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So now that both Jambo and Wilf are banned from the gay bar site the whole thing's gone dark.


It's hard work keeping a site going - especially one as high quality/cutting edge/general hilarity as our one.
So now that both Jambo and Wilf are banned from the gay bar site the whole thing's gone dark.


It's hard work keeping a site going - especially one as high quality/cutting edge/general hilarity as our one.

Val could always be modded. With enough drink he'll ban everyone.
Mandy is even more boring than Dengler...

"Look at all the fun they're having over on Deserted Isle. Where's muh politics? Tut tut tut, absolutely disgraceful!'

Yet the below example constitutes his daily contribution to Arsefield's.

'Lulz, this is amazing....700 posts today. I added ten threads and 143 tweets..........oh look lulz, no activity on desert islez...just an essay-lenght post from BallyDallyHelsinkiholeMan lulz. So boringz lulz....we at Sarsfields are awesome, thank you so much Dan. U amazing lulz!'........."Hey Val, great video dude!...Fuck Biden cuz Trump is amazeballs...we the bestest forum 4ever"
Even Val's getting fed up now.
Val tried to do all right by me. He wanted to ban Wolf due to the absolute shit Wolf was polluting the site with, but Dec kicked him off before he could act on it. He may be back but he won't be trying to help out Dec again.
Does anybody over there actually take Val seriously? I mean the man is senile at this stage, not to mention being a few sandwiches short of a picnic.
What's even more pathetic is Anderson having a conversation with himself, aka. free and clean
Hard to believe it but the Isle community is nearly 4 years old.

I'll never forget the day I gave Feeney / Dan the middle finger by going my own way on the 3rd of June 2020. I still remember the instant bans from both GPO and Pish for having done so lol.
Regarding my site banning, it's of little consequence, considering Dan/Zippy had banned me from most threads anyway, including threads like the GCT, handbaggers, even my own blog 😆
Zipp was Feeney's main moderator on Pish. So according to Dan that must make him (Zipp) competent and capable. Dan of course, unlike me never cut the apron strings.

Dan is easy to control as well, unlike me...which is one reason why Feeney hates this site so much. Feeney wants control over everything, hence why Isle has been a thorn in his side for nearly four years - a fact that I'm very proud of.
So both Jambo and little-girl-lost Wooftie are banned from Arsefield's?

Nice work, Declan: you just sunk your own battleship, you fat twat.
Word to Saul/CG&P: guess what, sunshine?

Declan just played you: getting rid of Jambo was one thing (who in their right mind would put up with him? ) but giving Wolf a holiday too?

Bad mistake, very bad.

Wolf has even more on you than I do, and guess who's just made their presence known over here via their silent/lurking account opened last December? Yeps, you guessed it. So when Wolf and I compare notes, your whole triple-faced sad set-up is going to be ripped open like a big Christmas present for a special needs child who doesn't care what's in it. But because he's thrilled with the box itself.

In case that sails over your simple little head: you're the contents.

You utterly stupid and cloying little fucking cunt - you and your Crap/Condomerie are about to get it in the neck, you sad and miserable rat bastards.

You should have kept that mod-job Declan gave you, because it might have helped to have something to slap back with. But no, that's not an option any more, is it? Declan has you by the nuts on Arsefield's, and I and mine have you by the ears over here. You just got played, kid. And you walked the fuck right into it. Jambo's not your buddy any more, see? Neither is Wolfie. You just handed yourself, butt, balls, and tongue - to Declan fucking Kelly: prize fat-arsed spoofer extraordinaire. He can do what he likes with you and you'll bounce like the bucket-headed gomb you are.

Here, choke on these you vicious, malicious, cowardly, rat-bastardly, loser Da of a thieving cunt of the worst kind (thieves who pull clever ruses amuse me, like my own raids on the crisps factory) but the kind of cunt who preys on the very elderly? Asleep in their beds? Irish pensioners, some of whom might have even lived through the Civil War years? The very people who built Ireland for you? And you let that cunt of a grown man son of yours rob them while they sleep? What's his second option if they wake up? A bat to club them with? A blade to cut their tongue off? What kind of fucking scumbag are you?

It struck me as barely believable that not ONE of your old 'A Team' crew pulled you up on your bastard son.

Publicly, at least - but then I saw a few copy/pastes of the private thread and how you were sweating it out trying to tell everyone it wasn't your fault and that I, the Mowl, DID give you careful counsel on your next steps. You still continued to house him, and by default, allowed your home to be a sorting depot for stolen goods and their redistribution. But you never mentioned to them that you thanked me as you did, at the time. I say thanks, but I mean your pathetic groveling in the dirt and sucking up to me like a sad and homeless pauper searching for a lifeline. You're more guilty of robbing Irish old folks than your cunt son is: he's an alcoholic, you're fucking sober. So what was it, in reality? You accepted cash rent from him so he could keep the bedroom paid for with the cash from the stroked gear? And you took it?

You really fucking do make me sick.

It'll be a pleasure watching you sink, you filthy loser bastard.

I hope your son does get a call from the local hard lads.

But unfortunately you fucking culchie scumbags are renowned for your knacker mentality.

This'll be a few interesting days on the sites: we're on the cusp of yet another seismic shift to yet another paradigm of the balance of power on these sites. I mean upon each other: not the general public. Thankfully they're blissfully unaware of the existence of these denizens of filth and gore. It'll e all the more fun for me because now poor auld dim-witted Saul/CG&P is on his own. In the nude too. No mates to protect him. Bar Cunt/Culchie ~ ! ! ~ another complete fucking dimwit culchie moron.

I bet you Declan's consoling himself with eleven to twenty cheeseburgers with all the sauces.

His tough guys left him to fend for himself.

Poor Saul/CG&Piss.

His fat neck?

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