
Graven images and idolatry at the Coolock protests.


Remember we used to have priests prowling any place where people were at their weakest to try and recruit them.

E.g. Our hospitals and schools.

And they would scatter their idolatrous statues around these places to "mark their territory".

Well it seems like their successors, the far right catholic laymen who blend Irish neo "nationalism" with the method of control we used in this country up until around forty years ago, are at it again.


Notice this chap making an offering hasn't been told to remove the covering on his head, as was traditional back in the bad old days that this shrine is homage to.

It seems also that rather than donate a candle, the visitors to the shrine are being encouraged to donate some evian water.

I haven't worked out the significance of the upside down oven, yet.

Perhaps it is to give a twenty first century flavour to the proceedings - you imagine that by twisting the knobs you might be beamed up to heaven together with the statues.

Or Christ himself might pop up out of the door, like an ethereal Bosco, reincarnated from RTE, speaking in tongues.

But that's only conjecture. Anyone else any ideas what the significance is?


And here we have a younger lady sitting before the holy oven.

Wasn't it usually the younger ladies succumbed to this kind of a holy show back in the day. (Although no one has told this young lady she is expected to remove her cap either.)

There seems to be a large amount of cigarette butts on the ground, and is that a photo of Padraig Pearse the well known ultra catholic poet and idolator of young boys, hung on the wall too?

"... Do not be idolaters, as some of them were...".
It is possible, I admit, that if you manage to fire up the protestors with this, this flavour of "religion" and accompanying zeal, that the establishment will be put on the back foot.

But is it worth it?

I.e. Ninety three convicted for pedophilia Irish priests and brothers, never mind the more than 1,300 reported for it.

Still though, the organisers of these protestors think it's a good idea to raise these terrible ghosts?

Apart from anything else, it may backfire on them, badly.
Actually, looking closer, the Evian water bottle is not in his hand.

Rather it appears to be a shrivelled up chili pepper, or some type of entrails?

What the fuck is going on there? Is he offering some sort of muck, or something he found on the ground, in exchange for a bottle of Evian water?
Actually, looking closer, the Evian water bottle is not in his hand.

Rather it appears to be a shrivelled up chili pepper, or some type of entrails?

It looks to me like the old-fashioned scapulars heavy-duty Catholics used to trade outside the church after Sunday mass. I remember in Ballyer they had a little 'float' or a small wooden structured mobile shop outside the gates of the Assumption church in the middle of our neighbourhood. Sunday mass was an event in Dublin 10: your best newest clothes, shiny shoes, money for the basket, and all these other little trinkets which separated one from another in terms of how 'religious' some were while others weren't quite as rigorous.

Church parlance of the day featured mainly/exclusively male-dominated practices which separated the men from the boys, the conveniently religious from the ultra-religious. Meetings before/after mass included giving positions of authority to men who attended EVERY meeting, for which they'd be rewarded with positions of authority over the regular church goers. They'd wear their scapulars proudly and usher people into seats either up front close to the altar, or (if they'd made 'bad' confessions) to the seats down the back. They did this as obviously and theatrically as possible, selecting certain people (who donated heavily) and dragging them upfront to a good seat or else taking others by the arm and seating them nearer the rear and the doors back out. Shame was a very convincing tool back then.

These men wore the scapulars like badges of authority. Even after mass ended they still had roles to play: the little mobile shop outside sold mass cards, missalettes, fancy little pocket bibles, rosary beads, pins for church-going Gaelic speakers (who were usually top-tier ushers) like An Fáinne.

They policed it all and noted who bought trinkets from the shop and who didn't. There was also a system of prayer whereby you could earn heavenly points by repeating certain incantations a certain number of times which in turn would buy you days off in limbo or purgatory. Say the prayer one hundred times a day and you could even trade your incantations to be used to free (say) a relative or loved one from hell, limbo, or purgatory.

