
The Great Replacement "Theory" (reprise)

Poor Jambo - he hasn't a fucking clue what's going.

Still trying to explain the theory behind theories being just that: theories.

He's been tying himself up with those bootlaces since we first met him.
Poor Jambo - he hasn't a fucking clue what's going.

Still trying to explain the theory behind theories being just that: theories.

He's been tying himself up with those bootlaces since we first met him.
Why are you posting your tripe.. You don't even understand what's being discussed

You only get away with your extreme, obnoxious behaviour online (IRL you'd be likely to get a slap)
The immediate bone of contention here is what does 'theory' mean in replacement theory. It means conspiracy theory:

Find a link that says it doesn't
And that's all I want roc_abilly roc_abilly to do, instead of waving his arms around as he has for months (or is it years) in Roc World

Provide some compelling evidence that the 'theory' in replacement theory doesn't mean conspiracy theory
And that's all I want roc_abilly roc_abilly to do, instead of waving his arms around as he has for months (or is it years) in Roc World

Provide some compelling evidence that the 'theory' in replacement theory doesn't mean conspiracy theory

So good to see you clean up Ireland, Jimmy.

Getting bogged down on dictionary definitions will soon teach those bastards, eh.

Try looking it up on the Urban Dictionary - where all nationalist half-pipes get their abbreviations.

Dublin city centre: some fucking seriously dangerous shithole main street. The lads whatdunnit are imports. Two arrested and held, two more somewhere out on the near horizon. My only remaining family member who lives in Dublin never goes near it. In fact, they requested one time to be driven into town to have a look around the city they grew up in. Then went back home, horrified.

I know the feeling: as soon as my inward flight lands, I have to take a deep breath and remind myself that this is just a quick visit, it's not permanent and it's not my home, so adapt a thicker skin and try not to be too horrified by the changes that I see every time I come home. Thankfully, Ballyfermot is a far more settled town than it was in my childhood. I could even stretch it to say that yes - I do remember some really good times on the blighted little rock, but a rolling stone gathers no friends or enemies when we know that this is just a launch-pad out into the wider world.

If only you fuckers could actually DO something instead of yapping all day and night?

I found it hard, - it's hard to find, oh well.. . ..whatever, never mind..
Grand job of splitting hairs there, Jimmy.

Did it ever occur to you that Canada's line-up might consist of the best Canadian players in the country?

Maybe the white Canadian guys just aren't up to today's required standards. Perhaps they're all just second rate losers with fuck all ambition and sense of entitlement. Perhaps the rigours of professional football is too much for them. Their lives haven't known one single day of starvation or worry, so they leave the struggles making it from the ghetto to the stars to the coloured elements in their towns. Canada isn't exactly a burgeoning culture across the world, now is it? How many Canadians do you know? How many times have you visited the country? None? Well, there's a thing.

Perhaps your conspiracy theory about theories and conspiracies is all lies/bullshit/memes?

You're a white guy. You rarely leave the house. You're drunk most of the time. You have neither a job nor any obvious means of gainful employment. You drink cheap beer, read propaganda about propaganda, theories about theories, splitting hairs, eye of the needle, butterfly on the wheel. Maybe they're just like you? Lazy white guys with zero ambition? So disillusioned by how things are that they just can't find the energy or the will to compete? Have you ever been photographed standing with twelve other white Irish blokes ready to get muck in their ears? No? Well, that's part of the answer here.

Ambitious black dudes are going to continue replacing pasty-white pink people like you, Jimmy. It's not a conspiracy, it's a simple fact. You stand for nothing and complain about everything. You refuse to engage and demand the right to moan about being lazy, lacking ambition, refusing to develop any particular skills set because you think the black lads ought to be scrubbing the shit off your toilet bowl after your morning dump.

What do you imagine the outcome would be in a black guy v Jambo competition?

They wake earlier than you, they run further and faster before evening thinking about morning coffee. They have strength where you have impotence. They band together just like you do - except they set higher standards than you, Saul, and the other two eejits in The Z Team. They eat chicken and water melon where you consume frozen pizzas and slabs of cheap imported beer. They throw barbecue parties with the all neighbours invited over to enjoy. You operate from a dank basement as far as some other dank basement occupied with another pasty-white loser with a beer belly and Saul's level of competency and planning. Black dudes go out and fight for their place in society, tooth and nail. You stay in your basement passing memes around, and then you call it 'winning'.

Your life is going nowhere at the moment, and six months from now it'll be no different: you'll still be whingeing and whining.

Did you think that Adeleke was picked to run for Ireland because she's black?

Or is it that she's faster than any other Irish passport holder?

Pick one - you'll still lose.

That's because you're a born loser - and born losers never win in these harsh times.
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And you'll notice that the Google search string above ^ does not contain 'theory' yet the results..

Nope, didn't notice - don't care.

Is it any wonder leftards have been trained to replace replacement (an existential threat to European and European descended peoples) with mUh CoNsPiRaCy ThEoRy

Wishful thinking: neither a conspiracy nor a theory.

Simple facts of life 1: 01: losers lose, while the strong survive and excel.

While you're on here fighting for the right to party, Jamal and Muhammud are coping with a hangover while trying to name the three Irish slags he woke up next to. he's a better DJ than you, a better dancer, dresses better, wears a bit too much after shave but looks good in anything, even a towel around his head.

