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  1. K

    Israel Iran war

    Ironically .. nothing Iran looks powerless.
  2. K

    Israel Iran war

    Yep. The Irainans got something like 7 hits out of 350 drone, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles strikes. That's appalling. Its a fucking disaster for Iran. And remember what they have is Russian or Russian derived tech. China must be shiting themselves. The technology gap is all too...
  3. K

    Israel Iran war

  4. K

    Chat 🔥🤬General Chat Thread

    Gotcha. This is new though. Two sovereign states in the ME are now overtly at war. Merge as appropriate though.
  5. K

    Israel Iran war

    Operation True Promise. Well they are in for the kill. Failure is going to be near fatal for the Iranians considering how angry their own population is with their elite.
  6. K

    Chat 🔥🤬General Chat Thread

    Is this about my thread on the ongoing Iranian attack? No problem with me if its merged. Sorry for missing the other one.
  7. K

    Israel Iran war

    Cruise missles on the way. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-04-13/ty-article-live/biden-doubles-down-on-iran-warning-dont-u-s-move-additional-assets-to-region/0000018e-d491-d161-ab8f-f4f583d30000
  8. K

    Israel Iran war

    Its on. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/4/13/israeli-army-says-iran-has-launched-drones-at-israel Not sure what Iran can hope to achieve.
  9. K

    Ukraine and Russia

    Apparently Putin has to shut some of them down. He has killed so many convicts on human wave attacks.
  10. K

    Ukraine and Russia

    But they are now riding in 50s tech. And there's a limit on how much they have.
  11. K

    Ukraine and Russia

  12. K

    Ukraine and Russia

    James, you clearly don't have a clue. There is such a thing as a real world, not the qanon type fantasy where "the jews" control all, that you appear to ascribe to. This will be our last communication. Get a decent shag. That'll help.
  13. K

    Ukraine and Russia

    James, you are Dunning Kruger in action. And I am limiting this to wit. Your knowledge of basic history in this subject is already exposed as deficient. You're outclassed. Try a cogent argument, or rejoin Arsefields.
  14. K

    Ukraine and Russia

    Yes. A fucking invasion and hundreds of thousands of lives lost is not a rampage. James. You're an idiot.
  15. K

    Ukraine and Russia

    Our slavic friends had their chance and did their best. It was called the USSR.
  16. K

    Ukraine and Russia

    They have to, to maintain their policy of hegemony. WW2 taught the US that isolation doesn't work, that their prosperity is related to trade. They have taken over the British Empire in maintaining trade routes, which are mostly by sea. They don't give a shit about Russia, which has the GDP of...
  17. K

    Ukraine and Russia

    I'm not so sure. The European countries can defeat Russia right now. If they work together, a big if. But they absolutely have the military power. But if they try it'll lead to Russia going nuclear. Nixon introduced the Mad Man theory. And that's the core problem with MAD. Someone, like...
  18. K

    Ukraine and Russia

    Russia wasnt invaded this time. That's the key. And even when Russia has been invaded (in a war they started) they can lose. 1917. The last Tsar couldn't afford to lose. And he couldn't. He and his his family literally paid that price. And Russia loses wars...
  19. K

    Ukraine and Russia

    Every country that's lost a war says this at some point.
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