
The Origins of cute hoorism in Ireland

I think you'll find that was me rather than the Mowl.
What's the difference?

Well up to your usual forensic standards. And I wasn't 'desperate' to talk to some aboriginal people. I would have liked to. But white Australians kept bouncing in and out of my sight lines like fucking kangaroos.

I'll always be grateful to Australia for making me realise that I should avoid countries that don't recognise reading as a pastime.
The Mowl is more fetching than I am. He's the one with the musical talent. He lives in Finland. I live in the UK. You are one of the white people who could do with being replaced. Preferably by a one legged blind black lesbian with hearing difficulty.

It would be an improvement. We could probably get a grant.
The Mowl is more fetching than I am. He's the one with the musical talent. He lives in Finland. I live in the UK. You are one of the white people who could do with being replaced. Preferably by a one legged blind black lesbian with hearing difficulty.

It would be an improvement. We could probably get a grant.
There isn't any difference in your anti-whiteism and slavering over blacks & browns. You're both equally pathetic
I think you'll find that was me rather than the Mowl.

Jambo's easily confused: he's gone through twenty-five different usernames on several different forums and hasn't accumulated even one friend or person who agrees with him, apart from Saul and Clerk/Connolly. Which tells you everything you need to know.

Well up to your usual forensic standards. And I wasn't 'desperate' to talk to some aboriginal people. I would have liked to. But white Australians kept bouncing in and out of my sight lines like fucking kangaroos.

Giant rats, those roos.

I'll always be grateful to Australia for making me realise that I should avoid countries that don't recognise reading as a pastime.

Or washing on a regular basis.


Nobody cares what you think, Seamus.

What's the difference?

None at all.

The Mowl is more fetching than I am.

I am rather photogenic: as my enemies know only too well.

He's the one with the musical talent.

Earned, not gifted.

He lives in Finland.

And what a life it truly is.

I'm so happy I could just crouch over on the shitting ditch and have at it.

I live in the UK.

Not my kind of country or culture but I like reminding them that I speak and write their language better than they do themselves.

You are one of the white people who could do with being replaced.

Jambo could be replaced by a hat stand.

Nobody would even notice.

Preferably by a one legged blind black lesbian with hearing difficulty.

You're turning him on now, Cap'n.

Careful there.

It would be an improvement.

A steel shovel to the temple would be an even bigger improvement.

We could probably get a grant.

He'd only blow it on slabs of Dutch Gold.

There isn't any difference in your anti-whiteism and slavering over blacks & browns.

I moved from a red-necked country to a white skinned and white blonde hair type country.

The blacks and browns you refer to are a localized problem in a town near you today.

You're both equally pathetic

And the only thicker cunt than you I can think of right now is of course you yourself.

All things being equal.
Your average rural TD / local councillor.


Gullible Yanks with deep pockets make for a perfect target for the cute hoor. Sure, the cute hoor will laugh to himself about how these people with NYC, Boston and Chicago accents think of themselves as Irish because their great-great-great-great granny left on a transatlantic steamer from Cobh back in the 1800s....but if said Yanks continue to believe what they believe then there's money to be made - just look at the tourism industry in Ireland for instance. Americans are gullible, naïve and sincere sorts - easily conned out of a few euros by Gombeen man and his associates. Just look at Dev, he built his Irish Press empire on the back of Irish-American donations during his trip to the USA, claiming it was for the cause of Irish independence.

It's one reason I laugh at plastic paddies such as TadhgO'R on Arsefield's, the people behind the levers of power in Ireland couldn't give a fuck about people like him, with one glaring exception - that they have a few grand in the bank and are willing to spend it in Ireland. If they believing themselves to be Irish means they're willing to dish out even more tourist dollars (including at that Leprechaun shop on Westmoreland Street), then sure fuck it says the cute hoor, let them go on thinking whatever they want.
The odd contrast being that millions of present day Americans really want to be Irish and will go out of their way to find their Irish roots, even if they have to spoof it. While another type of Irish, namely me and mine, want to be anything BUT Irish. Hence my new passport, permanent Finnish resident status, and they can keep the previous passport or else I'll use it for target practice.

One of the main reasons that the gombeen Irish scabs can't get a foothold up here is that this country is genuinely honest, open, has full transparency and accountability, and cute hoorism is treated for what it is: criminal behaviour. If I break some serious law, my host country will rightly hammer me: then likely deport me. If a rich Finn (who has more than enough already) does the same, he'll be fined and ran ragged in the media, his business shunned and his reputation destroyed. He won't be deported, but he'll likely have no fucking choice but to get the fuck out and start again somewhere else.

The Irish don't give a fuck either way: honesty and transparency confuses them, it upsets them.

it forces them to make choices and make the hard decisions: trust the honest guy in the lion's den or trust the Paddy with a dagger in his underpants?

'I know your face, the Mowl..'

Status Green: twenty thousand homes without toilets or electricity due to fallen power lines.
Status Orange: twenty-five thousand homes without power or clean water and no bin collections until next November.
Status Blue: a wind event causing thirty thousand homes to lose power, water, and internet broadband.
Status Purple: lots of rain, Prince's song 'Purple Rain' played on rotation on RTE until someone can drive over to change the record.
Status Pink: all homes with gay members left without power, broadband, food deliveries from Foodora, and the washing still wet out on the line.
Status Magenta: all knickers creamed, fingers frozen, toes in agony, and fifty thousand without power across Munster.
Status Black: all immigrants without power and all tents along the canals set alight with another seventy thousand without power across Connaught.
Status White: all bloggers put on starvation diets, blog fees increased by 75% and eighty-five thousand without power in Dublin due to fallen lines.

Meanwhile, the Wichita Lineman is still on the line:

You stupid fucking cunts.

Poor auld Paddy and Bridie: they now have to get down on their knees and rim the hoop off Trump lest he pull all of his American corporations out of Ireland by offering them an even cheaper deal on corporate tax rates than Paddy can muster. The recent power outages certainly didn't enhance our reputation as a shower of useless Micks, but has anyone even asked the main power consumers (data centres) how they were affected by the outages after the storm?

Zucherberg's already been slapped on the back and he responded pronto, like he knew he should.

Bezos and Musk are already buddy-buddy with Trump, he can recall them any time he likes and he'll get what he wants.

Best bet for Paddy now is to rename the River Liffey as The Trump International Waterway.

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