time 😆

I mean, I guess you need some material for your Facebook page though (that no one reads), right? Did you ever get unbanned? 🤔

, I switch it on for morning coffee and usually listen and laugh along for the first half hour of actual news. The other crap I switch off. I see they busted your man for burning the Ship Wright pub in Ringsend. Big deal there. Loads more drugs found and a few lads hauled in for it. In fact, the drugs hauls of the last month must have taken how many millions off the streets?

You lot'd be better off just skying the dope away until the heat's off, then putting it out onto the streets yourselves - to each other, like.

I bet you the coppers are all pocketing bags of coke and weed for home use.

They're cunts like that.
Baha! What a waste of time

Poor Jambo - he's reeking of mortification.


I mean, I guess you need some material for your Facebook page though (that no one reads), right?

So that one's also still bugging you?

Hah hah!


Did you ever get unbanned? 🤔

Nah, I'm still banned - somebody else has been pretending it's me.

How about you?

Still banned from the gay bar site?

Ah, bless: Saul and Clap/Corny must be pining for you?

Does it chafe?
Poor Jambo - he's reeking of mortification.


So that one's also still bugging you?

Hah hah!


Nah, I'm still banned - somebody else has been pretending it's me.

How about you?
Still banned from the gay bar site?
Last I checked

I'll put in a formal request for my account to be deleted at some point

Any chance that site had of being much more than a handful of 70 IQ idiots barking at each other has been well and truly lost

Ah, bless: Saul and Clap/Corny must be pining for you?

Does it chafe?
No, I didn't

Ah, but yes - you did.

You're another 70 IQ fool but you're of slightly more amusement to me

I'm so happy to hear that - I'll pile that bit of happiness up on top of the huge pile of happiness I got two days from our being victorious once again in the global happiness stakes. Isn't it a gas thing that they're all killing in each other over in the Middle East while we're all busy laughing and joking and having a fun time of things?

When's the last time you were truly happy, Shay?
Ah, but yes - you did.
Nope, you're still wrong

Gosh, you're stupid

I'm so happy to hear that - I'll pile that bit of happiness up on top of the huge pile of happiness I got two days from our being victorious once again in the global happiness stakes. Isn't it a gas thing that they're all killing in each other over in the Middle East while we're all busy laughing and joking and having a fun time of things?

When's the last time you were truly happy, Shay?
Eleven videos in one night.

I must get on to Jack, the RTE producer who does The Katie Hannon Show.

Val's perfect subject matter for jackeens to laugh at.

Try shoving it up your hole, you smelly fucking culchie.

I'd rather hack off my own balls and cook them before I'd help your shithole site from going down the tubes.

Every fucking mental case/pensioner/dribbling old fart's in your dive bar, you scummy culchie fat fuck.
Hopefully he'll be overcome by religiousness over the weekend and try nailing himself to a cross in the shitting ditch. Trying to figure out how he's going to nail the other hand when one of them is nailed in already. At which point the centuries of family slurry will shift tectonically and slowly lean over until he is face down in the Valamhic legacy. With a hand nailed to the cross. And having dropped the hammer out of fright.

He'd be the new Matt Talbot.
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