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Dan's talking shite about the stock market again.

If Dan's such a savvy, successful stock market broker then what's he doing driving pensioners around Massachusetts every day of the week for a living? Said pensioners probably make more on bingo night than Dan does with his so-called stock market exploits. And why does Plonker always sound like he's wanking himself when reporting on xyz financial news?

'Oh yeah, shafted that bitch...gonna smack that bullish silver on a tear...'

Shut the fuck up and speak normally you complete and utter fucking clown.
If Dan's such a savvy, successful stock market broker then what's he doing driving pensioners around Massachusetts every day of the week for a living? Said pensioners probably make more on bingo night than Dan does with his so-called stock market exploits. And why does Plonker always sound like he's wanking himself when reporting on xyz financial news?

'Oh yeah, shafted that bitch...gonna smack that bullish silver on a tear...'

Shut the fuck up and speak normally you complete and utter fucking clown.
Both Roundy & Plonker are (boomer) yanks, conspiracy theorists, doomsdayers, preppers etc. Those people tend to talk about precious metals (they don't have) quite a lot..
If Dan's such a savvy, successful stock market broker then what's he doing driving pensioners around Massachusetts every day of the week for a living?

They're not 'pensioners' David, they're multi-billionaires, yes?

Said pensioners probably make more on bingo night than Dan does with his so-called stock market exploits.

He probably does a Bingo Night in the van every Friday night.

Eight old dears/players in the back of the van, and Roundy upfront with the mic as compere calling out the 'two fat ladies' in the back who smell of wee-wee.

And why does Plonker always sound like he's wanking himself when reporting on xyz financial news?

He'd like it better if you believed he was a millionaire too.

'Oh yeah, shafted that bitch...gonna smack that bullish silver on a tear...'


Shut the fuck up and speak normally you complete and utter fucking clown.

Probably has a similiar accent to Roundy.

What kind of moron tries to fuck a man-eating crocodile?

Pitch Val against that beast and you have a fifty/fifty chance of doubling your money.

Both Roundy & Plonker are (boomer) yanks, conspiracy theorists, doomsdayers, preppers etc. Those people tend to talk about precious metals (they don't have) quite a lot..

Roundy desperately wants to be seen as a younger man than he actually is. He talks all hip and on point but most of his lexicon is borrowed from his kids who are at college age by now. The oldest lad, Eric, is a pussy-whipped little swat who preens like a little girl when Roundy points his camera at him.

Eric stopped bringing his girlfriends over for dinner due to Roundy's jaw hanging and saliva dripping down his chest staring at them and mumbling incoherently.

His young girl (or as he says it: gerr-dill) has had a lifetime of that sort of action: no wonder she left on her eighteenth birthday.

She was out the door and halfway up Pond Farm Road before he could pull his trousers back up.
If Dan's such a savvy, successful stock market broker then what's he doing driving pensioners around Massachusetts every day of the week for a living? Said pensioners probably make more on bingo night than Dan does with his so-called stock market exploits. And why does Plonker always sound like he's wanking himself when reporting on xyz financial news?

Here's your millionaire shares broker in full flight:


'Oh yeah, shafted that bitch...gonna smack that bullish silver on a tear...'

Shut the fuck up and speak normally you complete and utter fucking clown.
I wish someone would throw Dan into the tiger cage at Boston Zoo. Tigers are such beautiful creatures and would be doing everyone a favour - including Marianne and the kids.

Imagine Dan trying to annoy this fella with his bullshit.

I'll let you back on the thread once you've calmed down. This is getting a bit ridiculous tbh.
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