These men were heavily policed by the local parish priest's rules and authority. They had meetings in the church when no mass was being performed and instead they were given their promotions, instructions, and awards (or sackings/demotions) and after that they generally knelt down prayed a lot. Like the prayer groups hosted outside actual church locations and events. There were lots of those and I was once tricked into attending one when a school mate said there was a snooker club in the building so I went down with my Dad's cue only to find all these freaks and weirdos down on their knees praying like their lives depended on it. I walked straight in but it took a me a while to get back out again - with my pockets stuffed full of prayer cards, beads, little plastic fridge magnets of Jesus and Mary figures, a bible with added hand-written notes, etc. I dumped the whole lot as soon as I was out of there.

Crazy bastards for sure.

The scapulars were also used to ward off thieves: local burglars who knew you were out at mass with the whole family would break in and rob you blind, sometimes even including the Sunday roast from the oven. People would buy and then sellotape the scapulars to their windows and doors to ward off the robbers, who wouldn't smash your windows and rob you blind because God was watching them (or something to that effect).

They were also used to keep the wearers in check and in line. At sodalities in the churches outside of mass hours, the bishops and cardinals would come to the meetings and while speaking they would walk sternly up and down the aisle eyeballing some members and smiling benignly at others. This kept the faithful in check and those who had shirked in their duties (like not bringing a new member into the prayer group, local fete, community/event that week) would know they had fallen out of favour because they wouldn't be awarded a scapular on departure. Instead they'd get the eyeball and were shamed out the door meaning they'd try twice as hard next time. Those who were given a bright new scapular held it out/up to be seen by their peers, some of whom would slink away in total embarrassment and shame at themselves.

There are stock market maneuvers less complicated than the prayers and incantations muttered, whispered, and traded in the pews, which in turn were traded for days out of purgatory. Say such a prayer two hundred times and you could ask for them to be traded with your cousin/sister/uncle's time in hell. Keep too many for yourself and you'd likely commit enough sins of character that hell was inevitable.

These people are fucking crazy. One time they sent a brown-habit wearing Franciscan priest/brother to our classroom at age eleven or so. The guy came in looking like something from a pantomime and wandered around the class muttering about how each class had at least one 'special boy' and how it was his job to find him. He shone his holy light on me for some reason and I was mortified: I had to stand up and when he said the first half of the 'Hail Mary' I had to say the other half. I was more scared than amused but I did bust into a fit of laughing and got a few clatters for it. I went home shamed, all the lads looking at me like I the devil himself. Half an hour after getting home from school and there's a knock on the door: it was your man again in his brown habit asking to see me. My Dad was home, so I told him about the weirdo at the door and out he went to talk to him. He was back in moment and I heard the screech of tyres ringing out. Don't know exactly what he said but that was the last of the brown habits at our house.

What the fuck is going on there? Is he offering some sort of muck, or something he found on the ground, in exchange for a bottle of Evian water?

Catholic hard-core types have some very strange methods and means in going about their beliefs. It's far more complicated than it looks at first, but for those who are suckered in by it, they're eventually blinded by the rules and themes used by their betters to chain a ball to their ankles and have them drag it everywhere they go. Like you're standing at the bus stop and along comes some old man in a shiny suit and bleached out shirt on his way down for the pension. He'd be muttering to himself as he approached and when he took up his position in the queue he'd mutter a bit louder and louder until someone either joined in with the praying or else told him to fuck off. Mad fuckers, really.

Holy water is another commodity that can be sourced and traded with fellow catholic neighbours. If one of them heads off to Lourdes or some other 'holy place' they'd bring home a 2L Coke plastic bottle of holy water from the churches they visited. An eggcup full of the murky grey water was considered high quality barter material. Your little holy water well in the hallway had a sponge in it to stop the holy water fading into nothingness, and you dipped your index finger in and then blessed yourself with it before leaving the house. You did NOT use it on arrival back home: that was taboo. No idea why, mind you.

The black-dressed gypsy woman who came to see my Mam once every few weeks always had loads of holy water, prayers, books with incantations you could use for eternal trading on the souls of others you loved or were obliged to. My Mam was always very kind to the old gypsy woman and while she wouldn't bring her in (Dad's rules) she'd give her tea and sandwiches in the hallway. They'd talk about this and that, and the old woman had a baby wrapped in swaddling around her chest. She'd drop holy water on the thresh-hold, touch me on the forehead while muttering, and then do the same for the baby in my Mam's arms. If Dad was home, she fling some holy water on the VW Beetle too. But not while he was looking - he had no time for the religious, my Old Man.

