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Alternatively just type 'rocky mountain national park' into google image search (if you just can't wait).
You won't see too many pictures like the amazing ones I took, I'm sure you'll find some, but I've not seen many like the ones I've taken. It is a spiritual and majestic place, the 5th most visited NP last year. I feel like going back there before winter arrives.
... all this nationalist bickering ...
There's nothing to do with nationalism discussed on this forum today.

Rather we have a white supremacist on here. And while they may be ubiquitous in the USA, they are a rarity in this country, at least a full blown one like we have here.

Granted it is not a sophisticated or intelligent one, but seeing one in the wild still bears a fascination for Irish people.

So you will have to put up with some of us pushing sticks through its cage bars seeing what it will do or say in response. Irish people would have a curiosity about it, strange as that may seem to you.
Don't mind roc odanny odanny, roc is a notorious liar (among other things such as mentally retarded and insane). He (or she) has never been able to provide any evidence of me being a "white supremacist" but he/she continues to lie about it endlessly..
You won't see too many pictures like the amazing ones I took, I'm sure you'll find some, but I've not seen many like the ones I've taken. It is a spiritual and majestic place, the 5th most visited NP last year. I feel like going back there before winter arrives.

You should be able to upload images now.
A white supremacist is someone who believes that the white race/people is/are superior to people of (all) other races and should therefore have dominion over them. You have zero evidence of me ever saying that. Your only hope is that the judge would be as big a lying far left scumbag as you are but I'd happily instruct my barrister to hand her a dictionary, or any one of a hundred internet links
I remember when in America being surprised by the amount of adverts/ commercials on television. Over here there is usually one ad-break during a show, half-way through. Yet over there it seemed like there was a new bout of ads every few minutes - possibly more viewing time than the actual programme itself.
So F'n true, and you know what most of these advertisements are, by far? Prescription drug companies pushing their products. People in Europe are never watching adverts for prescription drugs, but there is such a crazy amount of money being spent on presciption drugs in this country that these drug makers have money to burn, and they just saturate the airwaves. These media giants get greedy as well, and viewers get bombarded. Most people I know, including myself, start watching sports about a 1/2 hour after it starts so we have lead time to FF thru all that bullshit.
Don't mind roc odanny odanny, roc is a notorious liar (among other things such as mentally retarded and insane). He (or she) has never been able to provide any evidence of me being a "white supremacist" but he/she continues to lie about it endlessly..
You should move to the U.S., people with opinions like yours are a dime a dozen.
Oh is America full of white supremacists? 🤔

Dublin's full of knacker bastards - three more tourists hospitalized yesterday, all of them had broken noses - indicating they were first floored and then kicked around the head. One more had an eye socket smashed, just like that American guy a couple of weeks back. Now there are ambassadors to Ireland warning their visitors to practice vigilance at all times (day and night) and to avoid dark alleys and any other shady places.

Seems this one took place in Temple Bar - on an August Friday night. I can easily conjure up the mental image: the noise, the screaming and yelling, knacker accents everywhere, the stink of bleach and piss, garbage all over the place, scobes in every doorway you pass, eyeballing you for your phones, jewelry, clothes, shoes, and all other accoutrements. Checking your women out too: they're even easier to rob: one kick to the 9'' slapper heels and she'll collapse like the twin towers. Mini-skirts so mini they're more like greyhounds. Big fat hefty thighs and burst blood vessels, struggling to walk on the cobbled streets. All hanging off each other to stay aloft, plastered in badly applied and obviously cheap make-up. They don't seem to be aware that make up is an art form - not a graffiti wall.

The smell of cheap perfume, so many types of after shave in the bar it smells more like a serviced gent's toilet with the obligatory black dude in a cheap suit and white gloves offering you a splash of scent and a packet of condoms. How those dudes put up with the smell of piss and shit's beyond me, but apparently they manage to do a full shift and get paid. Good luck to them.

So I was wondering: where do 'ethno-nationalists' stand on Irish people attacking any and every visitor to the country? Is there anything in the handbook/manifesto about beating and robbing visitors from abroad? Is it a yes or no consensus? Smash 'em up, take everything they've got? Or go to the aid of the tourist and get them out of trouble?

Dublin's utterly fucked - utterly.

It's gotten so bad by now that it'll surpass Tallin for the daylight robbery.

My guess is you live somewhere not very diverse, by the way (but you didn't tell me)

But it's quite diverse in Temple Bar, right?

On a Friday evening?
What do you mean?
I think he means he wants to be able to go back and edit some older posts of his on the forum, change them surreptitiously, and also to be able to fall back on the old faithful option of "throw toys out of the pram and upend the spaghetti on my head", I.e. being able to go back and delete all of his replies in a thread when things aren't going his way.
A white supremacist is someone who believes that the white race/people is/are superior to people of (all) other races and should therefore have dominion over them... You have zero evidence of me ever saying that.
I know what you say. I have listened enough.

Here, take the Buffalo mass shooter, an avowed white supremacist, whose beliefs you almost wholly mirror, as evidenced by his manifesto.

In his manifesto he has a FAQ:

Are you a white supremacist?
Yes, I would call myself a white supremacist, afterall, which race is responsible for the world we live in today? I believe the White race is superior in the brain to all other races.

Now, could that not be you writing that? Have you not in your previous posts harped on precisely these "points" repeatedly?

Your only hope is that the judge would be as big a lying far left scumbag as you are but I'd happily instruct my barrister to hand her a dictionary, or any one of a hundred internet links...
We would be working on the so called "duck test" in court. I.e. “If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, we are going to presume that it is a duck.”

Now sure, there is always the possibility that something that looks and quacks like a duck is not a duck at all. For example there are well-designed duck decoys used for hunting that do the above but are not real ducks.

So that is what any court would test. Are you not in fact a "duck" while having all the characteristics of one? Now, I don't think you could ever manage to convince any judge otherwise. I would be happy to be some part of some process where I could see you try.
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