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You've been amply told, moron.

Nobody gives a fuck about your distinctions.

Just as nobody cares about the distinction a paedophile makes between the term paedophile and minor attracted person, demanding he be categorised by the latter.

Nobody gives a fuck except other racists.
You're the one making a distinction, not me (with your paedo stuff).

But you can't tell us why a race realist and a white supremacist are the same. The easiest way to do that would be as requested in post #366.. But you won't do that, because you're full of a shit, a coward and a liar.
And there you have it folks..

We see today a refusal to provide a definition of two of their favourite slur words - conspiracy theorist and white supremacist.

What a bunch of fucking clowns the anti-white brigade truly are.

Re @Truth League. I suppose you can only laugh.

There he was only a few posts back giving an overt display of white supremacism, posting photos of Rome and some impoverished African hut with the message that here was white achievement as compared to black achievement.

And when confronted with the fact of numerous great black civilisations, and indeed "white" societies like our own brought to similar states of impoverishment by essentially white (Anglo) supremacist forces, his petulant reaction was actually, "Oh shut up".

I mean you can only laugh at what a petulant child he is, at the essential petulance underlying his white supremacism.

Remember only a short while back he was stamping his little foot demanding everyone call him a "white nationalist" instead of the more appropriate term?

And now he has found a new invented nonsense phrase, we can only presume on the white supremacist websites he slavers over, wearing out his copy and paste buttons, such as run by grifters like Morgon, Woods and Collett, he came across this joke epitath "race realist" that they now all want to be known by.

Well Jambo can stamp his foot all he likes, and sulk petutantly all he likes, anyone who considers such a phrase as "race realist" as anything other than a bad joke invented by tragic small men who are an even worse joke in their sordid existences, can only be afflicted by the same disease.

So what's the yellow bellied little turd going to do now? Stamp his foot and demand anyone challenging his self declared epitaths meet him for a fight? Of course after his recent display of abject cowardice on Arsefields that is only going to have the peanut gallery of Islepoli in yet more stitches laughing at him.
I find it hilarious that the term that Jambo best uses to define himself is one he borrowed from his meme-posting heroes.

Life philosophy shaped by memes, a world outlook defined by being from Dublin, Ireland: a traditionally 'white' city where the northsiders hate the southsiders and consider them all poofs, and where the southsiders speak with a fake English drawl when referring to the northsiders as 'unwashed dole-spongers' in a country that has two of everything:

Northern Ireland/The Republic Of Same.

It never ends.

Divided at every level, and happy to be.

No matter what your politics - Ireland's a basket case, it amazes me that so few of you can even see it.
White supremacy is the belief that white people are superior to those of other races and thus should dominate them.

But I'm glad you've admitted that you think that "white supremacy" is a thoughtcrime (believing the truth).

Of course, no one cares about the truth in your cult.

Albeit your cult has been largely successful in convincing people that race isn't real.. And now you're trying the same with gender.
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Jambo: loves splitting hairs and digging rabbit holes.

Everything this fool has to say, he's already said.

There's not much to him, really.

He's a construct of various memes and slogans found here and there on the darker net.

But if it helps him at all - then he can rest assured I am in fact an anti-white myself.

If pro-white is Jambo, that is.
Re @Truth League. I suppose you can only laugh.

There he was only a few posts back giving an overt display of white supremacism, posting photos of Rome and some impoverished African hut with the message that here was white achievement as compared to black achievement.

And when confronted with the fact of numerous great black civilisations, and indeed "white" societies like our own brought to similar states of impoverishment by essentially white (Anglo) supremacist forces, his petulant reaction was actually, "Oh shut up".

I mean you can only laugh at what a petulant child he is, at the essential petulance underlying his white supremacism.
Remember only a short while back he was stamping his little foot demanding everyone call him a "white nationalist" instead of the more appropriate term?
Yes, because it's the correct term. I don't think white people should have dominion over people of other races.

And, unlike you, I don't believe that white people should be (demographically) relegated to taking their place with other groups - literally your own words, in their own countries.

