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Yeah, you go into the ACP >> Media Embedding >> Maximum media embeds per message

It isn't rocket science.
Well that's what I mean, when I said that it's obviously not that hard. But when all these issues persist month after month and nothing changes you start to imagine that there's something to do it. Something more than the laziness and incompetence of the Admin :)
Dan never was a competent administrator.

Colm is probably the most technically knowledgeable out of everyone. I think Hanz is a cunt, but still good with admin / software stuff.
Xenforo allow you to see the inside of their ACPs. Just enter email address, login as Admin (same password).

Login to Admin at top of page and enter Admin + Admin again.

Atheists/anti-theists (which leftists tend to be) of course use science to push their own view re: religion/God.

Think of someone like The Lump, Lumpy Von Talbot Lumpy Von Talbot. Equally ignorant on science but his motive (with science) is to say - it's not God whatdunnit. But science won't prove that.

That's not true, Mandy...I love Val being on Arsefield's, his bumbling is top class comedy.

But you had to go and ruin it for everyone, didn't you?
I've just deleted you as a moderator...but here, have a blog.

Will Val take the bait I wonder? 😅

Hardly matters, the site's in obvious decline now that the site gobshite's been scolded by his fellow culchie/boss.

That's not true, Mandy...I love Val being on Arsefield's, his bumbling is top class comedy.

Here, Mandy - ask Dan what a 'flobby belly' is, will you?

I'm in need of a giggle here watching Ryan Tubridy lie like the rat scumbag parasite he is.

But you had to go and ruin it for everyone, didn't you?

Everything Mandy touches turns to zits.

The spotty little acne machine.

Midget with a face rash.

Pus and bile, in large amounts all over his face and neck. I hope his boyfriend doesn't catch it off him while licking his lips.
Thread gone way off-topic. Some posts will need to be removed/ moved to the GCT.
It's a fairly stupid idea for Dan to leave Mandy in charge of the ACP, considering that the latter knows more about the inner workings of these sites. One argument with Dan, or say he decides to start his own site...then that's two years worth of content gone with a few clicks of a button.

I wouldn't trust a Feeney as far as I could throw them.
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