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Oh dear, we've lost him again

I'm down the back of your sofa, it stinks in here.

What is ethnic nationalism?

In your case - it's nothing at all.

Your twinkletoes wonderkid (because she's BLECK!) is an African the Mowl, r u blind?

Still, she looks great all wrapped up in her tricolour.

I didn't ask you about that, I asked you why you think that he's a "Nazi", that was the word you used

Sorry for your troubles

Always hated that expression, so much so that when it was offered to me as an apology for a rather serious statement made against me, I cracked the old buzzard on the top of his skull and he went down like a sack of potatoes - then shit his pants.

I wasn't at all sorry for his troubles, mind you.

Big fan of the Irish tricolour now are you, bursting with pride at the sight of it

Nah - just winding you up.

It's a lazy Sunday afternoon and I'm enjoying the sun out here on my balcony.

He's a "Nazi" because (as I previously mentioned) he knows what free speech is?

A Nazi bastard.

Wasn't he a moderator on P.ie?
Always hated that expression, so much so that when it was offered to me as an apology for a rather serious statement made against me, I cracked the old buzzard on the top of his skull and he went down like a sack of potatoes - then shit his pants.

I wasn't at all sorry for his troubles, mind you.

Nah - just winding you up.

It's a lazy Sunday afternoon and I'm enjoying the sun out here on my balcony.

A Nazi bastard.

Wasn't he a moderator on P.ie?
That's just Clanrickard being the awful fucking dope (as I also mentioned previously) that he is. It's Nazi insignia on a Palestinian flag. Other people idiots say the same for the Jews, e.g. Wolf.
That's just Clanrickard being the awful fucking dope (as I also mentioned previously) that he is.

So he was a mod, got fired, then stuck around as a regular poster?


It's Nazi insignia on a Palestinian flag.

Oh, really?

Other people idiots say the same for the Jews, e.g. Wolf.

Wooftie's a bit banged up in the head.

I wouldn't mind cracking his skull against the corner of a brick wall.

Looks like not everyone who writes for Gript is like the editor (or Mowl Mowl)

So he was a mod, got fired, then stuck around as a regular poster?

We're still trying to figure out why you think that's he's a "Nazi"

One would think that if he was a "Nazi", he would at least be a nationalist (which he isn't)

Oh, really?

Wooftie's a bit banged up in the head.
He's the best at three things (multitalented) on Irish political fora - spamming, stalking and having the worst takes on everything

I wouldn't mind cracking his skull against the corner of a brick wall.

Never heard of the cunt.

Looks like not everyone who writes for Gript is like the editor (or Mowl Mowl)

Never heard of it.

What if she (Adeleke) adopted a white Irish kid?

We're still trying to figure out why you think that's he's a "Nazi"

There isn't any 'we' involved.

One would think that if he was a "Nazi", he would at least be a nationalist (which he isn't)

Maybe, but neither are you.

Ya got that right.

He's the best at three things (multitalented) on Irish political fora - spamming, stalking and having the worst takes on everything

What would you consider your finest aspects to be, Jimmy?
Never heard of the cunt.
Why, what did he say? 🤔

Never heard of it.
You're not much of a commentator on Irish affairs if you've never heard of Gript media the Mowl

McGuirk is even allowed on RTE, which, I suppose should come as no great surprise

What if she (Adeleke) adopted a white Irish kid?
There's another type?

I'm not sure what your question is about. If she adopted an Irish kid then she would be the legal guardian of the kid

There isn't any 'we' involved.
Maybe, but neither are you.
Of course I am, everyone knows I am. I think your problem is that you don't know what it (nationalism) is

Ya got that right.
What would you consider your finest aspects to be, Jimmy?
Oh.. I'm not sure I could pick one. I'm simply The Greatest
Why, what did he say? 🤔


You're not much of a commentator on Irish affairs if you've never heard of Gript media the Mowl

Of course I've heard of it - I simply don't use it.

McGuirk is even allowed on RTE, which, I suppose should come as no great surprise

So you are watching RTE.

Grand - glad we finally sorted that one out.
There's another type?

Of what?

I'm not sure what your question is about.

Your question came before mine.

If she adopted an Irish kid then she would be the legal guardian of the kid

But not an Irish Mammy in the traditional sense?

Of course I am, everyone knows I am. I think your problem is that you don't know what it (nationalism) is

Nah, not even close. I'm not an Irish nationalist because I think it's a failed nation. Full of yap and all that malarkey, and not a very pleasant place to live, so I became an emigrant and now I'm a Finnish resident. My kids will Finnish. They'll attend military service when they come of age and they'll make me proud to have Ireland behind to resume a far, far better quality of life up here than you'll never know.