Our neighbours thought Mam was weird for entertaining the gypsy woman at all, they mostly wanted no truck with 'de knackers'. My Mam grew up in the tenements and lost her own Mam at age six and her Dad at age eleven. They both died of tuberculosis, which was rife at the time. She and her sisters were raised 'Auntie Rosy' who was actually a childless friend of her Dad. She took the girls in and raised them well. Religion wasn't enforced but mass attendance definitely was. It was a sort of fashion show too: new clothes were worn and showed off in the church grounds after mass. The girls all learned how to darn, knit, and use a pedal driven Singer sewing machine. Hand-me-downs were at a premium back then. After the post-mass fashion show it was time for the visiting of the graves, and after that the visiting of old friends for afternoon tea.

They had us every which way, and there weren't too many ways out without getting caught and shamed.

In school, on the streets, in the church, in the confessional, in the prayer groups, in the sodalities, and in the awarding or stripping of the scapulars.

It was a fucking crazy time and the priests were more like rock-stars. We had the chain-smoking, fast-talking, and slightly demented Father Michael Cleary. The father of illegitimate Ross Hamilton (a very troubled man who I've known for a few decades). Father Anthony Walsh - Ireland's worst violent rapist priest ever. Many of his victims were friends of mine in school. There were other fucked-up characters time hasn't been good to. Father Joe Connolly, the alcoholic priest who said mass in about fifteen minutes flat was popular but his said mass at seven in the morning. Midday mass was a social event, so it was usually some more popular and admired 'cool' priest for that one. That took over an hour with all the added festivities. I was forced to by the school to audition for the Peace Corps church group/mass band, but I was too loud (I deliberately thrashed their shitty little drum-set to make sure I wasn't asked twice) but like everyone else, I mutely mouthed the words of the prayers put to music.

Confirmations, funerals, weddings, First Holy Communion, Easter, Lent, Palm Sunday, the psalms, the decades of the rosary, the prayer groups, the secret societies, the fast cars, the access to your home address, your teachers, your christian brothers. This was of course the way all the working class estates were built to function: all roads lead to the church, which is built smack dab in the centre of it all. They ran our lives, they knew all the gossip before you did, and they often used it to trap you into things you wouldn't otherwise consider - like roping your nieces and nephews into prayer groups without their own parents finding out.

When you're a kid and all this is new, it becomes very much the centre of your own life. Guilt, shame, sins, forgiveness, prayer rituals, morning prayer, matins, decades of the rosary, dozens of Our Father's. The picture of John Paul II next to the holy water fountain in your hallway by the door. The bible on your book shelf. The Good Room out front where the parish priest was brought when he called by to visit to talk about god and religion. The good biscuits, the freshly made little cakes, the proper tea-set with the pretty spoons and fancy/posh condiment holders, instead of the usual bag of sugar with the folded down ridge and a sticky spoon stuck in it. A bag of used clothes for the poor, a cake for the priest to take home, and if he was present at 1800, then the telly was turned off to the cartoons and Blue Peter to The Angelus - and the bong-bong-bong would see him start the prayers and me and my siblings trying not to laugh when we joined in for the decades of the Hail Mary.

These same men knew everyone's secrets - they had things arranged in such a way that there wasn't any escape. No matter who you were, what you believed, where you worked, where you drank, how you lived, what you earned, if you were fond of a wager, and if you were/weren't charitable. If you attended mass or not, confession too, and if you could drop some hard cash money to have a decent and sober priest for your wedding/funeral event. They knew everything. Every fucking thing that went on.

These days it all seems like a dull and distant dream. Fear. Fear of death, of sin, of bothering God with your bad habits, guilt about everything you did and didn't do, your life measured by your prayer quota and your charity unto others, blah, blah, fucking blah. But, and this is the point: we have no one but ourselves to blame for being led up the graveyard path like that. We allowed ourselves to be suckered into the whole charade. We acted out our bit-parts and we took pride in getting things right - and shame and guilt in failing for getting them wrong.

