
Considerations of mechanisms to prevent the abuse of democracy and "tyranny of the majority".


An observation (source) that made an impression on me some years ago was as follows:

"... Our first priority is democracy, but the Arabs’ first priority is “justice.” The oft-warring Arab tribes are all wounded souls, who really have been hurt by colonial powers, by Jewish settlements on Palestinian land, by Arab kings and dictators, and, most of all, by each other in endless tribal wars. For Iraq’s long-abused Shiite majority, democracy is first and foremost a vehicle to get justice. Ditto the Kurds. For the minority Sunnis, democracy in Iraq is a vehicle of injustice. For us, democracy is all about protecting minority rights. For them, democracy is first about consolidating majority rights and getting justice...".

But it's not just the Arabs at it this these days, is it.

And as it strikes me, if the political struggles of our day are really at heart about a battle of moral values - is it not in our conceptions of democracy that we institutionalise our moral values and aspirations in same?

Now personally speaking I have abhorred for example how in this country, many who once used the gun, or supported its use, now hope to turn our democracy into a "weapon" to be wielded to win "justice" and subject the unionist community to their will.

And I abhor the likes of Jambo's fixations on "majorities" as the be all and end all of any type of political process (even discounting all the baloney and spurious assumptions and "theories" that central issue is so wrapped up in).

Another illustration, I also abhor the tactic of the Muslim Arabs and their accomplices of keeping six million Palestinian "refugees" hostage for 80 years in camps again with the intention to turn democracy into a "weapon" to consolidate majority rights, making a Muslim majority state of Israel.

All of these illustrations are to my mind at least, less about taking a position, and more about the means adopted, and how it reflects on moral values.

For democracy is more than just voting to consolidate majority rights isn't it. It is about equality before the law. Even more so it is about a certain disposition or state of mind in the people, one that values personal initiative, social equality (at least in theory), and a commitment to the public sphere.

That is not to dismiss its other problems, such as we are currently seeing in such soviet inspired tendencies as "wokeness", which I would say consists a depraved taste for equality - it impels the weak to attempt to lower everyone to their own level, so that with "wokeness" we end up with "equality" in something almost approaching slavery as opposed to inequality with freedom.

But the main issue I'm after in this thread is the populist, unlearned, wrath of the majority, the tyranny of the majority.

How can we circumvent it? How can we slow down its rise as a political force?

Consisting perhaps the main political force of our times, a quite destructive, stupid, odious force as it seems to me?

Speaking of which, no doubt when Jambo wakes up, this thread will become an exhibit of yet another aspect of negative currents in our democracy.

I.e. He will try to subsume meaningful political discussion in populist memes which encapsulate the most imbecilic of concepts. He will demonstrate for us the pliant minds of let us call it the "arsefields generation", who never gained the ability to reason for themselves and are unmotivated to investigate any facts for themselves, relying instead on their various "alternative" online feeds etc. He will demonstrate their propensity for jumping on to every political band-wagon without a moment’s cogitation etc.

But let that serve as an exhibit, while the rest of us (including the board's regular lurkers who are welcome to join up to contribute) engage in some actual political democratic discussion maybe?
To my mind at least, political, public discussion is at the heart of democracy.

However looking back at the cradle of democracy in Greece, we ought to realise that the enabler was the educating of each and every citizen to contribute to public affairs.

In their schooling, there was a weight put on not just the art of private living (bearing up under adversity), but also the art of public living.

Whereas today, our education is almost all towards a particular specialised and profitable purpose. For example one studies science in our colleges as one takes up a business.

In this regard refer to the likes of say Jambo or Dan who did engineering in somewhere like UCG, and how stupid and essentially uneducated they are to someone like Mowl for example.

And they are unutterably stupid and uneducated in comparison.

I think their education in any real sense of the word ended when they went to college, pretty much.

Whereas back in Greece, beginning around the age of thirteen, people were educated in a broad, real sense. And importantly, they were all formally educated to contribute to debate, to structure their arguments, speak out with candour, honesty, and moderation, listen to the opinions of one's opponents, recognise the difference between representation of interest and representation of opinion, appreciate their duty to contribute to 'the public realm' etc.