And of course you would never say the same about Israel, feel free to remind us why you think that's the case.

And now he has found a new invented nonsense phrase, we can only presume on the white supremacist websites he slavers over, wearing out his copy and paste buttons, such as run by grifters like Morgon, Woods and Collett, he came across this joke epitath "race realist" that they now all want to be known by.

Well Jambo can stamp his foot all he likes, and sulk petutantly all he likes, anyone who considers such a phrase as "race realist" as anything other than a bad joke invented by tragic small men who are an even worse joke in their sordid existences, can only be afflicted by the same disease.

So what's the yellow bellied little turd going to do now? Stamp his foot and demand anyone challenging his self declared epitaths meet him for a fight? Of course after his recent display of abject cowardice on Arsefields that is only going to have the peanut gallery of Islepoli in yet more stitches laughing at him.
And, unlike you, I don't believe that white people should be (demographically) relegated to taking their place with other groups - literally your own words, in their own countries.
By the way, the Lump called the opposition to that ^ (whites being replaced in their own countries).... Apartheid. I shit you not 🤣

Jambo: every Irish blog's 'one hit wonder' type half-pipe.

He really wants and needs to be whatever his meme-creating superhero Collett/Morgon/Telegram tells him he is.

Or isn't.
Can anyone tell me what the value of having a poster like 'Wolf' (the angry cunt on Arsefield's) on their site?

What a fucking cunt.
Wolf, Plonker and Mandy are bottom of the barrel as far as posters go. Mandy is starting a thread these days every time a brain fart enters his head...he's as bad, if not worse than Plonker when it comes to spamming and shite discussion topics, e.g.

Just what Arsefield's needed...it's not as if they already had 20 million threads on US politics. No doubt Mandy's next entry will be the 100th "wut u find funniez!?!?!?" OP.
Wolf, Plonker and Mandy are bottom of the barrel as far as posters go.

They really are.

Add Saul into the mix and the IQ of the entire crew drops into the minus figures - right down there with Val and Jambo, actually.

Mandy is starting a thread these days every time a brain fart enters his head...he's as bad, if not worse than Plonker when it comes to spamming and shite discussion topics, e.g.

We have Biden over for a visit this Friday the 13th.

The army are out already.

So are his people.

This should be fun.

Just what Arsefield's needed...it's not as if they already had 20 million threads on US politics. No doubt Mandy's next entry will be the 100th "wut u find funniez!?!?!?" OP.

Ahh, but another thread about Declan's 'wealth' would be great - that shit always makes me laugh, a multi-millionaire living in a horse box.
Most science research these days is fake

And how would Plonker know that exactly?
Rather you are too dumb to understand that the other person objects to your idea of applying these kind of "measures" to people.

It is of course inconsequential that a race is on average short. Whereas what an educated person is interested in is say the diverse backgrounds an individual person is from, and their personal growth as they struggle with the problems unique to their era, their history, and their culture.

They understand such considerations completely and utterly transcend such specificities as their height. So why the hell are you talking about it as if it is something worth consideration?

They also recall similar, of the Nazis scientifically measuring people in such manner, and typing them according to race, utilising averages.

You see you in your ignorance think that human beings can be classified like insects and that whole blocks of millions or tens of millions of people can be confidently labelled along such lines.

Intelligent people discern that in you. So it's not that they don't understand the concept of averages. (They probably understand more about averages than you, such as the principle that you never cross a river on average four foot deep.)

Rather they have a problem with the process of your logic, your emphasis, where you are coming from, and this is something you apparently are incapable of realising.
Give me one good reason why I shouldn't delete this utter rubbish?
Give me one good reason why I shouldn't delete these profound insights?
The thread is purportedly trying to point out illogic.

You apparently struggle with grasping your own illogic.

So let's turn it around to try and help you.

Imagine you were living in Ancient Babylon, or the Ancient Mediterranean or Egypt, looking over at Europe.

You would have written the inhabitants off as losers devoid of potential, wouldn't you.

But then look at what happened after 1600?

Are you following me?
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