Our grandchildren are going to have some belly-laugh at our expense, mind you - so prepare yourself for some guffawing and finger pointing.

No amount of prayers can save souls as black as ours.
Scapulars, eh.

Funnily enough I rarely came across them directly, but I did see them in homes.

My mother's set of relatives were big into the miraculous medals. My granny would come up to visit, and when she left you'd be finding medals everywhere, stuck on with a safety pin.

Underpants, coats, the pockets in cars, the glovebox, under seats, schoolbags, suitcases, the back of cupboards, under the saddle on your bike.

They were supposed to keep you safe.

And the holy water was another one. As you said, shipped back from Lourdes, and every opportunity sprinkled copiously on everyone when you were leaving a house.

Actually same in church. If you passed the font, and perhaps thought to yourself, I'm not having any of that superstitious old rubbish, next thing you knew the old one behind you would be putting her fingers in the water and flinging it after you, making sure you got it.

Gas looking back on it.
Scapulars, eh.

Funnily enough I rarely came across them directly, but I did see them in homes.

There were different types: some were small and light, a length of whatever coloured fabric with a string on either end to tie it to your button-hole. Others were heavier and sturdier, weaved with quality wool and those could be worn from your epaulet to your pocket square in an almost military style. Scapulars bought from the mobile shop weren't pre-blessed -you had to attend the sodalities to get them passed and blessed. You could even stick a blessed one into a birthday or Christmas card for added religious party-favour.

Eejits who took it all very seriously wore their scapulars every day in order to be seen as being so pious. There was an old man up the street from us and he wasn't well. These days he'd be locked up for suffering with rampant dementia. One time he got too drunk after Sunday mass and he shit his pants. He walked home and it was like running the gauntlet: a gang of us ran ahead of him announcing like town criers that auld Spud Murphy shat himself.

The poor old fart, he was a widower and his viduity was spent in the service of God and all his many angels.

He lived to a very old age but he was always known as the man who shat himself in the church grounds after a bad Guinness.

Likely the previous night's slops, if he drank in The County Bar on upper Ballyfermot Road. Nobody east of Kylemore Road drank in upper Ballyer's pubs. But we had two County Bars - one upper and the other lower on Decie's Road. I worked as a lounge-boy in the lower shop. The old bastard who owned it always kept two buckets behind the door out to the loading bay and we were instructed to pour anything over half a pint back into the slops bucket. One for Guinness and another for ale/lager. He'd mix it in with some fresh stock serve it up the next morning to the hard-core alcoholics.

The smell in the toilets in the bar (men only) would kill at cow at thirty paces.

The lounge wasn't a lot better, but at least the women's cheap perfume and the men's cologne took the edge off the rank odours that choked the place up every time someone went out for a slash/dump. Nobody ever cleaned the toilets either. I mean, some barman might sweep up a load of toilet roll used for hand-drying (though I seriously doubt hand-washing was even an option back then) after finishing your business.

Barman sweeps it up, picks up the pile and flushes it down, then checks the mirror, licks his comb, and sets his hair in place. Then straight back out handling glasses and touching everything with his shitty fingers. Comb licking. You don't see that any more. I wonder why?

My mother's set of relatives were big into the miraculous medals. My granny would come up to visit, and when she left you'd be finding medals everywhere, stuck on with a safety pin.

Underpants, coats, the pockets in cars, the glovebox, under seats, schoolbags, suitcases, the back of cupboards, under the saddle on your bike.

Mental. My nanny did the same: she always wore one pinned to her delicate little cardigans in light blue or pink. She chain-smoked like a trooper (sixty to eighty a day) and was a terror on my Mam's house. She'd wander room to room and there'd be plumes of smoke everywhere with her lighting up and then forgetting and lighting another. And another. I had to follow her around and put them out lest the house burn down. But after collecting them I didn't throw them out: I tapped them and saved them for myself. I could, on any school day, have ten to fifteen next-to-new smokes in my packet. Sweet Afton. I remember the off-yellow shade of the box, the smell was light but the plumes very thick. On a good day I might even have enough nearly-new fags to sell some in the yard. That or burst them apart, scrape away the blackened end, and collect the tobacco for rolled-up versions (not hash, or at least not quite yet).

