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Not half as dumb as the Irish look after your state broadcaster took a nose-dive into even more sleaze than previously - and you all stayed at home while your government tried to find a quick-fix solution for its corrupted model of state licensed propaganda and other distractive bullshit instead of heading out to Montrose and picketing the entire campus.

Ireland's a filthy hole in the ground.

It pleases me greatly to see some of you losers suffer as a result.

No matter what he says - he'll never reach the peak stupidity of Justin Barrett and his band of illiterate cronies.

Love your dick - three times a day.

Backhanders is hardly the core issue though is it. But you did touch on it when you said - "state licensed propaganda".
I'll be looking forward to paying him a visit, we'll see how brave he is then.
Backhanders is hardly the core issue though is it.

No it isn't, the core issue is the population of Ireland continuing to take a lie-in while the entire shambles of a country is crumbling around your feet. You'd do better than to be digging rabbit-holes on here to get the fuck out to Montrose to let them know how you feel and why the entire campus needs to be burned to the ground so they can't resurrect it.

But you won't do that - your sort never do anything but complain online to disinterested persons like me, who's miles above the sewer ride you call your life in Ireland. Get your fucking act together and do something for Ireland before she breathes her last and topples silently into the Atlantic, never to be seen again.

Ireland is what it is because people like you are what you are.

Learn to feel some disgust and disappointment with yourself and your fellow Irishmen.

Your day's already passed, kid - there's nowhere left for you to go except down the merry-go-round into the gutters.

But you did touch on it when you said - "state licensed propaganda".

Not half as much as you touching it all day every day.

Tiny wiener - tiny mind - zero ambition - nothing going on.
Is the term 'visit' a plastic-paddy term for the fat Irish in Boston/Southie going around starting turf wars?
No it isn't
Glad you agree

the core issue is the population of Ireland continuing to take a lie-in while the entire shambles of a country is crumbling around your feet.
The core issue - with RTE, is that, as you alluded to, it is state funded propaganda. And for that we must look at the state, meaning government. Which is illegitimate. Simply because it is failing in its first duty and in fact means profound harm on the Irish people. Therefore the paid propaganda arm (of said government) is highly culpable.

Not half as much as you touching it all day every day.

Tiny wiener - tiny mind - zero ambition - nothing going on.
How old are you? My guess is about twelve.
Glad you agree

No, I don't agree - I didn't bother to consider your claptrap - the same claptrap as ever, Mr Englishman.

The core issue - with RTE, is that, as you alluded to, it is state funded propaganda.

So you agree with me.


And for that we must look at the state, meaning government.


Which we are you referring to?

Which is illegitimate. Simply because it is failing in its first duty and in fact means profound harm on the Irish people.

I hope the Irish suffer even more tomorrow than they do today.

You deserve bad governance - it's what you pay for and vote for - so suck it up, Mr Armchair Revolutionary.

Therefore the paid propaganda arm (of said government) is highly culpable.

As are her lazy bastard citizens - they deserve what they get, because they settle for it every time.

How old are you?

Old enough to spot a knacker when I see one.

My guess is about twelve.

Your guess fails.
No, I don't agree - I didn't bother to consider your claptrap - the same claptrap as ever, Mr Englishman.

So you agree with me.
My point is, if you're talking about "burning Montrose to the ground", there's a better reason to want to do that than how the money (in large part stolen from the taxpayer) is distributed among the talking heads. You seem to be more of a small beer kinda guy (or gal).


Which we are you referring to?
I'm sorry I didn't realise that English isn't your first language

I hope the Irish suffer even more tomorrow than they do today.
I will remind you that nationality is also a protected characteristic and what you're saying could be construed as hate speech.

You deserve bad governance - it's what you pay for and vote for - so suck it up, Mr Armchair Revolutionary.

As are her lazy bastard citizens - they deserve what they get, because they settle for it every time.

Old enough to spot a knacker when I see one.

Your guess fails.
That site seems to be very religious (Catholic).

Only in a very two-faced sense. Take Mandy for instance, likes to think of himself as a Holy Joe type....yet thinks nothing of say spamming other websites with gay porn etc.
Only in a very two-faced sense. Take Mandy for instance, likes to think of himself as a Holy Joe type....yet thinks nothing of say spamming other websites with gay porn etc.
Well I don't really mean it in the sense of - What is a Christian? 🤔 Which I find to very disingenuous coming from atheist liberals (e.g. roc_abilly roc_abilly).

No, I mean the posters over there, many of them have a strong Catholic identity (which they seem to conflate with ethno-nationalism), posters like - PlunkettsGhost, Idi O'Min, Tiger (AKA 'Drooper' (last known Pish username)) & Declan.

Of course, PlunkettsGhost (an American boomer LARPing as an Irishman) is surely the biggest joke on any of these sites, an utter buffoon 🤣
Can I ask if you're religious?

I am collecting data and I've found so far that the most devout Holocaustians tend to be irreligious (atheist).
That would make sense, as religious people are generally less educated, reject science, and rely on faith instead of facts.
That would make sense, as religious people are generally less educated, reject science, and rely on faith instead of facts.
You think Holocaustians are educated people who embrace science, rely on facts instead of Schindler's List the movie faith?

lol That's cute.
There's nothing Christian about demanding the murder of some supposed 'others' while hanging around anonymously online chatting to other racist homophobic and savage cowards. Take Saul: he posted a couple of thousand posts about how all 'n*ggers must die' yet when he meets his nemesis he stands there staring with his jaw slack and his spit dribbling down both sides of his fat gob while his buddies applaud him.