Also compare and contrast today's online "fora" with the fora the Greeks undertook public discussion within.

Like the Agora, or the Acropolois, or Pnyx Hill, or where the athletes trained, or the baths, or the drinking parties.

In each of these different types of public spaces a different character of public discussion arose, at all times marked by the principle of 'isonomy' (equality as citizens in the realm of the public) and a sense of contributing to public affairs.

How far away are we from these type of ideals today?

E.g. The weaponisation of terms like "free speech" to justify dragging any discussion down to base lowest common denominators exhibiting the worst of human nature and lack of education?

Just one example.
The shift towards nationalism over the last few years coincides with historic national events like Sinn Fein being recognized as a political party. Previously, they were tainted with the long shadows of many dead patriots and men of violence who left the bodies where they fell. It took several years to try to urge the pliant citizen to understand that Sinn Fein's actions, along with those of the various militant wings and other splinter groups, are also mirrored in the major political parties such as Fianna Fail and Fine Gael. That the time period attached to said shadows is short for the political wing of Sinn Fein, the splintering happening back in the 1906's and leading to 'The Troubles'. And for the 'major' parties as far back as the Civil War. A lifetime influence on Irish persons of a certain age forced to live with murder and killing in Ireland on a daily basis and on the near horizon with 'The Cold War'.

The Thatcher/Reagan years, the military/industrial complex, the miner's strike, the mass unemployment, the poll tax, Argy Bargy, Brixton on fire, etc, etc.

Everywhere you turned to look there were bodies piling up: with women and children being also slaughtered on the high streets. Belfast on fire. Derry girls shrieking and wailing. Fences and soldiers everywhere and RTE normalizing it as per the wishes of the Irish republic's sitting government.

But the major parties were no different in their day. The period of the Irish Civil War tearing not just republicans and nationalists to pieces, but tearing whole communities and even families apart. These divisions were sewn into the very fabric of our lives, we were required to take one side or the other. Balancing on the fence and waiting things out wasn't an option: you had to choose: take one side or the other and act on order.

But Ireland's changed a lot in the last forty years. She came of age, she matured into a fairly nice place built on some strong foundations, but lacking international experience. It took her a long time to gain a world view on matters rather than relying on the parish pump. Nationalism was a dirty word until quite recently. Exponents of the old nationalism (Ireland v England) used the bombs and bullets as their bargaining chips. But more recently we've seen nationalism accepted into regular society as a specific term with apparently several different meanings. This is best exemplified in Arsefield's/Jambo Dawson's ad hoc approach to modern Irish nationalism: basically to stand it on the head of a pin and argue about the specific meanings of each type/form/strain of nationalism. As if by dividing it into multiple identities it becomes whatever it needs to be to whomever needs it and what for.

Whether it's Justin Barret's form of screaming and shouting militant midget nationalism, or James Reynolds form of 'happy, shiny people' type culchie nationalism, Mary-Lou's wondrous family-friendly nationalism, or Jambo's ill-perceived multiple forms of nationalism (depending on what's being said by a triumvirate of other young and very angry Englishmen) gathered together online and bunched into whole lumps of misinformation, modern nationalism has turned out (at this time) to be little more than a damp squib. It seems to be the case that nationalism isn't actually something they enact, it's something they argue about as they strain and sieve it through the mangle to see what's worth keeping and what isn't.

One can argue with oneself as much as one likes, but until one actually takes up a cause and acts on it, it's all just trendy-terminology and delusional nationalism of a type none of them seem to be able to quantify. Quite literally arguing until the cows come home. All day every day. As if they think that if they keep mentioning the word it'll eventually stick and then something actually nationalistic might happen. Depending on the climate, the scale of the national debt, whether it's raining or sunny, and who and how many others will be there. Depending on who makes the first move. Depending on spending power, depending on which newspaper is outselling which other.

I do not for a moment believe that Declan Kelly is a qualified engineer (even at some culchie dump like UCG) any more than Jambo made (and lost) a million euros playing online poker. Any more than Swordid's got tits or that Val is upper middle class. Kelly's a van driver in Southie. Jambo's a dole-head somewhere along the commuter belt. Val has a handful of acres and a few cows, but can't seem to figure out how to grow potatoes, green grass, or a simple tree. These loudmouths are in it for the jollies. Their fifteen minutes. And they haven't even the requisite number of teeth for public speaking.

