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I also note that Mowl, who's terrified of his own shadow setting foot in Dublin because he'll be mugged, murdered and raped (in that order) and who's always banging on about the crime there, has said nothing about the recent stabbing atrocity on Grafton Street

Has the omerta of silence got to him, I wonder? 🤔 roc_abilly roc_abilly working his or her magic on him
... All I remember is that suddenly people who knew nothing about sailing, and who had previously shown no interest in sailing, were suddenly interested in it and talking about it. The reason was plain and simple. The T.V. told them to be.

... The reason is again quite simple: The T.V. has told them to be interested in it.

Imagine what would happen if the T.V. told people to be interested in their nation’s demise and their ongoing replacement.
You're such a sad bastard. That demented halfwit meme and twitter spammer, parrot extraordinaire, over on Arsefields, an even sadder bastard than you, Fishalt, posts the exact same thing a matter of hours after you. Obviously you're watching the same stupid meme channels. He posted this earlier today, the exact same meme as what you're recently parroting.

You're such a sad bastard. That demented halfwit meme and twitter spammer, parrot extraordinaire, over on Arsefields, an even sadder bastard than you, Fishalt, posts the exact same thing a matter of hours after you. Obviously you're watching the same stupid meme channels. He posted this earlier today, the exact same meme as what you're recently parroting.

lol Your low IQ is showing again

Yes, roc, they're the exact same meme [sic] 🤦‍♂️
lol Your low IQ is showing again

Yes, roc, they're the exact same meme [sic] 🤦‍♂️
Isn't it telling that the only person who actually thinks you succeed in "tying mowl and roc (both anti-white) up in knots" is someone who by all appearances has spent their life in a hovel with no chimney breathing in coal gas and peat fumes and drinking dodgy poitin with the rest of their family, to the point where they have exactly two brain cells left, one of which seems to be out on loan to the pet dog.

A meme is a concept or belief. The concept and belief can remain the same while the images or words used to describe it alter. You are such a thick bastard, for all your alleged high IQ, you belong with those other thick, racist bastards over on Arsefields, why don't you apologise to them for upsetting their sensitivities and go back to them, they are more on your level.
A meme is a concept or belief. The concept and belief can remain the same while the images or words used to describe it alter.
lol According to you, eating dog shit and ice cream is the same because it's both eating 🤣

You are such a thick bastard, for all your alleged high IQ, you belong with those other thick, racist bastards over on Arsefields, why don't you apologise to them for upsetting their sensitivities and go back to them, they are more on your level.
What do I have to apologise for, what do I have to "admit" to being "wrong" about, insulting 'The Duchess'? lol Get fucked

'The Duchess' of course being the mother of some clown who hasn't shown on the site in two months
I don't have the foggiest what they want you to apologise for, nor do I care, just swallow your pride and take your pathologically dumb little white supremacist ass out of here back to there, just do whatever it takes.
I don't have the foggiest
Anyone with an above room temperature IQ is aware of that.

I'll tell you what though, my fellow A-Team member Saul is of course correct. I'm tying you saps up in knots, I'm running rings around youse, I'm DUNKING all over your sorry asses!

And it's easy for me. I'm Air Jambo

my fellow A-Team member Saul is ...

Exactly the kind of intellectual level of company you're happiest in.

The dumbest, most easy to manipulate (I did that every other day when he was in my confidence - just to see how he'd react) and vacuous empty-headed little turd ever on the Irish boards. He went from mild-mannered janitor to rabid Nazi overnight after Declan admitted him on Arsefield's. He makes me laugh with his short bursts of illiterate sentences, the sheer amount of empty rage and know-nothing/do-nothing passion he has for being on anyone's side at all.

He dumped his moderator position because he's too thick to know what to do or how to set standards.

Now he just spends his days wondering where Jambo and Val went, and why they left him all alone by his little self, especially after he committed his undying allegiance with them. It has to hurt if you find yourself missing Val fucking Martin.

Has anyone dropped by Val's mad youtube site lately?

He looks like death warmed up.
Jambo, boring the fucking pants off everyone again. Anyone know why is he today going on a rant against our society's emphasis on the individual, and on individual freedoms?

(Well, not his own rant of course, as usual he's found some other dumb racist cunt to speak for him, of course all he does is trawl the internet to find some American moron looking for Patreon subscriptions to speak for him)

Anyway what's it all about today then? What exactly is wrong with saying the individual matters more than the group, whether some nebulous "white race" group, or any other group? Orwell put his finger on it in this essay:

"... By ‘nationalism’ I mean... the habit of identifying oneself with a single nation or other unit, placing it beyond good and evil and recognizing no other duty than that of advancing its interests...

... Nationalism, is inseparable from the desire for power. The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality.

