Interesting revelation
here from Sword on Arsefield's.
roc_abilly was a counter-jihadist once upon a time, huh.
Of course, it's said that there's two ways of thinking about this in the Jewish camp.
The first way of thinking in the Jewish camp is to be against the flooding of white nations with Muslims, so think of your Avi Yemini types. And I have to say, that does speak to a certain naivety on the part of counter-jihadists.. If we were to consider what I'll call an "antisemitic conspiracy theory", the average Tommytard might say -
"What you talking about, bruv? Why would Jews want to flood white nations with Muslims, the Muz hate the Jews.", bearing in mind of course that there are Jews living in white nations (always bleating about "rising anti-Semitism").
As I've documented many times, my journey has been from counter-jihad to nationalism. So I probably would have said myself (back when I was a counter-jihadist/Tommytard) -
"Yeah. What
are you talking about, bruv?"
The second way of thinking in the Jewish camp is along the lines of - What does it matter if (some of) the browns and blacks pouring into white nations are Muslim?
So I did wonder if roc (whose #1 priority is the abolishment of white people) had a moment on the road to Damascus himself. So, instead of hating Muslims, we now have all the "Brotherhood of Man" (Israel excluded) shitetalk? Interesting.