@Truth League. I suppose you can only laugh.
There he was only a few posts back giving an overt display of white supremacism, posting photos of Rome and some impoverished African hut with the message that here was white achievement as compared to black achievement.
And when confronted with the fact of numerous great black civilisations, and indeed "white" societies like our own brought to similar states of impoverishment by essentially white (Anglo) supremacist forces, his petulant reaction was actually, "Oh shut up".
I mean you can only laugh at what a petulant child he is, at the essential petulance underlying his white supremacism.
Remember only a short while back he was stamping his little foot demanding everyone call him a "white nationalist" instead of the more appropriate term?
And now he has found a new invented nonsense phrase, we can only presume on the white supremacist websites he slavers over, wearing out his copy and paste buttons, such as run by grifters like Morgon, Woods and Collett, he came across this joke epitath "race realist" that they now all want to be known by.
Well Jambo can stamp his foot all he likes, and sulk petutantly all he likes, anyone who considers such a phrase as "race realist" as anything other than a bad joke invented by tragic small men who are an even worse joke in their sordid existences, can only be afflicted by the same disease.
So what's the yellow bellied little turd going to do now? Stamp his foot and demand anyone challenging his self declared epitaths meet him for a fight? Of course after his recent display of abject cowardice on Arsefields that is only going to have the peanut gallery of Islepoli in yet more stitches laughing at him.