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Give it about ten years and they'll all be wearing terrible Mom suits to PTA meetings, zonked to the tits on steroids and painkillers and trying to think up new ways to say they don't like brown people without actually using the term 'brown people'.

They only thing they'll hate more are women ten years younger than them. Also they'll be in early-stage huge-arse development from eating shit processed food and sitting all the time.
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms. You've been warned bro!

1776 was about independence from imperial UK, dopey fucker. Who are Americans ruled by these days? Besides offshored corporations? Shut up and jam another donut down your neck. You are still free to watch TV.
Funny how even 'freedom' in the US involves buying shit from Delaware registered corporations. Slaves trying to buy freedom from the shop owned by the plantation they live on.
It's an attempt to get a rise out of a few suction cups over on the gay bar site, Arsefield's.

Works too.
I see you've spent every night (and into the very wee hours) wallpapering this site with your second-hand bullshit memes, E Electricity.

This being Friday, I'll assume you'll climb out of bed by midday and take a break around lunchtime to head down to Lidl for your slabs of Dutch Gold. Once they're in the fridge, it's out with the bucket of paste and a six-inch paintbrush to start the fun. By early on Saturday morning near dawn, you'll slap the final roll into place and round the night off with a nice big wank.

The weekends are always a howl on the blogs.

If you're sad and lonely enough to fall for it.
I think a fair critique of TR/Counter-Jihad from a nationalist perspective

Watch on Odysee đŸ‘‡
This little twat:

Stephen O'Rourke: Ballyfermot native, currently based in Berlin working in sciences. Has apparently formed a German discussion group, which is slightly ironic given that he asked me late last month if he could post his EU election details. I agreed but only on the basis that he be open to discussion and take a scheduled interview with me for the locals to learn a bit more about him.

So he slaps up his name and a few trite words about how he's in tune with Ballyer people. Immediately after, I asked him to explain to the folks why they should vote for him and why he should represent them. No answer. So I wait a few hours, then try again. Still nothing. The following day, same shit. Two days later and still not a fucking sausage. So I wrote a few words publicly and made sure he'd seen them, then deleted his crap. He hasn't been back since, so Ballyfermot forgot him.

I had similiar trouble back in a previous election with a chap named Kerrigan running for Drimnagh: an ex-Army Ranger. He posted his shit without asking so I engaged him and tried to get him to explain himself. He threatened me, in full public view. So I ran the fucker through a mangle and made sure he was a laughing stock. In the same election, a Nationalist party member did rather well for herself after granting me an interview. Kerrigan lost his deposit, his investment in posters (some of which I had re-hung in the area two days after the count was finished and he was fined for littering) and after issuing another threat to me personally, disappeared off the radars.

This cunt O'Rourke seems to have a similiar outlook, thinking me some kind of stepping stone for him to use.

Nope - ain't going to happen, kid.

He has a facebook page for his election hopes - it has fuck all information bar his schooling and current location, and has 34 'friends'.

Oh, and something about 'being involved in the GAA' over in Berlin.

Do Irish people really/still use that tired old line?

This little twat:

Stephen O'Rourke: Ballyfermot native, currently based in Berlin working in sciences. Has apparently formed a German discussion group, which is slightly ironic given that he asked me late last month if he could post his EU election details.
I agreed but only on the basis that he be open to discussion and take a scheduled interview with me for the locals to learn a bit more about him.
So he slaps up his name and a few trite words about how he's in tune with Ballyer people.
Immediately after, I asked him to explain to the folks why they should vote for him and why he should represent them. No answer. So I wait a few hours, then try again. Still nothing. The following day, same shit. Two days later and still not a fucking sausage.

So I wrote a few words publicly and made sure he'd seen them, then deleted his crap. He hasn't been back since, so Ballyfermot forgot him.

I had similiar trouble back in a previous election with a chap named Kerrigan running for Drimnagh: an ex-Army Ranger. He posted his shit without asking so I engaged him and tried to get him to explain himself. He threatened me, in full public view. So I ran the fucker through a mangle and made sure he was a laughing stock. In the same election, a Nationalist party member did rather well for herself after granting me an interview. Kerrigan lost his deposit, his investment in posters (some of which I had re-hung in the area two days after the count was finished and he was fined for littering) and after issuing another threat to me personally, disappeared off the radars.

This cunt O'Rourke seems to have a similiar outlook, thinking me some kind of stepping stone for him to use.

Nope - ain't going to happen, kid.

He has a facebook page for his election hopes - it has fuck all information bar his schooling and current location, and has 34 'friends'.

Oh, and something about 'being involved in the GAA' over in Berlin.

Do Irish people really/still use that tired old line?

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