Jazz is a genre of music I wouldn't mind getting into.
It's a slightly more intellectual scene peopled by all sorts of characters.
Most have great stories to tell, but some corner you and bend your ears waffling about jazz.
How would Dublin clubs compare to those of London or Paris?
It doesn't even rate - totally NOT on the same scale as either of those cities.
The Irish jazz scene is, and always has been , a tight-knit group of players and followers.
Small town deal.
I know they're popular among Parisians for one.
There are clubs every fucking night across all the continental capitals. Even Helsinki's on the global jazz map, but not Dublin, or even Ireland as a whole.
Interesting how the Catholic Church in Ireland condemned Jazz music starting back in the 1920s, considering it to be a malign influence and a gateway for evil spirits to corrupt the minds of good, innocent, mass-going Christians.
Most people have that same reaction and always from the same type of arseholes: they don't understand it - it's too out there for them to actually 'get' what's going on. The sheer nature of free jazz and jazz improvisation was terrifying to the Catholic church, not just in Ireland but across the pond too, where many household names of today were black-balled and the church always opposed them performing in town: names like Miles Davis for his druggy lifestyle, John Coltrane - who was a junkie (not by choice, the medication he needed for a condition he had was too expensive for him to buy, so he used heroin and morphine instead - then became addicted) so it was easy for the moralists to harangue him and keep him down.
But they did the same to rock and pop musicians.
They even did it to that one lady from Ballyer who did an erotic show for the men every Sunday afternoon in The Hunting Lodge in upper Ballyer (now called the 79er - a madhouse). She had massive jugs and her husband lost his job, so she did her erotic dances for cash money in the local pub. The church-goers were scandalized (Jambo - tell us again all about how liberal Ireland was in 1984 - you thick cunt) but the drinking men had a blast. The local church tried to get it shut down but then the wives decided they wanted to see what their men were up to.
It was a sort of sexual awakening/rebellion that had the men asking why their wives weren't doing dances for them, so a member's club was formed where Toni (the exotic dancer) showed the women of Ballyer how to seduce their men with some frilly smalls and hips and tits. Scandal. Shock. Horror. You still couldn't buy condoms or contraception pills in the Ieland of the time (you stupid fucking cunt, Jambo) nor was there any porn shops. Men caught bringing porn into Ireland were arrested, publicly shamed with a court case and mention in the newspaper, and the skin rags and dildos taken off them.
Toni kept her act up as long as she could, she even met Jane Mansfield (the buxom Hollywood star) when she came to do her erotic show somewhere down in Kerry in the late 1960s. The church had the hotel hosting the show closed down and her show cancelled. But by then the tickets were all sold out, and as soon as she got off the plane she got back on it and left, horrified at being pigeon-holed as a sex worker. She put on a show, a curvy, sexy, singalong show that scandalized the priests and sisters who thought it was corrupt and seedy.
Of course they'd have to have seen it to know - so you can work that one out yourself.
But back to jazz: weed has always been associated with jazz, and of course all the players needed their baggies and so the local bookers and agents had to be able to tell them that they'd have what they need because they weren't going to risk taking weed into Ireland with them. Same with booze, same with pills and powders, same with fucking everything - they wanted it all shut down.
And Irish people just sat there and let them, you stupid fucking slavs.
Anything to do with drugs and rock and roll was to be banned, at any cost.
Same shit that's costing you millions every year in lost revenue by outlawing weed for personal - not medical - reasons. Coppers up and down the country, customs men in the ports and airports, all searching and x-raying everything that came/comes into the country instead of legalizing it, letting people make up their own minds, and licensing outlets for those who choose to use.
In fact, the jazz scene is a million miles away from all that. Take players like the globally renowned and respected Louis Stewart from Dublin? After his wife died he fell apart. he didn't know how to take care of himself: launder, cook, plan, budget, etc, so the guys on the jazz scene stepped in and Colm 'Red' O'Sullivan took him into his Mam's house to live while they tried to figure out what to do for him. Louis just played all day every day, he didn't care about anything else and Red often had to force feed him to keep him healthy. Red's a mad fucker these days, but back when he was jamming with us in QVII he wore his three-piece blue pinstripe confirmation suit every night religiously. He was polite, self-deprecating, meek, humble, shy, and very hard to talk to. Once he took Louis in he blossomed and the pair of them played off each other all day every day.
Colm went on to become Ireland's most in-demand flautist.
He's still around, last I heard.
I'm avoiding any interaction with him.
When he deletes my posts with a huge essay about "quality" then posts unattributed screenshots rather than actual links, it confirms he's just oblivious to how he presents himself. I think it's his autism.
Declan's kidding no one. The first thing that fat cunt does every morning (after stuffing his fat face with whole boxes of corn flakes) is take a peek to see if Mowl's said anything nice about him. He's mortified at the way I revealed his real self to you all, so he tries to act aloof and indifferent.
He's about as aloof and indifferent as $1,390 is to Xenforo.
Even after I pulled his curtains down, he's still spoofing like a shitty-knickered child.
He's a laughing stock - old news, an aged and useless old fart near death's door - thankfully.
A walking fucking heart attack.