I often wonder what exactly it is about Ireland they feel so nationalistic about in the first place? The entire country is a fucking mess of epic proportions. Given the small (but mostly desperate) population on the island leveraged with the weight of so many hard-drinking hard-bargaining ex-pats abroad who look back over their shoulders with a fondness for 'de rare auld times' that never really existed outside pretty poems and comely maidens, there isn't much to feel proud about. Do I think any of these yobs and mouths would take up arms to fight for a cause they can't even define? Yes, they very probably would start to murder each other and for the most petty reasons you can think of. Catholicism, Protestantism, lower class, the middle and upper classes too; jackeen, culchie, north-sider, south-sider, dole head, private business person, Fine Gael, Fianna Fail, lesbian, gay, fat, anorexic, drunk, pioneer, dope head, smack head, cyclist, car driver, bus person or taxi person, it's all a great illusion that keeps everyone in their place and afraid to speak up lest their neighbours hear them take the name of the bejayzus in vain.

Like well trained dogs, Irish people wait hand and foot on their masters: they grovel, they beg for attention, they even roll over on command. They need regular walkies, daily reassurance, three solid meals a day, and a monthly wage they get to splurge maybe a fifty on a single monthly night out with herself and the kids: pizza, beer, and coca cola. The parents loving the glamour of doing a line of coke and running off at the mouth at each other with it, and a ready rolled spliff for a quick toke outside in the street.

But ask Jambo what he's actually physically done for the cause of Irish nationalism?

Pound to a penny, he'll try to drag you down multiple rabbit-holes before you realize he has nothing to reply in the affirmative.

That's because he never leaves the house. To him, nationalism is being online all day splitting hairs. He doesn't seem to realize or care that time's passing him by real fast. There are other far more urgent things to consider. The need to populate Ireland with Irish people would seem to me a good place to start for any nationalist. You know - having kids and raising them according to your own values. But sadly incel life has overcome him like gas fumes from the van's exhaust pumped through into the rolled-up driver's seat window. Jamal's having babies with his hidden wife, lost under gowns and sheets to keep us from enjoying her pretty face. So is Muhammud, his wife's about to drop a fifth kid. Ling-dac's also throwing out loads of kids, because the Thai-food take-away is doing better than ever. They all are, even the born and raised fat slags of Dublin are dropping nice and evenly tanned little tykes after some big brown chap from Huulah-Boolah poked her with a condom he pierced earlier that same evening. But Jambo and his merry gang of hoods? Having kids is far too much responsibility to endure.

So in many ways, it's probably better for Ireland that Jambo not reproduce.

If he molds his kids in his own image, he'll be responsible for even more generations of bullshitters waiting for a handout and demanding theirs rights.

Every time I get home, I see how Ireland's nationalists have completely failed at everything they've ever tried.

If anything - they give nationalism a bad name.
Some corrections:

Firstly, the "theory" in replacement theory means conspiracy theory (nothing else), which you've been told a brazillion times. You, The Soapbox Dunce, have of course refused to acknowledge it (your mistake)

Secondly, I'm not an education snob (quite the opposite) but I don't think that anyone (sensible) could deny the usefulness of having a degree #notalldegrees
Some corrections:

Firstly, the "theory" in replacement theory means conspiracy theory


Full of shit.

A do-nothing yap.

nothing else), which you've been told a brazillion times.

Your appear to over-estimate your opinions increasingly more often.

You, The Soapbox Dunce, have of course refused to acknowledge it (your mistake)

Yap, yap, yap.


Secondly, I'm not an education snob (quite the opposite) but I don't think that anyone (sensible) could deny the usefulness of having a degree #notalldegrees

Except you haven't got one.
So you definitely haven't got one.


How's about your poker millions - any updates on that one?
So you definitely haven't got one.
I do and I don't think that it's a big deal

It was like my family members said (admiringly) that I was - The first in the family to have a degree and I was like - So what? Largely based on post hoc experience, it's not that hard, it just takes time (4 years to be precise)


How's about your poker millions - any updates on that one?
Any update? Eh, no
I never said that I was a millionaire from my winnings in poker

You said you made and then lost a million euros playing online poker.