... Nationalism, in the extended sense in which I am using the word, includes such movements and tendencies as Communism, political Catholicism, Zionism, Antisemitism, Trotskyism and Pacifism. It does not necessarily mean loyalty to a government or a country, still less to one’s own country, and it is not even strictly necessary that the units in which it deals should actually exist. To name a few obvious examples, Jewry, Islam, Christendom, the Proletariat and the White Race are all of them objects of passionate nationalistic feeling: but their existence can be seriously questioned, and there is no definition of any one of them that would be universally accepted...

... Every nationalist is capable of the most flagrant dishonesty, but he is also – since he is conscious of serving something bigger than himself – unshakeably certain of being in the right...

... It would be an oversimplification to say that all forms of nationalism are the same, even in their mental atmosphere, but there are certain rules that hold good in all cases. The following are the principal characteristics of nationalist thought:
Obsession. As nearly as possible, no nationalist ever thinks, talks, or writes about anything except the superiority of his own power unit..."

Now take the hint and fuck off, Jambo, before you bore us all to death with your glorifications of the failures of the twentieth century, you dumb fucking nazi racist cunt.
Interesting revelation here from Sword on Arsefield's.

So roc_abilly roc_abilly was a counter-jihadist once upon a time, huh.

Of course, it's said that there's two ways of thinking about this in the Jewish camp.

The first way of thinking in the Jewish camp is to be against the flooding of white nations with Muslims, so think of your Avi Yemini types. And I have to say, that does speak to a certain naivety on the part of counter-jihadists.. If we were to consider what I'll call an "antisemitic conspiracy theory", the average Tommytard might say -

"What you talking about, bruv? Why would Jews want to flood white nations with Muslims, the Muz hate the Jews.", bearing in mind of course that there are Jews living in white nations (always bleating about "rising anti-Semitism").

As I've documented many times, my journey has been from counter-jihad to nationalism. So I probably would have said myself (back when I was a counter-jihadist/Tommytard) -

"Yeah. What are you talking about, bruv?"

The second way of thinking in the Jewish camp is along the lines of - What does it matter if (some of) the browns and blacks pouring into white nations are Muslim?

So I did wonder if roc (whose #1 priority is the abolishment of white people) had a moment on the road to Damascus himself. So, instead of hating Muslims, we now have all the "Brotherhood of Man" (Israel excluded) shitetalk? Interesting.
Jambo, boring the fucking pants off everyone again. Anyone know why is he today going on a rant against our society's emphasis on the individual, and on individual freedoms?
Is that what I was doing? 🤔

(Well, not his own rant of course, as usual he's found some other dumb racist cunt to speak for him, of course all he does is trawl the internet to find some American moron..
Who's (Iranian) Welsh

You should really stop embarrassing yourself like this

looking for Patreon subscriptions to speak for him)

Anyway what's it all about today then? What exactly is wrong with saying the individual matters more than the group, whether some nebulous "white race" group, or any other group? Orwell put his finger on it in this essay:

"... By ‘nationalism’ I mean... the habit of identifying oneself with a single nation or other unit, placing it beyond good and evil and recognizing no other duty than that of advancing its interests...

... Nationalism, is inseparable from the desire for power. The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality.

... Nationalism, in the extended sense in which I am using the word, includes such movements and tendencies as Communism, political Catholicism, Zionism, Antisemitism, Trotskyism and Pacifism. It does not necessarily mean loyalty to a government or a country, still less to one’s own country, and it is not even strictly necessary that the units in which it deals should actually exist. To name a few obvious examples, Jewry, Islam, Christendom, the Proletariat and the White Race are all of them objects of passionate nationalistic feeling: but their existence can be seriously questioned, and there is no definition of any one of them that would be universally accepted...

... Every nationalist is capable of the most flagrant dishonesty, but he is also – since he is conscious of serving something bigger than himself – unshakeably certain of being in the right...

... It would be an oversimplification to say that all forms of nationalism are the same, even in their mental atmosphere, but there are certain rules that hold good in all cases. The following are the principal characteristics of nationalist thought:
Obsession. As nearly as possible, no nationalist ever thinks, talks, or writes about anything except the superiority of his own power unit..."
Now take the hint and fuck off, Jambo, before you bore us all to death with your glorifications of the failures of the twentieth century, you dumb fucking nazi racist cunt.
Interesting revelation here from Sword on Arsefield's.

So roc_abilly roc_abilly was a counter-jihadist once upon a time, huh.

Of course, it's said that there's two ways of thinking about this in the Jewish camp.