She prayed at her bedside too, which was weird. I bring in her hot water bottle and a glass of water and she'd be kneeling by the bed muttering her prayers. I'd put the bottle under the blankets and her water on the nightstand. She'd nod and smile to me while still praying under her breath. The Old man told me not to mind her with her prayers at bedtime. 'She's been a widow too long' he told me.

Though I couldn't imagine my Nanny going to the pictures with someone else's granddad.

They were supposed to keep you safe.

To be honest, they frightened the shite out of me.

Religious people always have.

I used to wonder what was wrong with me that I couldn't see/feel/understand what they did.

That's how strong the whole set-up is: you start thinking it's YOU that has the problem, and not all these zealots and crazy bastards and their weird routines.

And the holy water was another one. As you said, shipped back from Lourdes, and every opportunity sprinkled copiously on everyone when you were leaving a house.

Actually same in church. If you passed the font, and perhaps thought to yourself, I'm not having any of that superstitious old rubbish, next thing you knew the old one behind you would be putting her fingers in the water and flinging it after you, making sure you got it.

I can just see that in my mind's eye: 'I'm almost out the door, nobody has clocked that I don't believe a word of this shit just yet, I can even smell the fresh air', but little Miss O'Grady from three doors down has me in her sights: here comes that familiar little splash at the back of my neck - crucifying me at last. Bastard.

Gas looking back on it.

On the one hand. yes. But on the other? Too many badly damaged kids, too many rapes, beatings, assaults. Too many blind and stubborn adults who dragged you screaming into church against your will and better judgement. They're all still out there. Somewhere. Even right now as you read, there's a seventy-nine year old man from the stony grey soil of Roscommon fidgeting with his rosary beads, stroking his authentic scapulars, and praying for the Mowl to have safe passage to God's side - even after all his many sins.

The brother had a humanist wedding: best fucking weekender ever. I was selected for the various speeches (my Mam insisted I try to sound like an authentic Dubliner) and after the ceremony I was backstage with the humanist lady who said the mass wedding pre-party. To my horror she was as outspoken about her humanism and her loathing of catholicism it struck me that she was basically the opposite/same as any catholic nut I ever met. That's one thing about these strange near-militant atheists: they're just as zealous and fervorous as any hard-line catholic/christian sort.

We got her the fuck out of there as pronto as possible.

She'd only upset my Mam, who - while not exactly overtly religious - still leaves enough room for people to make up their own minds. That way she and my Old Man kept a reasonably positive balance and a willingness to play safe for the kid's sakes. That never stopped the Old man mouthing off whenever churches and priests and sisters of mercy were mentioned though. This was usually followed by a grimace from herself and the signal to put on his jacket and fuck off down to the bar with the lads, where I was lounge-boy on the other side of the wall.

See? Now I was on his territory - and he'd make sure I had his side of the religious bunkum explained in careful detail.

In Ballyer we have this crazy old bastard called Joe Coleman. This gobshite:

He's on my BBBB page since the beginning even though I lay into him every time he pops up. He reckons he saw the virgin Mary and that she spoke to him. He's also had a row with Satan about him going on telly to tell everyone they had a fist-fight. From there he built a handy little earner doing 'spiritual healing' on people who came to see him in his house. They'd make a 'donation' into the box at the door and from there he did his thing. He had another sort of handicapped (or possibly even just in-bred) lad who shadowed him and that lad also claimed to have met and hung out with Mary for a while. He died very young, can't remember of what but I do remember finding it hilarious.

Here's Coleman on the Late Late with Tubridy:

Now, I haven't watched the whole of that video myself just yet, but it'll give you some idea of the sorts of lunatics we're dealing with here. Joe's fucking mental, he's been on the dole all his life. I think he hides behind this bullshit to keep the welfare inspectors off his back. Too mad to employ, too fucking crazy to take seriously. As with anyone who's been in a fist-fight with the devil.

