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Dan's attempts at trying to be kewl are so cringey.

Dear Dan,

You're a lame, boring, bourgeois-wannabee old fart with an awful dress sense. You reside in a boring suburban wasteland where you live an incredibly boring, predictable life. Your taste in cars is incredibly lame, you think you're the shit for driving soccer mom SUVs. Your repeated attempts at humour are even lamer and cringier still. You're a boring person, with boring interests, who decided to lead a boring life in an extremely boring place. Your type is more suited to the suburban golf club where other lame, boring old farts such as yourself congregate.

So stop trying to cool and edgy - it doesn't suit you.
Nailed it.

The poor fat fool doesn't know how big an ass he's seen as.

He needs to grow the fuck up and accept being a roundy man in a square would.
Pat Kenny's concerns about replacement/infinity migrants fobbed off with "strange narratives out there around replacement theories and stuff" (i.e. conspiracy theories)

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No wonder Ireland's down the u-band with useless wankers like you eating up the internet, Jambo.

Why are you so crap at everything?
I wonder did Mowl's Yojo ever freak him out

Mowl doesn't give a flying wet fanny what links you sent him.

They all end up in the same state: ignored.

I actively and absolutely DO NOT want to know what you think you know.

Because you're a sub-imbecilic wanker/loser of extraordinary proportions.
I wish Irish entrepreneurs would ever show some fucking creativity. 95% of the commercial space on Irish main streets seems to be occupied by:

▪︎Beauty salons

How about a cafe-slash-library for once? Or a private museum etc.
O'Connell Street: a living fucking hell of scobes and skangers.
Henry Street: more of the same.
Nth Earl Street: home of the (already closed down portal to Manhattan) a filthy fucking pit.
Grafton Street: ridiculously overpriced and entirely unwelcoming.
Dame Street: Dublin's answer to the Costa Del Sol for pubs and tourists.
Temple Bar: a ginormous open sewer full of ruffians and slappers.

I could go on, but it's just too fucking depressing on this hot sunny day here in Helsinki - capital city of the happiest nation on earth.
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