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That time in 1989 when Jewish Fine Gael TD Alan Shatter released his novel "Laura", featuring this sex scene set in Leinster House

He also wrote a book in 1979 called “Family Planning - Irish Style” to satirise Catholic sexual morality & mocking the then proposed “1979 Family Planning Bill” which would require people get medical prescriptions for condoms with only a certain number allowed to be purchased per month

He was the one who proposed the gay marriage referendum in 2013 to be held in 2015 & drafted the Child & Family Relationship Bill which allows gay people to adopt kids and is now being used for provisions related to surrogacy

He also made it easier for foreigners to get passports,giving out 69,000 in 2011 and starting ‘citizenship ceremonies’ where once a year the Gov live-streams them handing out foreigners passports & celebrating

He also wanted to give €10 million of taxpayer money to buy weapons for Israel in 2012.

He was kicked out of Gov via corruption allegations in 2014 by Maurice McCabe

We are being bankrupted by non-White immigration.
Jambo, if you have a senior job in the public service, an NGO, a safe pensionable job as a salaried engineer, or accountant, or similar - any increase in aggregate demand relative to productivity, or a general down turn in the economy, means your monthly paycheck goes further.

Never mind the cost of housekeeping, gardening help, and so on.

The point I wish you'd manage a giant leap of intuitive non-programmed brainpower to take is there's no "globohomo", or leftist, or other shadowy sinister cabal pulling the strings.

There are no "traitors" - and wrapping yourselves in the tricolour (or in your case the jockstraps of British and US white supremacists, or "nationalists" as they prefer to call themselves now) does not actually serve your "cause".

Rather it's a straight forward situation of representation of (self-)interest. So if you feel you're competing directly with foreigners, that they're taking your job, the flat you rent, and indeed are dipping into the pool of women who might possibly consider you as a mate, then focus on that, and take on the middle class bastards who don't care how much you are being put out.

That is most of our democracy, the representation of interest. So why don't you state your case clearly if you have the intelligence to do so as you claim?

Do you not realise as long as you keep up all the "far right" bullshit, that you debar yourself from the table where these things are all worked out, therefore the middle class bastards have you exactly right where they want you?
I thought of starting a thread called -

The Jew's Lies

Which would be exclusively about you (because you're the only Jewish liar here)

One of your lies is that white genocide/infinity Abduls is gr8 for d'econonmee.

Which of course, it isn't. Just another one of your endless anti-white lies..
... One of your lies is that white genocide/infinity Abduls is gr8 for d'econonmee...
Where have I said that?

Sure more people grow an economy (and the government). But I have consistently been interested in the effects of immigrants on an economy. It's a value judgement (subjective) whether those effects are "gr8".

My point in my post was that even if low skilled and unemployed immigrants are pulling the economy down, well that still may well be "gr8" for the interest groups I indicated. Noting I regularly post around the question of how "gr8" is a booming economy based on rent, interest, unearned profit, overhead, other types of economic "rent", and in general a failure to discern between productive and unproductive activity.

It is amazing that you are unable to read what someone writes if you are unable to transmute it into the ready made memes of your idiot muses on Telegram. Never mind deal with the fucking reality of your dogmatic and stupid hobby horses.

You're some moron.
Where have I said that?

I distinctly remember you posting some (anti-white, propaganda) article about how the Muds from Africa would be gr8 (and necessary) for d'econonmee

Of course, you also believe that the Muds built the pyramids 🤦‍♂️

Sure more people grow an economy (and the government). But I have consistently been interested in the effects of immigrants on an economy. It's a value judgement (subjective) whether those effects are "gr8".

My point in my post was that even if low skilled and unemployed immigrants are pulling the economy down, well that still may well be "gr8" for the interest groups I indicated. Noting I regularly post around the question of how "gr8" is a booming economy based on rent, interest, unearned profit, overhead, other types of economic "rent", and in general a failure to discern between productive and unproductive activity.

It is amazing that you are unable to read what someone writes if you are unable to transmute it into the ready made memes of your idiot muses on Telegram. Never mind deal with the fucking reality of your dogmatic and stupid hobby horses.

You're some moron.

So that's a no then.


I distinctly remember you posting some (anti-white, propaganda) article about how the Muds from Africa would be gr8 (and necessary) for d'econonmee

Link or fuck off.

Of course, you also believe that the Muds built the pyramids 🤦‍♂️

You're an idiot, Jimmy.

A small beer and wet panties twat of the highest order.

In what name?

Link it, so we can see you work in all it's splendour.
Fuck, no.

Where'd you get that idea?

The only bricks and mortar I can think of is enough to bury you and put the world out of it's misery.
What name is your own personal telegram account under, Jimmy?
The Greatest, natürlich

This guy has almost as many Facebook 'Friends' as Mowl Mowl does..

An asylum seeker has been sentenced to 20 months in prison for taking out his private parts and 'wiggling' them at two girls, aged six and four, who were playing in their garden, and then punching their father in the face when he was confronted.

Dilbag Singh Sheoran denied the charges but the jury took less than 50 minutes to unanimously find him guilty on both counts.

The court heard Sheoran was living at the Atlas House direct provision centre on McCowen's Lane in Tralee, and was previously convicted in 2020 for masturbating in front of a woman on a train as it neared Portlaoise.


🔗 Kerry's Eye (16 May 2024)

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