He shows up in some debates and rows I have with the (now ten-thousand strong BBBB) and every time he hops in I clatter him around the place. He doesn't seem to have any sense of humour about these things so I don't know if he hates me or offers up his prayers to God to save me from myself. He's defenceless at this stage, yes - but any animal who exploits the dim and frightened for their own personal gain is definitely on my Ballyer hit-list to get it in the neck.

Jaze, d'you know what? if this was a script for a Hollywood film about Ireland and the church, they'd throw it back at you for not being believable.

I tell my Finnish crew lots of stories when we're out on the road, and with The Senators Of Helsinki I have Mikko, the 6'8'' tall professor of theology and ex-department head of Helsinki University to chat with. Between the two of us we have the others in stitches of laughter at the antics of believers from around the world. Mikko's an atheist, a very gentle atheist with a deep knowledge of religions from around the world. He judges no one. Not even me. But when I'm talking, I tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth - which usually has the lads laughing all the way through the wilds and into the cities of the north.

One of the funniest ones was telling the other guys about 'cargo cults' which they hadn't heard of before.

The guitarist nearly had a heart attack laughing at my descriptions of the cut-grass airplane runways and the bamboo watch towers.

Actually, I laughed just as hard when I first read about them.

Mad bastards.
Your postcard ☝️ brings a reminder of exactly what a useless jackass you really are, Jimmy.

Here, these guys pre-date Oasis, and they out-think your poster ☝️ above telling them to go home - to Coventry or Rochdale usually.

There's really nothing to reply to in this thread, same as 'De citizen journalists' thread that roc_abilly roc_abilly started on Arsefield's (except for perhaps the fake video in the OP)

Please feel free to fuck far away off at your own leisure, Shay.

No pressure, just an invitation.

You won't be missed.

You never are.

Ask your Da.
You'd wonder what roc is up to though

Ostensibly, he wants to throw shade on nationalism via Catholicism which, I suppose, would work a treat on a moron like you
You'd wonder what roc is up to though

Ostensibly, he wants to throw shade on nationalism via Catholicism which, I suppose, would work a treat on a moron like you

So you liked the song 'Brimful Of Asha'.


Did you do your little Jambo-dance too?
There's really nothing to reply to in this thread, same as 'De citizen journalists' thread that roc_abilly roc_abilly started on Arsefield's (except for perhaps the fake video in the OP)
You mean, nothing that you can even slightly match up to your stupid catchphrases.

Whereas if you grew up in Ireland, you would have something to say about it. You might share something from your own experience, and relate it to the topic.

It's called having a conversation, Jambo.

And there is a higher purpose to the conversation, in that we need to know about the owners and journalists and other elements of any media you take information from. Their logos, ethos, pathos.

In the case of the mainstream media, we understand that they are commercial operations, driven by entrenched institutional routines and values, closely tied to the political establishment. They need to survive in a market-lead economy (entailing that business and entertainment priorities usually dominate). They must keep advertisers happy. They are under largely monopoly ownership. News is looked on purely as a commodity that must be sold, etc.

Similarly, what of these "de citizen journalists"? Don't we need to know their story too?

And this thread is related to that.

You know Jambo no one especially me, gives a fuck about "throwing a shade on nationalism". Who the fuck even knows what this "nationalism" of yours even is.

Oh yeah. Basically a media complex, where white supremacist types peddle their theories to the uneducated, gullible, naive fools who desperately need to feel like they have a superior and sensationalist special insight into how the world "really" works, to mitigate their inferiority complex.

So your one man outfits like Morgoing, or yer man Marc Coltic, or yer man Heath Woods, or whatever their fucking names are, claim to represent what they call, "Nationalism" - and there is a proliferation of them on the interweb, self-inflated one-man outfits on the interweb who depend for their livelihood on idiots like you giving them your dumb patronage.

And we all here on Isle watch how they suck you in by your emotions. They appeal to your fears, your resentments, your sense of the world having treated you unfairly, their memes of dusk coloured armies coming to "replace" you, of dastardly schemes to rob you of your true deserts, telling you that all your failures to get on in the world is the fault of others. And all of your congenital incapacity and foolishness is "high IQ" or something.

