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Wasn't it being referred to by Ireland second most smelly fucker Val as a site for the 'discerning' poster?

Except he spelled it 'disearning' in the fog of his stupid.
Dan doesn't seem to know how to use Xenforo software...or operate the site's control panel - hence why he called in Mandy.

There's no doubt in my mind that Mandy designed that stupid, cringey banner over there.
Dan doesn't seem to know how to use Xenforo software...

That fool can't use the handle on a toilet pot.

His wife has to do it for him.

or operate the site's control panel -

In his new 'veHHicle'.

hence why he called in Mandy.

And that's where he started the beginning of his own end.

Mandy is poison - everything he touches turns to zits.

There's no doubt in my mind that Mandy designed that stupid, cringey banner over there.

That's a fact - he designed the shamrock and posted it to Dan, who sent it to Val, who buried it in the slurry tank for two months and only remembered it when he hopped into the tank for his monthly bath.
The Xenforo control panel is actually the easier part....dealing with the server/ database stuff can be an absolute nightmare by comparison.

Val has been bashing Arsefield's on YouTube, this I got to see.

Dan doesn't seem to know how to use Xenforo software...or operate the site's control panel - hence why he called in Mandy.
Haha.. No shit Sherlock :)

Dan was always too busy - I'll have a look at it tomorrow, Val had two or three relatives who would know about this sort of stuff.. and that went on for fucken months (years?)! No change.

And then I was sort of shocked, Ramsey came in and made it as functional (and more than here) as any other site in 24 hours. I guess it just isn't that hard :)
Things you can do with the site.

And whatever you think about the banner.. It's better than the software label. I used to joke about that.
Things you can do with the site.

And whatever you think about the banner.. It's better than the software label. I used to joke about that.
What things would those be?

Dan would be as well off just using the generic banner which comes with all these sites...the one over there right now is lame and cringey.
Dan's videos.

Jayzus fuck.

What a retarded little Paddy he is.

Haha.. No shit Sherlock

Says the baboon who hung out in the same tree as the tranny trio: Val, Dan, and Myles - who's fascinated by gays and trannies.

Dan was always too busy - I'll have a look at it tomorrow,

Too busy chomping on cheeseburgers and pilfering his wife's purse.

Val had two or three relatives who would know about this sort of stuff..

He was referring to his cows, I believe.

and that went on for fucken months (years?)! No change.

'All were busy making money, and all enjoyed coming out with me..'

I wonder if his references to being 'out' are in fact a Freudian slip?

And then I was sort of shocked, Ramsey came in and made it as functional (and more than here) as any other site in 24 hours.

It took far longer than that, gimp.

You should know - you were their 'top poster of the month' for nearly a year.

The bang of slurry off you must be registering on the Richter scale.

I guess it just isn't that hard :)

You wouldn't know, because:

(a) you haven't the wit, the balls, the cash, or the fan-base to start one of your own.

(b) nobody would join, what would be the point?

(c) you'd have an even bigger ban-hammer than your babysitter, the Shitstick.

(d) followers follow - leaders lead.

(e) you have no mates.

Functional in what sense?

Functional in the sense that things are kept as simple as possible so Val doesn't break his neck writing a post.

Things you can do with the site.

I can see what things you do with the one little patch of freedom you've been given.

You're a chicken of exceptional feather.

And whatever you think about the banner.


. It's better than the software label.

Still not half as soft as your arse after a good spanking by your babyshitter, the Shitstick.

I used to joke about that.

We joke about you all the time.

Everything I can think of




Millennial Woes.


that you can do elsewhere, except for here.









Such as what?

Obviously you can't embed (much) here and Arsefield's had all sorts of other issues, with posting images and like you couldn't post two YouTube videos in the same post, or the second one would just appear as a (text) link. Weird. I used the workaround of separating posts, but Ramsey fixed it.
Name 5 things you can do on Arsefield's that you can't do here.

1. Not wash for three weeks and nobody will comment.

2. Dress up as a woman.

3. Pretend to be an ex-protestant girl in a silver and gold bikini when in reality you're a wheelchair-bound fat seventy year old gobshite.

4. Ban Jambo.

5. Let him back on.

Such as what?

Obviously you can't embed (much) here and Arsefield's had all sorts of other issues, with posting images and like you couldn't post two YouTube videos in the same post, or the second one would just appear as a (text) link. Weird. I used the workaround of separating posts, but Ramsey fixed it.

Of course he did, the zit-covered little midget.

Anyway, The A Team.


Name 5 things you can do on Arsefield's that you can't do here.
Your site is not as functional as others because it doesn't allow social media (embedding).

We've been over this before (many times) and I'm not going to argue with you.. It's just a terrible decision, end of story.
Such as what?

Obviously you can't embed (much) here and Arsefield's had all sorts of other issues, with posting images and like you couldn't post two YouTube videos in the same post, or the second one would just appear as a (text) link. Weird. I used the workaround of separating posts, but Ramsey fixed it.

Yeah, you go into the ACP >> Media Embedding >> Maximum media embeds per message

It isn't rocket science.
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