The first way of thinking in the Jewish camp is to be against the flooding of white nations with Muslims, so think of your Avi Yemini types. And I have to say, that does speak to a certain naivety on the part of counter-jihadists.. If we were to consider what I'll call an "antisemitic conspiracy theory", the average Tommytard might say -

"What you talking about, bruv? Why would Jews want to flood white nations with Muslims, the Muz hate the Jews.", bearing in mind of course that there are Jews living in white nations (always bleating about "rising anti-Semitism").

As I've documented many times, my journey has been from counter-jihad to nationalism. So I probably would have said myself (back when I was a counter-jihadist/Tommytard) -

"Yeah. What are you talking about, bruv?"

The second way of thinking in the Jewish camp is along the lines of - What does it matter if (some of) the browns and blacks pouring into white nations are Muslim?

So I did wonder if roc (whose #1 priority is the abolishment of white people) had a moment on the road to Damascus himself. So, instead of hating Muslims, we now have all the "Brotherhood of Man" (Israel excluded) shitetalk? Interesting.
Oh my gosh, I just noticed that the above post contains "Jewish camp" several times and as Mowl Mowl (who's working class, Dublin) would say, I'm mor-ta-fye-ud.

I want to assure Mowl that I in no way intended to offend my Jewish readers (roc) nor was it referential to the Holohoa, eh, caust. Or as Mowl calls it, World War II (probably World War 2 actually, I don't think he knows Roman numerals)
Interesting revelation here from Sword on Arsefield's...
Swords pulls things out of his ass constantly.

I've always had a problem with -isms that elevate the collective over the individual.

Swords characterisation of that stance and his labels is just the usual shjt.

That moron would say anything. Drool and spittle, that's all that ever comes out of it.
Swords pulls things out of his ass constantly.

I've always had a problem with -isms that elevate the collective over the individual.

Swords characterisation of that stance and his labels is just the usual shjt.

That moron would say anything. Drool and spittle, that's all that ever comes out of it.
So are you DENYING that you were a counter-Jihadist (once upon a time) roc, that the good lady Sword is LYING?!
Swords lies (and drools spittle down his receded chin) every breath he takes.

Of course I would be appalled at jihadism the same as anyone else. It's the exact same idiocy as your white supremacism. Read Orwell's tract I posted above again, to understand why.

And labels like fucking "counter-Jihadist", the types who use them, and why they use them, is also covered in Orwell's essay. I.e. he talks about how the emotion involved in these "-isms" may work in a negative sense, against something or other.

Sword's antisemitism characterises this emotion to the highest degree. Remember he has spent decades on these fora 24/7 casting around for these type of labels with which to personify his positive and negative emotional attachments. Every post of his is full of these type of labels.

In this sense note that his antisemitism is as much a "nationalism" as your white supremacism. And just like you personify "anti-whiteism" in the negative, so Swords personifies "anti-Jihadism" similarly - the various Jihadi groups who want to kill Jews are inevitably positive objects of loyalty and attachment for that drooling, compulsively lying freak.
Swords lies (and drools spittle down his receded chin) every breath he takes.

Of course I would be appalled at jihadism the same as anyone else. It's the exact same idiocy as your white supremacism. Read Orwell's tract I posted above again, to understand why.

And labels like fucking "counter-Jihadist", the types who use them, and why they use them, is also covered in Orwell's essay. I.e. he talks about how the emotion involved in these "-isms" may work in a negative sense, against something or other.

Sword's antisemitism characterises this emotion to the highest degree. Remember he has spent decades on these fora 24/7 casting around for these type of labels with which to personify his positive and negative emotional attachments. Every post of his is full of these type of labels.

In this sense note that his antisemitism is as much a "nationalism" as your white supremacism. And just like you personify "anti-whiteism" in the negative, so Swords personifies "anti-Jihadism" similarly - the various Jihadi groups who want to kill Jews are inevitably positive objects of loyalty and attachment for that drooling, compulsively lying freak.
I'm an ethnic and white nationalist, as well as a race realist. You're a consistent liar (and defamer).

Have you ever expressed an opinion on Muslim immigration that isn't positive? Now, I know, that's the case for Israel. So I'm talking about white countries.

“Pride is thinking more highly of oneself than is just, out of love for oneself" (Spinoza)

So there is a big difference between how gays, black people, Jews and others, in the attempt to deal with a legacy of bigotry and oppression against them, need to become proud of their differences, recognise their own cultural contributions, raise their self-confidence in the interest of a normal living together with those who once oppressed them.

As opposed to a pride based in the claimed superiority that your fucked up nazi race science and IQ tests, and videos about the great achievements of medieval white social elites, systematically, through repetition, tries to drum into such inferior specimens of the human race as you and your compadres on Arsefields and Stormfront.org, who all as Orwell points out have chosen to sink their own individuality into some greater collective, such as some so called "white race" (sic) in your own case.
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