

Hell, yes: when he takes his annual wash in the shitting ditch, he eats whole fish raw.

Like in the old cartoons: he drops it into his gob and then pulls out the skeleton.
They have one of those robots at the local hospital since back in 2017. It's called Pepper and is used to firstly sign the child in and then guide him/her through the various areas when the parents can't be there with them. It responds to both voice commands (in Finnish and English) and mobile phone activation. The app is downloaded onto the kid's phone, and the parents drop them off at the hospital and the robot takes care of greeting and getting kid to where it needs to be.

The rest of the time it waltzes around the place entertaining waiting patients with dance moves, mathematical solutions, it tells the story of the building of the hospital, when it was built, why, etc. It does the jobs of several different people with a big cheesy grin on it's screen-face.

Very cute to see the kids interact with it as though it's human.

I wonder did Mowl's Yojo ever freak him out

Mowl doesn't give a flying wet fanny what links you sent him.

They all end up in the same state: ignored.

I actively and absolutely DO NOT want to know what you think you know.

Because you're a sub-imbecilic wanker/loser of extraordinary proportions.
I've never so much as opened that thread.

All the views it has are your own - which is telling.
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