
USA golden age is here


America is back baby 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

After four years of commie Uncle Joes misrule the republic is back.

Libtards salty tears are just delicious. Suck it up losers.

Trump is the greatest leader in world history of the worlds greatest nation.

Freedom will prevail. Prosperity will prevail. America is born again. Liberals and commies hate Trump because they hate freedom. They hate liberty. They hate America.

The reactions of the liberal lamestream media are funny, they know the chief is back and he wont take any of their crap.

No more socialism. No more gun control. No more climate change hoax.

Make America Great Again. I salute you Mr Trump
They have a lot in common, Val and Donald.

Trump talks some shite, and Val eats that shit up.

I don't understand Dan or his ilk, groups such as Irish-Americans, Italian-Americans and Polish-Americans always formed the backbone of the Democratic Party throughout the northeastern United States. How a billionaire from an elite background such as Trump managed to sway this demographic I'll never know...he's the textbook definition of the WASP class. Then there's Robert Kennedy's son running as a dyed-in-the-wool GOP stalwart...his uncle was JFK of all people ffs. What's even more perplexing is his supporters in Ireland - most notably those Arsefielders creaming themselves over his inauguration...this is literally a man who'd fuck up the Irish economy for generations to come with one stroke of his presidential pen. If all those US corporations are lured away from Ireland back to their homeland then what exactly are we left with? We'll be the Craggy Island of Europe...our youths immigrating to Slovenia and Lithuania in search of better lives.

Arsefielders are a bit thick, they're essentially our version of the Daily Mail reader in England who'll believe any auld shite Rupert Murdoch wants them to believe. It never crosses their tiny minds that oligarchs such as Trump and Musk don't give a fuck about the little guy - they are narcissists only out to enrich their own class, using populism at election time as a means to that end. The Donald won't be any different from the last few presidents...it'll be boom time on Wall Street and misery for the rest of the 99%. Hopefully Danny boy never breaks an arm in Donald Trump's America - RFK Jr will see to it that he'll have to remortgage his house in order to pay the extortionate hospital fees of the US's corporate-run healthcare system.

No wonder Elon Musk was pissing himself laughing at the inauguration. Dear Arsefielders, he was laughing at you, not with you. Do you really think you lot are on the same team as the wealthiest individual on the entire planet?
You guys need to understand that America is awesome.

Trump is back and America is born again. No more statism or Communism.

We will kick Iran's ass
America is currently the planetary intellectual dump.

Stick Trump on to some Ritalin, for fuck's sake.
Right now there's a bullet with Trump's name on it waiting to be loaded, cocked, and fired.

It's coming, and I hope this time it takes more than the top of his his lug off.

His whole face needs lengthy automatic fire.

America is the new Russia.
America rises Donald Trump and his Son will be the greatest presidnets ever in history. i mean Donald Trump Jr.
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