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  • Users: Gerry
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  1. Gerry

    Nordic News

    Theys good lott the deers inn Fnlands. Goods four th shootin
  2. Gerry

    Green agendar not goodd

    Th barn catt hav kitens. Two expenersiv too shot wi th buletrs Beter jusy drown inn ther buket
  3. Gerry

    Green agendar not goodd

    Nott times for th politicals at al wit thr farmng. But doo alwats giv thw locale Fiana Failer lad th votew
  4. Gerry

    The Music Thread

  5. Gerry


    Why th Japs nott cook th3 fish? Noting likee throwin a bitt if the Donegawl Catchh on thee pan wit bitt of buter
  6. Gerry

    Green agendar not goodd

    Needs least 100 acre for the modren farmin includin th tilage. Neer the retirin age so son wantt to do the farmings. He in Garda butt betre off had ben in th army as theys use the gunss. The crowss ar fuckerrs four stealin the seeds an needd to be goods aim to get rid o thems
  7. Gerry

    Green agendar not goodd

    It ruinngs thee farmingg economicy. Wat wronng farmerr makin livin andd jus relaxin pint or too in th pub. Itt not askig fuckin muhc now is i Eam9n Ryann is deth of farming. No more3 food on thee tsble four th3 jackeens down thre inn Dubljn. Youu taker awayy th farms an their nothings left...
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