You grovelling abortion, Jambo.

Then Mowl keeps asking you, what do you do, Jambo, in the cause of your "nationalism"? He's being generous, as usual, keeps offering you a lifeline.

Whereas I see what you actually do, Jambo. Every day. And the truth is, that's your "nationalism". What you do, Jambo. And what miliions of other sad saps just like you do, Jambo.

Basically an army of eejits in thrall to this conglomerate of one-man outfits peddling an age old ideology, US white supremacist ideology. Born of idiots.

With many variations of course, one of which is in this country this reversion to a catholicism, that was, in truth Jambo, a very fucking nasty bind on Irish life and decency.

So, you've got nothing to say? Why don't you fire off an email to your priests and ask them what you should say?

And the other thing that agitates me about you and your stupid "nationalism". These people in Coolock, East Wall, Ballymun, Drimnagh, Newtownmountkennedy, Westmeath, Clare and everywhere else, might have had something to say about why they had a problem.

But you and your compadres with your yank slogans, and statues of Jesus and Mary, and theories about "replacement", and your racism, and social media, assumed to tell them what to say, and thereby made them not intelligent individuals anymore, but idiots like yourselves.

But still Jambo, you have nothing to say for yourself, until you hear it from fucking bing bong morgoing and company?

As Mowl says, kill yourself.
You mean, nothing that you can even slightly match up to your stupid catchphrases.

Whereas if you grew up in Ireland, you would have something to say about it.
About what?

You might share something from your own experience, and relate it to the topic.
Which is?

It's called having a conversation, Jambo.
The Soapbox Dunce (you) doesn't and doesn't know how to have a conversation, certainly not a debate

And there is a higher purpose to the conversation, in that we need to know about the owners and journalists and other elements of any media you take information from. Their logos, ethos, pathos.
What do you need to know about them specifically and why?

In the case of the mainstream media, we understand that they are commercial operations, driven by entrenched institutional routines and values, closely tied to the political establishment. They need to survive in a market-lead economy (entailing that business and entertainment priorities usually dominate). They must keep advertisers happy. They are under largely monopoly ownership. News is looked on purely as a commodity that must be sold, etc.
All you need to know about the MSM is that it's fake and anti-white

Similarly, what of these "de citizen journalists"? Don't we need to know their story too?
Their story?

And this thread is related to that.

You know Jambo no one especially me, gives a fuck about "throwing a shade on nationalism". Who the fuck even knows what this "nationalism" of yours even is.
How many years now have you pretended to not know what an ethno-nationalist is, made all the more laughable considering you are one

Oh yeah. Basically a media complex, where white supremacist types peddle their theories to the uneducated, gullible, naive fools who desperately need to feel like they have a superior and sensationalist special insight into how the world "really" works, to mitigate their inferiority complex.

So your one man outfits like Morgoing, or yer man Marc Coltic, or yer man Heath Woods, or whatever their fucking names are, claim to represent what they call, "Nationalism" - and there is a proliferation of them on the interweb, self-inflated one-man outfits on the interweb who depend for their livelihood on idiots like you giving them your dumb patronage.

And we all here on Isle watch how they suck you in by your emotions. They appeal to your fears, your resentments, your sense of the world having treated you unfairly, their memes of dusk coloured armies coming to "replace" you, of dastardly schemes to rob you of your true deserts, telling you that all your failures to get on in the world is the fault of others. And all of your congenital incapacity and foolishness is "high IQ" or something.

You grovelling abortion, Jambo.

Then Mowl keeps asking you, what do you do, Jambo, in the cause of your "nationalism"? He's being generous, as usual, keeps offering you a lifeline.

Whereas I see what you actually do, Jambo. Every day. And the truth is, that's your "nationalism". What you do, Jambo. And what miliions of other sad saps just like you do, Jambo.

Basically an army of eejits in thrall to this conglomerate of one-man outfits peddling an age old ideology, US white supremacist ideology. Born of idiots.

With many variations of course, one of which is in this country this reversion to a catholicism, that was, in truth Jambo, a very fucking nasty bind on Irish life and decency.

