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It was a reply to my post #349, why?

Why didn't you just say that bananas are yellow, the sky is blue, or anything else that had nothing to do with what I said.

Was a reference to Taxi Driver.

Could you keep the slagging / banter to this thread and the Invisible thread? Cheers
A minor attracted person is what you call a "paedophile", you blithering, paedo hating moron.
Again. As I said already. I don't give two shits about your efforts to rebrand yourself. Terms like race realist or minor attracted person are euphemisms in the eyes of most people, they are terms you yourself would prefer people use, they frame the thing in terms you yourself under your hideous influences want things to be framed in.
David thinks this was a reference to Taxi Driver -

"It's a self moderated thread, hence the OP is entitled to remove posts, issue thread bans etc."

Good fucking lord.
I'm not "rebranding myself", I've always said that I'm a race realist.. and that's what you call a "white supremacist". Because you're a fucking liar.
Do you think anyone would give a fuck if a paedophile wanted to be referred to as a minor attracted person? So why should anyone give two fucks that you want to be called a "race realist"? Would someone be a liar if they refused to call the paedophile by his preferred name? I know perfectly what a white supremacist is, Truth League, and I know perfectly what are your views. End of discussion, let readers judge for themselves whether I lie or not.
No one is talking about paedophiles (or your mob's term for it) except for you.

I am a race realist, you call that a "white supremacist". Because you're a fucking liar.
I know perfectly what a white supremacist is, Truth League, and I know perfectly what are your views.
Well there's a simple challenge then. Provide a definition for race realist and white supremacist and we'll see if they add up.

I doubt you'd get one of them right and they're certainly not the same thing.
We are using a pedophile who wants to be called something other than "a paedophile" for illustration.

Similarly you want to describe yourself as a "race realist". But anyone who accommodates you in this is granting you an element of your racist logic, and therefore becomes an accomplice.

So just as you do not grant a paedophile their own logic and "definitions" they use to justify themselves, anyone who cares about racism should never grant you your spurious, dishonest, distorted, hateful racist logic.

Is that a bit clearer for you now, moron?
We are using a pedophile who wants to be called something other than paedophile for illustration.

Similarly you want to describe yourself as a "race realist". But anyone who accommodates you in this is granting you an element of your racist logic, and therefore becomes an accomplice.

So just as you do not grant a paedophile their own logic and "definitions" they use to justify themselves, anyone who cares about racism should never grant you your spurious, dishonest, distorted, hateful racist logic.

Is that a bit clearer for you now, moron?
Oh you're back.

Well then take the challenge in post #366, or shut the fuck up.

You coward, you liar, anti-white filth.
Would you provide a definition for "minor attracted person" to give a paedophile an opportunity to try and use spurious logic to deny what he was?
I hope you wouldn't. And I certainly wouldn't. And I'm not going to start now by entertaining your similar nonsense. I know what you are. There is nothing wrong with the terms I apply to you. They are the correct terms. Now fuck off white supremacist, there's a good chap.
Well we'll let the readers be the judge of what was QED'd above there, and what's what.

Fucking "race realist". There's your cowardly, filthy, repulsive weasel term. Just admit what you are, rather than hiding behind terms like some spurious "race realist" fucking bullshit you saw on the internet.

So what. You're a "realist" about race? Like a paedophile is a "realist" about sex? Should we call paedophiles "sex realists" you think? Sure they'd prefer that.

You're some fucking racist turd Jambo.
Listen, you dishonest fuck, I'm not denying that your mob (of sickos) has a "euphemistic" term for a paedophile. I don't deny that they're the same thing.

A race realist and a white supremacist are not the same thing, spot the difference.

And you're running from providing a definition of one or both of the above because you're a snivelling, lying coward.
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