Nope, over a million.


I'm not a billionaire either.

That, we're entirely aware of.

But I could shop like one (so YouTube keeps on telling me - someone has to die for that ad)

You need to broaden your horizons.

Telegram, youtube, and Laura Tea-Towel are turning your (tiny) brain to mush.

Use a few euros of your poker millions and buy a pair of shoes so you can actually leave the house to do, er - 'nashunalizms an' shit'
You said you made and then lost a million euros playing online poker.

I said that I won over a million.. and lost over a million. I've said that I wasn't, at any point, up, or down, a million. This has been clarified to death leaving you as the only person who doesn't understand 😆


That, we're entirely aware of.

You need to broaden your horizons.

Telegram, youtube, and Laura Tea-Towel are turning your (tiny) brain to mush.

Use a few euros of your poker millions and buy a pair of shoes so you can actually leave the house to do, er - 'nashunalizms an' shit'
Mowl, could you get back on topic please, I was simply making some corrections, after all, the OP(s) was Jambo this, Jambo that..

And I'm afraid that when roc_abilly roc_abilly gets back and sees all of these off topic posts.. He'll be very upset

William James reckoned that what counted was the practical difference a belief made in a person's life.

What practical difference has Jambo's belief in "nationalism" made in his life?

Or in the lives of the arsefielders and numerous other sad bastards across the internet, taking the other strains of "nationalism" Mowl mentioned?

That's the key measure.

Most strains of these new "nationalisms" on many tongues are a crock of shite, at least in the context of Ireland.

Note there is nothing whatsoever wrong with someone loving their country, and its way of life, which they believe to be the best in the world, and wishing to preserve that.

What is the point though that that transitions to "nationalism" as a call to arms and an identification of oneself with say a skin colour, or some other abstraction, a nation or some other unit, that subsumes individuality into its collectivity?

If there's a threat to ones way of life, their survival, then perhaps it is justified.

But look around you in Ireland? What's the threat? What is or was this way of life, and what was precious about it?

What is it that has actually colonised peoples's minds, their life and soul, their philosophy and outloook, that is antithetical to what we might hold precious?

What created such burden or weight upon living in this country, was it black people for example or perhaps accumulated years of land and property speculation, banking profiteering, economic rents, monopoly rents, padding of cartels, unearned income, parasitic and toxic institutions whether the catholic church or global finance etc?

"... We have come a long way from the time when the businessman was content to urge capitalism as a permissive theory, as an assertion of the claim that he had his due and dignified place in society, and that he must not be passed by either the snobbery of the aristocrat, or the snobbery of the intellectual. However, it seems that his demands for room to live have turned into demands that his way of life be recognised as the basis of life of the entire community and that those who are not in accord with him should be punished with the whips of a new inquisition..."

Back to the thread topic, it seems to me that rational individuals could engage democratically to point out these things, highlight them, and call for remedies.

Instead we have these mass movements, let us call them Nationalistic movements, that act to make individuals abrogate their individual faculties, and make of them a stupid mass, an unthinking mass putting their faith in abstract ideas like "the white race" - and seeing that as some kind of solution!

It all acts to prevent people perceiving and engaging intelligently, being masters of themselves, as poets, philosophers and kings etc.

It is no surprise either that they all inevitably bleat this ubiquitous Soviet disinformation, "nationalism" being the motive force behind totalitarian Russia - centralised, curating cultural life to weed out individual variations, and all the rest of it.

William James reckoned that what counted was the practical difference a belief made in a person's life.

What practical difference has Jambo's belief in "nationalism" made in his life?

Or in the lives of the arsefielders and numerous other sad bastards across the internet, taking the other strains of "nationalism" Mowl mentioned?

That's the key measure.
A key measure is how much waffle you can fit in a post (per word)

Most strains of these new "nationalisms" on many tongues are a crock of shite, at least in the context of Ireland.