So, you've got nothing to say? Why don't you fire off an email to your priests and ask them what you should say?

And the other thing that agitates me about you and your stupid "nationalism". These people in Coolock, East Wall, Ballymun, Drimnagh, Newtownmountkennedy, Westmeath, Clare and everywhere else, might have had something to say about why they had a problem.

But you and your compadres with your yank slogans, and statues of Jesus and Mary, and theories about "replacement", and your racism, and social media, assumed to tell them what to say, and thereby made them not intelligent individuals anymore, but idiots like yourselves.

But still Jambo, you have nothing to say for yourself, until you hear it from fucking bing bong morgoing and company?

As Mowl says, kill yourself.

About what?

Which is?

The Soapbox Dunce (you) doesn't and doesn't know how to have a conversation, certainly not a debate

What do you need to know about them specifically and why?

All you need to know about the MSM is that it's fake and anti-white

Their story?


How many years now have you pretended to not know what an ethno-nationalist is, made all the more laughable considering you are one


Is there a bigger hit and run merchant than The Soapbox Dunce 🔨🏃‍♂️

Is there a bigger hit and run merchant than The Soapbox Dunce 🔨🏃‍♂️

Some of us have lives Jimmy - unlike you.

Your main occupation in life is posting postcards from the edge.

It's an embarrassing sight and one that seems to have you hooked like a junkie for taking offence at anything and everything within the borders of your shitty little island, an island set to burn given the riots over the recent few days. And now that you have what you want - a massive anti-government, anti-state, anti-immigrant, anti-everything street war - what are you doing?

You're STILL sitting at home parsing memes and posting greeting cards from the asylum.

From this distance/perspective, you've show your true mettle: you're an agitator - but not in the way that I am. I can stir up over 10,000 people with one post, but that's not my business. It seems to me that the state is well aware of how people feel in Dublin 10, especially after what happened to that poor young lady who lost an eye to a knacker from Tallaght when she stepped off the bus in Ballyer. She had a modeling career ahead of her: that's now dashed. She wears a glass eye. And for what was she assaulted? Being the wrong colour in the wrong place at the wrong time.

My only wish there is that I'd rather see you lose an eye - it might even get you off your lazy hypocritical arse more often than going down to the post office for your dole and then into Supervalu for your slabs of imported beer.

If people don't immediately answer your questions - you consider the argument has been 'won'.

It hasn't - and it won't be, at least not by you anyway.

The only soapbox dunce around here is you, you stupid prick.

Even your ex-Z Team members hate you.

Which is rather fucking hilarious, eh.
Some of us have lives Jimmy - unlike you.

Your main occupation in life is posting postcards from the edge.

It's an embarrassing sight and one that seems to have you hooked like a junkie for taking offence at anything and everything within the borders of your shitty little island, an island set to burn given the riots over the recent few days. And now that you have what you want - a massive anti-government, anti-state, anti-immigrant, anti-everything street war - what are you doing?

You're STILL sitting at home parsing memes and posting greeting cards from the asylum.

From this distance/perspective, you've show your true mettle: you're an agitator - but not in the way that I am. I can stir up over 10,000 people with one post, but that's not my business. It seems to me that the state is well aware of how people feel in Dublin 10, especially after what happened to that poor young lady who lost an eye to a knacker from Tallaght when she stepped off the bus in Ballyer. She had a modeling career ahead of her: that's now dashed. She wears a glass eye. And for what was she assaulted? Being the wrong colour in the wrong place at the wrong time.

My only wish there is that I'd rather see you lose an eye - it might even get you off your lazy hypocritical arse more often than going down to the post office for your dole and then into Supervalu for your slabs of imported beer.
If people don't immediately answer your questions - you consider the argument has been 'won'.
On a point of order:

It's not a case of impatience

In fact, I will wait until the person has posted (elsewhere), as roc_abilly roc_abilly did, so I can rest assured that they have dodged, ducked and dived

Now wipe your chin

It hasn't - and it won't be, at least not by you anyway.

The only soapbox dunce around here is you, you stupid prick.

Even your ex-Z Team members hate you.

Which is rather fucking hilarious, eh.
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