You need to discipline yourself, Jambo - throw away that crusty auld sock and stop paying for online porn.

You'll never save Ireland from Muh Jamal or McMuhammud watching cuckold videos.
Nope, didn't notice - don't care.
Wishful thinking: neither a conspiracy nor a theory.
You've accidentally stumbled upon the correct answer

Simple facts of life 1: 01: losers lose, while the strong survive and excel.

While you're on here fighting for the right to party, Jamal and Muhammud are coping with a hangover while trying to name the three Irish slags he woke up next to. he's a better DJ than you, a better dancer, dresses better, wears a bit too much after shave but looks good in anything, even a towel around his head.

You need to discipline yourself, Jambo - throw away that crusty auld sock and stop paying for online porn.

You'll never save Ireland from Muh Jamal or McMuhammud watching cuckold videos.
You've accidentally stumbled upon the correct answer

Like you finally stumbled into your replacement last time you went into Dublin city centre and ordered a cheeseburger at McDonald's?


Now that has to hurt.

I think replacing you is a great idea.

You only take up space and you're too fucking noisy and irritating to have around.

I bet there's a four year old black kid currently attending a day care centre along Parnell Street who's going to come of age and drive you out of your basement and into some dank and cold piss-stinking doorway along O'Connell Street while he takes over the roost. Once he's boned your eldest daughter (by consent, not by roofies) and she's pregnant with his kid, he'll send back word to the desert for the rest of his clan to come and move into your neighbour's gaff.

He doesn't even need to try to hide what he's doing: he knows his rights.

And now you know yours too.

Which aren't very many.

Ever considered dying your skin chocolate brown, Shay?
Replacement theory is like any other theory - it makes predictions, based on (a) some sort of model put forth (b) observations are made to test the model.

So for example consider the model "Fs = kX" for a spring. To test that model you apply forces to a spring, measure the extension, and see do they conform to your model.

In a similar manner the typical model for replacement theory is a continuous linear increase of various ethnicities and cultures of non-white persons introduced into a population, up until the point that the white population becomes less than 50% of the total population, at which point a postulated apocalyptic situation occurs.

You take this postulated linear growth and you are able to predict an approximate year the great event is going to occur (further you are predicting that the event that will occur shall be apocalyptic, based on another mental model).

Consider that this theory differs from Hooke's law, in that we can't test the predictions of the model until they happen in the future, as alleged.

All the theory has to go on is selective snapshots of the growth curve postulated by the model, alleged to be linear (but that is only because you are only looking at a small part of the total growth curve of course).

So first we're lacking adequate observations to remove uncertainty about the set of possibilities. Second, as I have said, we never see linear growth curves in nature, they are S-shaped curves.

And you could show up the theory as farcical in more ways if you had the inclination.

Granted, the term "conspiracy theory" usually refers to the introduction of scheming Jews driving some hypothetico-deductive scenario, and in the above, it is true that many proponents of replacement theory often do that.

But if they don't, what do we refer to the theory as? A brain-fart? Or something else?

Listen on X👇
Listen on X👇

Let's imagine that one ordinary pissing-down with rain type day, seven hundred and fifty pissed-off Irish people arrive at the Dublin Airport departures floor and they all hop onto a plane and leave the country for good. Let's also imagine say around seven hundred and fifty non-Irish people arrive into Dublin airport arrivals floor looking for refugee status - and they're given it. Would that make you:

(1) angry
(2) sad
(3) neither of the above

Let's say the seven hundred and fifty Irish emigrants all land in Brisbane and show their holiday visas to get past immigration, and once they're in the country they all find work on the black market and a sofa to sleep on in their distant cousins rented holiday home. While they're all illegal Irish immigrants, they work for far less than the Australians themselves do and in most cases, their employers know they're illegal. But they still hire them because they're cheaper.

Meanwhile, the immigrants and refugees arriving into Ireland are doing it by the book, except they haven't any passports. Ways have to be found to identify them, but holding them hostage until they can be identified is against their human rights. So the state houses them with a tent and a sleeping bag and the addresses of some free food and clothing outlets. They can't work, they won't work, they don't want to learn English or Irish either and they sure as shit don't want to be housed among the working classes who'll likely batter them back out of the area as soon as they arrive.

Meanwhile, the seven hundred and fifty Irish migrants down in Australia have thrown drinking parties non-stop since they arrived and they've wrecked the rented holiday home: kicked holes in the walls and every window smashed and every door hanging off its hinges. Puke everywhere. Used condoms. Empty beer cans and broken glass all over the place. Blood and snots on the bathroom walls. Toilet overflowing as a result of being backed up with puke and scutter, tampons and sanitary towels. They smoke, drink, fuck, eat, and dance whenever they feel like it and they're driving their neighbours nuts.

Meanwhile, along the Grand Canal, the tents are lined up in exact order. No wet laundry hanging, no dumped garbage, no parties, no noise, no drinking, no eating outside of what they get at the free food outlet. They wake up and go directly to the immigration centre and come back to the canal afterwards. They get things thrown at them but they don't react. They get slagged, accused, kicked, spat at, the works. But they deal with it as best they can and get on with their day.

Should Australians count themselves lucky?

Should the Irish illegals consider themselves lucky?

Should the legal refugees along your canals feel angry?

What's the fucking difference?

Should I give a bollocks?
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