Christianity is way overrated anyway.
My point is, if you're talking about "burning Montrose to the ground", there's a better reason to want to do that than how the money (in large part stolen from the taxpayer) is distributed among the talking heads. You seem to be more of a small beer kinda guy (or gal).

Yes: remove all people from the campus and set it alight at the four corners to ensure the entire mess is reduced to ashes. The Irish won't miss having bad and slanted news thrown at them several times a day. So if RTE was to be completely eliminated right now, what would be the things the typical Paddy or Biddy would miss? What good - or force for good - is RTE anyway?

It's an expensive hump on the backs of the typically witless Irish.

I'm sorry I didn't realise that English isn't your first language

There's plenty more stuff in life that'll sail right over your thick skull in this life, Brit-Boy.

I will remind you that nationality is also a protected characteristic and what you're saying could be construed as hate speech.

I hate RTE - so what?

I hate the Irish - and what of that?

I despise you lazy fuckers hanging around chat sites all day and night while your country falls down around your (clearly) oblivious ears. Your children will learn to hate you too. Just as you hate taking any responsibility for the very things you whinge about all day and night. Show me any one post of yours that ever made a difference in the real world?

You're a sponge, a born loser, fated to die in an insignificant manner after you've stolen as much oxygen as your government allow you.

Your country is a hell-hole dressed up as a horse-trader.

And you're on sites like this arguing the minutiae of her mundane tragedies?

You're an idiot.

I, on the other hand, got the fuck out of there post haste and relocated to the worlds happiest country, from where I now sneer at you fucking twats trying to figure out why your lives are getting flushed down the toilet day after day. Look at the conditions you live in? Look at how you're governed? Look at the hopelessness in the eyes of all the homeless children on your high streets? Look at the dead and blackened eyes of your thousands of junkies lining the main thoroughfare?

Then look at me.

Look at my country.

Notice how I'm not hampered at every turn by a state who hates my guts and would rather I were dead.

Then look at you.

That's exactly how sad a being you are.

And it's exactly why I laugh.
Yes: remove all people from the campus and set it alight at the four corners to ensure the entire mess is reduced to ashes. The Irish won't miss having bad and slanted news thrown at them several times a day. So if RTE was to be completely eliminated right now, what would be the things the typical Paddy or Biddy would miss? What good - or force for good - is RTE anyway?

It's an expensive hump on the backs of the typically witless Irish.

There's plenty more stuff in life that'll sail right over your thick skull in this life, Brit-Boy.
I hate RTE - so what?

I hate the Irish - and what of that?
I'm merely advising you on hate speech. 'Irish' would fall under - "ethnic or social origin", which is a protected characteristic -

You could hate someone say for being an employee of RTE, but if your hate is based on their nationality then you could run afoul of hate speech law.

I despise you lazy fuckers hanging around chat sites all day and night while your country falls down around your (clearly) oblivious ears. Your children will learn to hate you too. Just as you hate taking any responsibility for the very things you whinge about all day and night. Show me any one post of yours that ever made a difference in the real world?

You're a sponge, a born loser, fated to die in an insignificant manner after you've stolen as much oxygen as your government allow you.

Your country is a hell-hole dressed up as a horse-trader.

And you're on sites like this arguing the minutiae of her mundane tragedies?

You're an idiot.

I, on the other hand, got the fuck out of there post haste and relocated to the worlds happiest country, from where I now sneer at you fucking twats trying to figure out why your lives are getting flushed down the toilet day after day. Look at the conditions you live in? Look at how you're governed? Look at the hopelessness in the eyes of all the homeless children on your high streets? Look at the dead and blackened eyes of your thousands of junkies lining the main thoroughfare?

Then look at me.

Look at my country.

Notice how I'm not hampered at every turn by a state who hates my guts and would rather I were dead.

Then look at you.

That's exactly how sad a being you are.

And it's exactly why I laugh.
When PlunkettsGhost isn't talking about Christ, Saints & Satan.. He occasionally posts stuff about science, which is arguably when he's most a hoot (and he's literally a flat-earther).

Of course, his "debunking" of science is also religiously motivated.

Here is a thread he started on black holes -

Thread 'A physicist proves that black holes cannot exist' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/a-physicist-proves-that-black-holes-cannot-exist.448/

The irony lost on him that he's "debunking" science with science :) but anway here is my reply (to the OP) 👇

So, let's examine both sources, both of which I didn't know anything about..

Vox Day

Vox Day is (self-)described as a "Christian nationalist", with the mainstream insisting that he is a white nationalist (which they call a "white supremacist") -

I would be perfectly happy to go with Christian nationalist or at least, that's his target audience.

The physicist

Below is a short video (7.75 minutes) of an interview with her by a well known (and knowledgeable) chap. And please note that the video is 5 years old, so I guess Vox Day was just digging up some ancient shit (that never gained any traction) to feed their (religious) audience in June 2023 -

So her thesis is that "black holes don't exist".. because Hawking radiation prevents them, which is a bit off because Hawking radiation relates to the event horizon (of a black hole).

Okay, so what is it then, what's called a black hole? The interviewer, sensibly, says - It's not a neutron star (the maximum density before the singularity) and then she says that it's about as dense (?) as a neutron star but she's calling it a "black star".

She may have thought that she was solving some problems, yes, those pesky equations do break down at the singularity (which every physicist acknowledges) and the information paradox and/or she may have thought that she could gain some notoriety but I really don't think there's much to it and I have to say, I think this thread would be better suited to the Religion forum.
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