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Dear Zippy,

This was three days ago yet you STILL haven't noticed the avatar doxxing somebody's private residence right under your nose? You thick cunt.

Mod action- No doxxing of anyone however problematic they are.

Six staff members moderating another six regular posters, yet ye still couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery between the lot of you.
All-American girls exercising their Second Amendment rights like good patriots.

Uncle Joe Biden and his socialist gun control cronies will have to wrestle these ladies guns from their cold, dead hands. You've been warned. Don't fuck with patriotic Americans.

Give me liberty, or give me death!

USA = no.1 you commie eurotrash motherfuckers.

Myles O'Reilly is one of the Irish internet's dumbest twats ever, Sir.

No wonder he and Jambo get along so well.
Ah yes. Another chump who had terrible trouble comprehending cause and effect. Another great chess player who was on the bottom rung of intuiting causality, a fellow who thought "the Rapture" was coming.

And who like you Jambo harboured paranoid conspiracy theories where inevitably the “Jew” was the simple cause to every effect.

It's a form of autism, and Fischer like you was severely autistic. He was the type like you who would tend to think the rooster's crow caused the sun to rise in the morning.

I.e. He could obsereve that patterns, but had little real human insight into the great tangled web of life of this world - insight and intuition that also appears to elude you, Jambo.

Ah yes. Another chump who had terrible trouble comprehending cause and effect. Another great chess player who was on the bottom rung of intuiting causality, a fellow who thought "the Rapture" was coming.

And who like you Jambo harboured paranoid conspiracy theories where inevitably the “Jew” was the simple cause to every effect.

It's a form of autism, and Fischer like you was severely autistic. He was the type like you who would tend to think the rooster's crow caused the sun to rise in the morning.

I.e. He could obsereve that patterns, but had little real human insight into the great tangled web of life of this world - insight and intuition that also appears to elude you, Jambo.
The dogmatisms of the sloganisms of the cause and effectisms of the Dylann Roofism white supremacism theoryisms of the scientific conspiracy abstractionisms of the...

Would you ever shut the f*ck up, you babbling retard
Hmm, interesting.

Now what button did I press there to elicit that reaction.

It couldn'y have been slagging off the paranoia and brain disease of Bobby Fisher, we've done that before.

Was it the mention of "The Rapture"? A kind of precursor to "The Replacement"?

Where you could be just driving along, and suddenly "Zap", you're gone, singled out as worthy and spirited away to receive your just rewards.

Whereas with "The Replacement" all that happens is poor old Abdul from Bangladesh comes along, there's no "Zap", no just rewards, no measure of worth (well aside from perhaps a consideration of whether you're pulling your weight economically).

Is Jambo upset that his Replacement theory lacks the proper "pizzazz" of the Rapture theory favoured of his prototype, Bobby Fischer?
Hmm, interesting.

Now what button did I press there to elicit that reaction.
All of your posts, since forever

You are completely full of absolute shit

It couldn'y have been slagging off the paranoia and brain disease of Bobby Fisher, we've done that before.

Was it the mention of "The Rapture"? A kind of precursor to "The Replacement"?

Where you could be just driving along, and suddenly "Zap", you're gone, singled out as worthy and spirited away to receive your just rewards.

Whereas with "The Replacement" all that happens is poor old Abdul from Bangladesh comes along, there's no "Zap", no just rewards, no measure of worth (well aside from perhaps a consideration of whether you're pulling your weight economically).

Is Jambo upset that his Replacement theory lacks the proper "pizzazz" of the Rapture theory favoured of his prototype, Bobby Fischer?
Well it is the kind of thing someome might worry about on a forum like this, in consideration of Jambo's contributions (the stuff he copies, and then copies and pastes up on here).

Imagine this Roof fellow inspired "copycats" (yes, in the same manner as Morgoth, Collett and Woods inspire copycats I guess).

They called themselves the “Bowl Gang” (yes, similar to the Arsefields "A-team").

The more you read about this chap and the rabbit holes he fell into, the more you think, "hey fuck, that's exactly like our Jambo...".

Bad news for skangers and troublemakers - the Spaniards are outlawing piss-up culture in Ibiza etc.

About time,

its a wonder why they haven't done it sooner, nobody wants to go on their holidays and have to deal with pissed-up Brits, the Irish youth were starting to become equally as bad.
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