I agree, it is an insufferable shithole - for insufferably shithole type people - modern Ireland.
Your country, which has no ropes tying you to it, from which you're free to leave
at any time you like. But you won't leave. Because you have nowhere to go and no way to get there. You speak Dublin/English, a right knacker's language used and understood by shithole-dwelling knackers like yourself. Not sure what sneering comedy you're referring to but if it's anything to do with your pal Brian Nugent, then I'll stuff it into the same toilet bin I put your intellect most days.
As for laughter?
Oh, yes: how I love to laugh.
There's so much to laugh at from up here at these latitudes: your country is broken, fucked up, in the toilet like your intellect. Only a complete fucking twat would stick around moaning about it all day and night like you and your last remaining blog-buddy: Wilf, the '
Arsefield's Angriest Man In The World' winner every year since 1963. That's about the limit of your conversational abilities too, Jimmy. You and Wilfie are two right mongrels of the same slut bitch who'd let anything get up on her, even you yourself.
Any plans to get happy at any time in the future, near or far, Jimmy?
Ahh, sure.. ..here - try some of this: it won't make you as happy as I am but it'll certainly perk you up a bit before you start in on that second slab of Polish beer you got on the cheap from some Nigerian who runs a shop on Moore Street about the size of a telephone box. He likely has a few stolen mobile phones sellotaped to the windows to give the impression he's doing telephonic business rather than selling shitty hemp and dirty soapbar hash.
It must suck being you?
Having to reply to bullshit threads like this latest one from Mister Brains himself?
'The Communist escalator/de-escalator system in modern Ireland, an example from traditional music'
Jeez, fuck: it's nearly as bad as Swordid's shitty click bait from yesterday about Jews wanting to buy Nazi memorabilia. Where the fuck do you losers get the energy to handle this level of boredom, Jambo? You and Mister Catherine? What a pair of plonkers? Happiness, Jimmy, is my life personified.
I'm happy in my work. Happy to be paid as well as I am. Happy to live in a luxurious modern apartment home right on the edge of the city centre by the sea. Loved and adored by my neighbours. By my pupils. By all my lady friends too. Meanwhile, over in shithole Ireland, you're still pulling your wire all day looking for anything to fill in the time. It's very sad really.
Brian Nugent?
What a stupid fucking name?
Why would anyone call their child 'Brian'? It's like brain but not really. It's like Kevin. Or James. these names have no charisma, no mystery. And when it's followed by 'Nugent'? What in the screaming green jayzus could be worse? Dawson? As in Dawson Street? Dawson's Creek. Dawson? Jimmy? Jambo? Jim D? Have Oasis ever recorded a song with the name 'James' in it? I mean, the Beatles definitely didn't, and we all know where the Oasis brothers stole all their licks.
Happiness, Jim - it's a wonderful thing.
It makes for a wonderful life, which yours isn't.
'Happiness, happiness - the greatest gift that I possess..'
Yeps - I can tell my happiness makes you very angry, doesn't it?
Bet you wish you'd left Ireland when you were still young enough to make a go of it elsewhere?
Too late now, Jimmy-bobs - that train left the station when you turned forty-eight: nobody wants to import an aged and bitter Paddy sap-twat.
You're old, miserable, angry, bitter, tending towards self-harm, incapable of getting it up due to your terminal depression and the meds you have to use every day to stop you from stabbing yourself in the arms and legs, just for a change of mood.
Poor Jimmy Dawson - the tide went out and left him washed up on Rockall, staring out to sea, wondering what's out there for him.
Fuck all, really.
Isn't that right, Jambo?
I see the folks over on Politics.ie also call you Jambo.
Does that bother you as much as my happiness does?
Spring is already here for me, Jimmy - the girlies are stirring and the dresses are getting shorter by the day.
Legs and panties, Jimmy - lots of legs and panties for me - none for you.
Sure at least pulling your own wire doesn't cost anything, so you have that much going for you.
Now, where's my towel? I'm off to take a long hot sauna with herself, she brought sushi so neither of us will be cooking - not in the kitchen anyway.
Any happier?
Ahhhh, sure for fu.. . .