
Considerations of mechanisms to prevent the abuse of democracy and "tyranny of the majority".

...'32 like '22 spawned a society utterly alien to the ideals of republicans...
This was an election poster from 1932. Note that we still have the same type of "handouts" pervasive in our economic organisation.


And you talk about peoples' skin colour and all that other "anti-white" shite? :rolleyes:
What's the "white race" if not a race identified by the colour of their skin? What are you supposed to think, that "white" is a property or characteristic of their blood or genomes? What are all your stupid "anti-white" slogans if not an appeal to base ones perception of identity on skin colour? You're just so full of shite Jambo, you bleat the dogma in no different manner than the old men in the masses with heads bowed fingering their rosaries, who you also seem to pathologically resent, probably because they hold a competing dogma. You're yet another from the frying pan to the fire merchant (as a result of atheism and inability to actually adjust to it).
How about antisemitism (always on the rise, apparently)

Why is that so easy for you to understand yet antiwhiteism is unfathomable? 🤔
I think there's nothing meaningful about "the white race", and by extension, "white genocide", or "anti-white", or all that other stuff.

By all means refer to the Irish as a race if you like. But in the context if referring to their doings, their history, their heritage, their achievements, their laws, their books, their culture, even if you like, their origins. E.g.

If you must, even discuss such aspects as why are so many Irish swarthy or dark skinned. But just enough of the white supremacist slogans, that's all we ask. Ffs.
How about antisemitism (always on the rise, apparently)

Why is that so easy for you to understand yet antiwhiteism is unfathomable? 🤔
Humouring you and acknowledging "antiwhiteism" is even a thing, I think if you substitute American White Supremacist Movement for Muslim Brotherhood Movement in the below you'd be getting close.

I think there's nothing meaningful about "the white race", and by extension, "white genocide", or "anti-white", or all that other stuff.
That's convenient

By all means refer to the Irish as a race if you like.
I don't think that it makes much (taxonomical) sense to refer to the Irish as a race

But in the context if referring to their doings, their history, their heritage, their achievements, their laws, their books, their culture, even if you like, their origins. E.g.

If you must, even discuss such aspects as why are so many Irish swarthy or dark skinned. But just enough of the white supremacist slogans, that's all we ask. Ffs.
I think it makes much more sense than "the white race".

In this regard, I recommend you might read "The Story Of The Irish Race" by Seamus McManus.

I think you would find in it a lot more substantial to base a worthwhile "nationalism" on, or even better, just be a patriot, proud of the achievements and manner of life of your forebears (which had nothing to do with the whiteness attribute).
I think it makes much more sense than "the white race".
I don't refer to the Irish as the white race, either

You really do struggle with the simplest of concepts

In this regard, I recommend you might read "The Story Of The Irish Race" by Seamus McManus.

I think you would find in it a lot more substantial to base a worthwhile "nationalism" on, or even better, just be a patriot, proud of the achievements and manner of life of your forebears (which had nothing to do with the whiteness attribute).
What's the "white race" if not a race identified by the colour of their skin? What are you supposed to think, that "white" is a property or characteristic of their blood or genomes? What are all your stupid "anti-white" slogans if not an appeal to base ones perception of identity on skin colour?
You're just so full of shite Jambo, you bleat the dogma in no different manner than the old men in the masses with heads bowed fingering their rosaries, who you also seem to pathologically resent, probably because they hold a competing dogma. You're yet another from the frying pan to the fire merchant (as a result of atheism and inability to actually adjust to it).
Another correction should be made here:

I don't "pathologically resent" any religious person, including those in robes

Obviously someone like Mowl Mowl does because he was sexually abused by them (and has never recovered from it)

And WTF does "inability to actually adjust to atheism" actually mean 🙄
Obviously someone like Mowl Mowl does because he was abused by them

The more an idiot like you wants that to be true says more about you than you seem to realize.

Try asking your dead and rotting Ma in the ground why she slashed her own neck with a broken bottle - just to get away from you.

Or if you can manage to locate and rouse your drunken Da, ask him why he seemed to enjoy throat-fucking you when you were just a wee tot still shittin' yellow.

Either and/or both will suffice.
Jambo and his postcards - the cutting edge of modern Irish nationalism, from the comfort of your own kitchen table with tea and biscuits.
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