You'd have to wonder about his mad culchie following?
I mean, Val's a full-on 100% culchie of the most hardcore type: a filthy-fingered man who hates soap, water, towels, and toothpaste. Considers it a waste of his time which could be better spent slopping out after the cattle and the stray cat he took in. The missing teeth? The flat caps and the manky jumpers. Utterly filthy from top to bottom. So one begins to wonder what the fuck his followers are like of they don't see any issues with the madman's lifestyle and miserly attitude to his presentation.
They had to photoshop his face onto another man's head during the election because he doesn't own a proper business suit of his own.
I think they left the other guy's hair and only inserted the facial aspects.
Imagine being so scruffy, smelly, and disheveled that you have to be photo-shopped into another person's physical being?
Lord help us all.