I think it's really sad that an American is against the 1A - You should cherish itWell, I can understand the law in Germany, I've seen, and heard, enough of fake news in the U.S. to know the consequences.
I think it's really sad that an American is against the 1A - You should cherish itWell, I can understand the law in Germany, I've seen, and heard, enough of fake news in the U.S. to know the consequences.
What utter bollox.![]()
The Importance of Wild-Animal Suffering – Center on Long-Term Risk
The number of wild animals vastly exceeds that of animals on factory farms. Therefore, animal advocates should consider focusing their efforts to raise concern about the suffering that occurs in nature. In theory, engineering more humane ecological systems might be valuable. In practice...longtermrisk.org
'It's is time to have a chat thread that reader can acsess along with the main chat of which can now only be read by the approximate 35 active posters here. That thread has about 130000 views and has served us well. All enjoyed it.
The site has had a restamp. Anderson has in a sense taken Val by the horns and a great many threads not in the general publix intrest are now not viewable except by all members, and not all by new members either, just the established members. About 2 threads are now hidden. All might not be happy with their thread removed but I had 1 of my own removed including some of my favorites like my spoof silver thread and my Thought of the Day thread which is the most embarrassing thing ever fostered onto the internet. But most of the removed threads , mine included were rubbish with only a few views. I will delete many of my duds indeed.
It was felt by all it was time for all to take a more serious tone to the site as all are entering serious times.
Myself and @Zipporah's Flint are a pair of male tits enough to moderate all from here on out. Anderson will keep an eye on the technical aspect of the site because I'm too thick to. I am very thankful to all. As I am to the three others who legged it, namely histicle @Coal Gas and peat and @valamhic . Like myself, it is the busiest time of the year with grass to cut and barbecues to be cooked.
I have a few new pair of underpants for the autumn into winter.
For the last fourteen years I've been claiming how I intend on designing and minting a coin for 2024 based most likely on The Children of Lir. Anyone here deserving of one will have one sent to them free. They will cost me about $50 each. In total that's around $1750 which you know I'm never going to give away.
I also have a much(very much) larger project in mind.
My mickey's been giving me trouble for a while now.
We have had plenty of excrement in the recent past with the exit of Electrical and Hurstlecle. Masflinn may have left maybe a break as well.
Anderson pulled himself off a miracle be deleting himself and then sprang back to life. Like the April Fools joke, our two idiots elsewhere, fell for it hook line and sinker. Roll on Thanksgiving for the next one.
We are here to stay and on we go. Thank you...
AyeI just read the Moon thread on Arsefields and even I never suspected just how fucking stupid some of those posters are.
It is the starkest demonstration I've ever witnessed in my life of the converse of Confucious' old adage about wisdom consisting in knowing what you do not know.
We should send him to a neutron star..You might think you'd like to say to them, well express yourself in maths, so we can be clearer about it, go and put a figure to this "weak" force of gravity and demonstrate your hypothesis etc.
Except you well know that their ignorance in mathematics will be paraded just as loudly and self assuredly as their ignorance in the basics of how the world actually works.
No wonder they clamour about "de blacks" and others so loudly, as if these are groups beneath them in intelligence, culture, vigour, capability, knowledge, and so on.
No, rather the white supremacists calling themselves "nationalists" on that forum come across pretty much as monkeys subsisting on a cheeseburger based diet such is their level of discourse and display of intelligence.
See Mowl, you can be funny every now and againI'll send it to you on our 'top secret chat thread about the saps on Arsefield's' thread later.
The one with a picture of Sham's dead Ma lying in the bath.
These Feeney knackers need to be run off of the internet, once and for all.
Shame on Dan as well for siding with the low-life who ran Colm off of the internet.
See Mowl, you can be funny every now and again![]()
See Mowl, you can be funny every now and again![]()