At what, do you mean mass murder ?We kicked Japan's ass.
USA #1
At what, do you mean mass murder ?We kicked Japan's ass.
USA #1
(Mowl will have to be xtrasensitive discussing this so as to not upset his Jewish BFF 'billy (
I've never so much as opened that thread.
lol Good one Mowl
You've "never so much as opened the thread" yet you've made posts in it (all be them worthless)?Mine are always great ones, Jambo.
You're a complete waste of oxygen, Jambo.
Try wanking privately to Keith's videos, your obsequious and dribbling manner disturbs the rest of us.
Is your Ma still dead, Jimmy?
Another link everyone ignores.
You must have the tiniest willy in Ireland, Jimmy.
Of course, that would remind me of spastics like Arsefields/Members/Wolf