Note there is nothing whatsoever wrong with someone loving their country, and its way of life, which they believe to be the best in the world, and wishing to preserve that.
It's not about being the best

What is the point though that that transitions to "nationalism" as a call to arms and an identification of oneself with say a skin colour, or some other abstraction, a nation or some other unit, that subsumes individuality into its collectivity?
Race (and ethnicity) isn't a "skin colour", to describe it as such is race denialism 101

If there's a threat to ones way of life, their survival, then perhaps it is justified.
Right, so here's where you preempt your (justification for your) ethno-nationalism

You've said it all before, Israel must remain Jewish because of hostility towards Jews. But for the goyim, what awaits us is the (unquestioned) 'Brotherhood of man'

But look around you in Ireland? Whats the threat? What is or was this way of life, and what was precious about it?
Please try better to disguise your hatred of the Irish (and white people in general)

What is it that has actually colonised peoples's minds, their life and soul, their philosophy and outloook, that is antithetical to what we might hold precious?
What created such burden or weight upon living in this country, was it black people for example or perhaps accumulated years of land and property speculation, banking profiteering, economic rents, monopoly rents, padding of cartels, unearned income, parasitic and toxic institutions whether the catholic church or global finance etc?

"... We have come a long way from the time when the businessman was content to urge capitalism as a permissive theory, as an assertion of the claim that he had his due and dignified place in society, and that he must not be passed by either the snobbery of the aristocrat, or the snobbery of the intellectual. However, it seems that his demands for room to live have turned into demands that his way of life be recognised as the basis of life of the entire community and that those who are not in accord with him should be punished with the whips of a new inquisition..."
Yeah, yeah, back to your - "Look! A squirrel!" routine again

I asked you before, would you really try to rationalise why Hitler turned six million kikes into lampshades and bars of soap (he didn't but you know what I mean)

Back to the thread topic
Which is?

Seems to me that it's just another one of your promotions of civic 'nationalism'/individualism and white genocide (and the demonisation of anyone against it)

, it seems to me that rational individuals could engage democratically to point out these things, highlight them, and call for remedies.

Instead we have these mass movements, let us call them Nationalistic movements, that act to make individuals abrogate their individual faculties, and make of them a stupid mass, an unthinking mass putting their faith in abstract ideas like "the white race" - and seeing that as some kind of solution!

It all acts to prevent people perceiving and engaging intelligently, being masters of themselves, as poets, philosophers and kings etc.

It is no surprise either that they all inevitably bleat this ubiquitous Soviet disinformation, "nationalism" being the motive force behind totalitarian Russia - centralised, curating cultural life to weed out individual variations, and all the rest of it.

I don't hate "the Irish".

Nor do I hate anyone on account of a physical characteristic, including skin colour.

Well perhaps if I judge the ugliness in a face, the slitty eyes, rolls of fat under a chin, are the just deserts of their life and thoughts, I might possibly hate on that basis.

But no other basis. I at least would aspire to that, and I think I do okay.

Whereas I do lament the inbred fear, insecurity, envy, and a tendency to deception in this country, which is probably the legacy of the English.

I do lament the kind of peasant-mindedness one witnesses in this country (described well in the novels of Zola as "... puerile egocentricity, being concerned solely with one's own short-term interest, understanding only coercion and thus kowtowing to any established authority, childishness, deceitfulness, myopia, meanness, greediness, if someone else is paying...".)

Do I "hate" it? Perhaps I do.

But only as something that infects the life of this country and inhibits our potential.

Most of all I just think it's time to move on, face ourselves, reflect on ourselves, and grow up.

That is not helped at all by renewed colonisation with such stupid and vicious Yankee white supremacist ideas such as you're colonised with.

Granted colonisation with other Yankee ideas detrimental to the life of this country has already gone too far.

" ... '32 like '22 spawned a society utterly alien to the ideals of republicans... I often feel that if those sixteen dead men of 1916, before the bullets crashed into them, and before the rope tightened on their neck, had they seen the kind of Ireland that would come out of their sacrifice, they would have felt only, that their efforts had been betrayed, and that their sacrifice had been in vain..."

I don't see any reversal of the above, noted by an Irish writer in the 1960's. I suppose I hate that, yeah.
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