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From the pedestrian bridge crossing the liffey. There's a street lamp illuminating one of the trees so I thought it'd be a nice contrast to the darkness behind it. It would have been better to wait for a day when the whole building was lit up...but it was taken fairly late. Might need to get a better night shot in future.

The Mill is lovely at night, particularly the reflections in the river.
The bank on the left is lovely little spot, I often took a cigarette break nearby there when working nearby: but that bridge hasn't got a proper pavement for pedestrians on that side of the bridge, right? It's on the other side, and is about 50cms wide.

If that little embankment were on a river up here, they'd adjust the through-way with traffic light to make way for people to have a staircase down to it.

But in Urrland it always seems to be: 'ah, that's too nice and fragile for the plebs - fence it up..'

The Salmon Leap's another lovely bridge and village. But back as recently as the 80s/90s it was the sticks. Still, motorheads from Ballyer, Bluebell, and Inchicore used to descend on the Leap pub every Sunday afternoon and the session went on til dark. Fish and chips nearby. Bikes and cars all over the place. People drinking outside cheering at the passing buses, the smell of incense on the breeze (which of course was to mask the smell of hash) and the fish literally jumping the weir. Well named pub, lovely spot, great food and drink.

Hard to do any of that these days.
Love these artify apps.

The area in front of the Mill in Celbridge would make for an excellent, beautiful public park. But this is Ireland and you've your usual unimaginative thickos in public office who're more concerned with the number of available car parking spaces than in utilising natural amenities.


Your biggest struggle is getting out of the bed in the morning.
Spending your Monday afternoon watching movies online?
No, last night the Mowl

And I told you all about it (my intention) -

Post in thread 'Why housing is so expensive today.' https://islepoli.com/threads/why-housing-is-so-expensive-today.18/post-5833

Could you please try to stop being such a shit poster?


How fat and greasy are you anyway?
No, last night the Mowl

It's okay - I'm only judging you for being a dole-head watching movies (very long ones) all day on a Monday, when most responsible people are at work.

But we also know that you don't have a job.

Or a Ma.


And I told you all about it (my intention) -

To have a wank?

Could you please try to stop being such a shit poster?

When did the dole money run out?

We didn't see any evidence of your usual Friday/Saturday/Sunday night activities on here - or the gay bar.

You should try getting in there with Saul's son - the forty-four year old still dependent son who robs grannies and batters granddads for drink money.

Each Granny battered is three more slabs of Dutch Gold for sure.

The live feed from Leinster House today.

Every culchie/redneck/retard in the house all whining and pointing fingers. Poor little Simon's right in the middle of the mosh-pit looking like a boy-child on his First Holy Communion rounds of the relatives and friends to line his pockets with copper. He seems to find it all rather hilarious. Or is it just 'First Day' nerves? Rattled isn't the word for it. Still, quite a circus you have going on there lately.

Half the house insist they won't vote for him - which hardly matters, he's already in like Flynn.

Simon's around the same age as Sanna Marin, ex-Finnish prime minister: let's see if he can swing the vote and make Urrland 'The World's Happiest Country' for even just the one year. A leap year like this one. A leap in the dark. I doubt it though, the things that are wrong with Urrland are no small beer. The things that are even wronger about Urrland are Urrish peeple. You can't fix any of that with a vote or by throwing money at it.

The nomination's taking place right now: there's only one contender: nobody else wanted the job but little Simon seems hugely excited by all the palaver happening around him. It'll be great watching the skinny little cunt fall apart as the blows come at him from all sides over the next few weeks. Maybe it might even break him and force a general election? But even then - what fucking difference does it make? You're all fucked no matter who's at the helm.

Fucked up.

The live feed from Leinster House today.

Every culchie/redneck/retard in the house all whining and pointing fingers. Poor little Simon's right in the middle of the mosh-pit looking like a boy-child on his First Holy Communion rounds of the relatives and friends to line his pockets with copper. He seems to find it all rather hilarious. Or is it just 'First Day' nerves? Rattled isn't the word for it. Still, quite a circus you have going on there lately.

Half the house insist they won't vote for him - which hardly matters, he's already in like Flynn.

Simon's around the same age as
Sanna Marin

, ex-Finnish prime minister: let's see if he can swing the vote and make Urrland 'The World's Happiest Country' for even just the one year. A leap year like this one. A leap in the dark. I doubt it though, the things that are wrong with Urrland are no small beer. The things that are even wronger about Urrland are Urrish peeple. You can't fix any of that with a vote or by throwing money at it.

The nomination's taking place right now: there's only one contender: nobody else wanted the job but little Simon seems hugely excited by all the palaver happening around him. It'll be great watching the skinny little cunt fall apart as the blows come at him from all sides over the next few weeks. Maybe it might even break him and force a general election? But even then - what fucking difference does it make? You're all fucked no matter who's at the helm.

Fucked up.
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