
Chat ðŸ”¥ðŸ¤¬General Chat Thread

The thread is purportedly trying to point out illogic.
No, not really. Read the thread title

You apparently struggle with grasping your own illogic.
Such as?

You don't do logic, pal. You wrote seven paragraphs of incoherent rambling.. as only The Soapbox Dunce can.

So let's turn it around to try and help you.

Imagine you were living in Ancient Babylon, or the Ancient Mediterranean or Egypt, looking over at Europe.

You would have written the inhabitants off as losers devoid of potential, wouldn't you.

But then look at what happened after 1600?

Are you following me?
"Racism" is a meaningless term coming from the likes of you, a leftist.

And of course leftists are like flat-earthers, that penny only dropped with me today, to be quite honest.
Now I'm off for my tea.
You have your "tea" at ten o'clock in Israel? 🤔

@roc_WeWuzKangz_abilly, if you edit the quote again here in your reply then you will be permabanned.

So, that's an easy way out 4 u.
Does anyone actually think Netflix is worth paying €21 a month for?

Hell yeah, especially if the grilling Tubridy and Kelly are getting is free of charge.

Never seen a more frightened little babby than Tubs thnking the panel for cooking him slightly.

Roll on part two - starts in an hour.

Yes, because it's hilarious.

Val's back in the gay bar?

When I say 'back' you know what I mean.

The dirty kipper-smelling and toothless old fart.
What's Netflix like for content up in Finland?

Val returned today, but he refuses to post.

Dan even tried a compliment....but nothing seems to work.
Dan even tried a compliment....but nothing seems to work.

One fun thing to see is that NOBODY is taking up any of Zippy's threads - they all simply flop on the gay bar countertop.

Val has more fans than that stupid prick ever will.

Maybe even that scumbag Wolf too, though I'd find it hard to believe anybody wouldn't want to clatter the scummy little bastard to the floor and then step on his face. Quite hard. For eternity. It'd certainly please George Orwell. And me. Likely you too, no?
They're too busy engaging in twitter spam over there to pay any attention to Zippy and his threads.

As for Wolfie - he seems to find something funny about the name islepoli.com....can't stop laughing about it. Strange individual.
They're too busy engaging in twitter spam over there to pay any attention to Zippy and his threads.

Do they get some kind of fees for promoting Twitter and day and night?

As for Wolfie - he seems to find something funny about the name islepoli.com....can't stop laughing about it. Strange individual.

Ask yourself: what kind of twat calls himself 'wolf' and takes himself so seriously?

It's like with that rotten vaginal discharge, the Shitstick - her original name was 'Hitler's Right Testicle' for years and years. Again, what kind of simpleton retard takes themselves that seriously? She's a fucking rag, a stiff piece of tissue under her errant teenage son's sofa bed.

Hitler's Right Testicle. How fucking hilarious. How highly original. And well considered.

Stupid little no life-having sad cunts.
Not sure about fees...but it's hilarious to think that Dan is paying a bill every month just so a bunch of wasters can post tweets all day. 99% of it all is just re-tweets, you'd be as well off just logging into Twitter itself. He'd probably shit himself if he came across a real wolf. A wild wolf's bite force is insane...over twice that of a pitbull.

They all take themselves way too seriously on Arsefield's...they seem to think of themselves as revolutionaries of some sort. Instead they're boring cunts whose only hobbies seem to be whinging about current affairs on a daily basis. I feel sorry for anyone who has to be stuck around them all of the time.
Not sure about fees...

So they do it for free.

Interesting human behaviour.

but it's hilarious to think that Dan is paying a bill every month just so a bunch of wasters can post tweets all day. 99% of it all is just re-tweets, you'd be as well off just logging into Twitter itself.

Never saw the value of twitter - one hundred and forty characters is way too many for me.

He'd probably shit himself if he came across a real wolf. A wild wolf's bite force is insane...over twice that of a pitbull.

He lives on some shitty estate like Crumlin or Darndale: spends his dole down the local offie, saves a few quid for his phone/internet package, gets plastered and spends the day chasing MIA2 around the block - who just keeps laughing at him - and likely passes out sitting on the toilet pot after another marathon twenty-two hour day of re-posting twitter posts.

Even duller than Jambo.

They all take themselves way too seriously on Arsefield's...they seem to think of themselves as revolutionaries of some sort. Instead they're boring cunts whose only hobbies seem to be whinging about current affairs on a daily basis. I feel sorry for anyone who has to be stuck around them all of the time.

Dan pays for that privilege, the sad fattie.

Imagine spending your wife's wages on a site to host the likes of Val and Wolf? Or Myles, what a fucking gimp?

But that's how some of these sad bastards are: like Jambo here: yesterday he gets his first thread/blog to self moderate and what does he say in his first reply to the first post written by another member?

Give me one good reason why I shouldn't delete this utter rubbish?


This is exactly the kind of bullshit Jambo loves.

he has no interest whatsoever in anything anybody says - he just wants to be able to mute them, silence their point, ban them from his sad little story about some mysterious 'others' on the other sites he's banned from. He has neither style, purpose, meaning, nor basic manners. A spoiled little brat who just upturned his spaghetti bolognese on his own head to spite his poor Ma.

Oh, wait - she's dead, isn't she?

Ahh, yes - now I remember.

Jambo was raised by his Da. Sadly his Da appears to have been something of a dipso who took to the drink after the Missus died and he realized he was going to have to feed the little bastard son himself. Classic abandoned child disorder. Add in a bit of violence on the weekends and now you know why Jambo's a loner. He can't trust anyone. They all leave him in the end and so he reinvents himself as an online warrior with a few catch phrases he collected off Telegram. This is Jambo's diagnosis:

See? Classic Jambo from start to finish.

Add in a sprinkle of narcissism and now you know the reason why he's so fucking interminably angry all the time.

'Borderline personality disorder (BPD), also known as emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD),[14] is a personality disorder characterized by a long-term pattern of intense and unstable interpersonal relationships, distorted sense of self, and strong emotional reactions.[15][9][16] Those affected often engage in self-harm and other dangerous behaviors, often due to their difficulty with returning their emotional level to a healthy or normal baseline.[17][18][19] They may also struggle with a feeling of emptiness, fear of abandonment, and detachment from reality.[15]

As for his self-moderated bitch-thread, I have it ignored.

Best thing all round, really.
Arsefield's is such a hideous website in every single way, from the posters, to the ugly design, to the constant spamming...I don't know why anyone would bother frequenting it. I only ever look at it for the laugh. It's slow, clunky, badly designed, full of bottom of the barrel posters.

Dan should just close up shop and spend the money on something useful - such as petrol or a takeaway.
But...but...but...it's Ireland's Premier Discussion site.

It must be true as it's written at the top of the page, next to the three leaf clover.
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