So you can be all the nationalists you like, but they still won't add up to anything, because:

(a) you never leave the house
(b) you're usually drunk
(c) you're a very dull person

Oh.. I'm not sure I could pick one.

Try picking your nose then.

It'll give you the same results.

I'm simply The Greatest..

...arsehole walking the filthy streets of Ireland, desperately clinging onto my coattails because you need some happiness in your life like I have plenty of in mine. But, rather like your ethnic nationalism tripe, it'll never add up to anything because you're never going to act on your principles. You can post all you like about it but we all know you're just bloviating as per usual.

You're of little use to anyone, Jimmy - and just as easily replaced as a rusty wing-nut on a broken down engine.

You have precisely ZERO going for you, you're wasting your life.

Two years from now, you reckon by then your ethnic nationalism is going to produce some results?

🤦‍♂️ We've lost him again

Of course I've heard of it
So that's why you said - "Never heard of it" 🤦‍♂️

- I simply don't use it.
You only use copious amounts of cannabis

So you are watching RTE.
I would occasionally watch a clip (of a current affairs program) when it's posted on social media

Grand - glad we finally sorted that one out.
Irish person

Your question came before mine.
But not an Irish Mammy in the traditional sense?
She isn't Irish

Nah, not even close. I'm not an Irish nationalist because I think it's a failed nation. Full of yap and all that malarkey, and not a very pleasant place to live, so I became an emigrant and now I'm a Finnish resident. My kids will Finnish. They'll attend military service when they come of age and they'll make me proud to have Ireland behind to resume a far, far better quality of life up here than you'll never know.

So you can be all the nationalists you like, but they still won't add up to anything, because:

(a) you never leave the house
(b) you're usually drunk
(c) you're a very dull person

Try picking your nose then.

It'll give you the same results.

...arsehole walking the filthy streets of Ireland, desperately clinging onto my coattails because you need some happiness in your life like I have plenty of in mine. But, rather like your ethnic nationalism tripe, it'll never add up to anything because you're never going to act on your principles. You can post all you like about it but we all know you're just bloviating as per usual.

You're of little use to anyone, Jimmy - and just as easily replaced as a rusty wing-nut on a broken down engine.

You have precisely ZERO going for you, you're wasting your life.

Two years from now, you reckon by then your ethnic nationalism is going to produce some results?

🤦‍♂️ We've lost him again


Another member of The A Team?

So that's why you said - "Never heard of it" 🤦‍♂️

Now you're getting the hang of it.

You only use copious amounts of cannabis

Nah, I use very little. Because (and I've stated this many times before now) my threshold for most drugs is extremely low, so when I'm recommended medications for whatever purposes, I always remind the doctors that my tolerance is very low and to take this into consideration when writing out prescriptions. So I'm always put on the lowest dose available and if it's not working, then I'll ask for something stronger.

I never smoke weed during the daytime hours (unless I'm out on tour) and always wait until all of my chores and preparations are done. Then I roll a doob, take a sauna and when I get back and am comfortable, I'll fix a Bellini and light the spliff. The three types I have currently are all nice, but the most recent one (labeled 'Gorilla' by the grower) is a fucking rocket. I bought ten grams around three weeks ago and I'm nowhere even close to halfway through it.

Friends up here think it's very funny how easily I get so high, but I always remind them that it's not a problem for me: my supplies last several times longer than theirs, and the same applies to alcohol - a very low tolerance so I'm always 'Paddy last' finishing my spliffs and drinks. Suits me fine, they can laugh all they like. I see nothing macho about being able to smoke a gram per spliff and then sit there like death. I rarely smoke other people's spliffs because they always leave me coughing up my lungs, so I just don't do it.

In fact, I usually roll a few spliffs if I'm heading out for the evening: I can smoke them in the general smoking room without anyone really noticing me. That's how little I use after my first spliff.

Why be proud of being able to hold fifteens pints and still walk?

Why smoke all that weed?

You can only get so high - after that, you're just burning weed like tobacco.

I would occasionally watch a clip (of a current affairs program) when it's posted on social media

So you watch RTE on Facebook??


Irish person

They're a dying breed - on YOUR watch, Jimmy.

She isn't Irish

Will her kids be Irish?

How about the kids of the kids of the kids of the kids?

Aren't you English, Seamus?

Another member of The A Team?

Now you're getting the hang of it.

Nah, I use very little. Because (and I've stated this many times before now) my threshold for most drugs is extremely low, so when I'm recommended medications for whatever purposes, I always remind the doctors that my tolerance is very low and to take this into consideration when writing out prescriptions. So I'm always put on the lowest dose available and if it's not working, then I'll ask for something stronger.

I never smoke weed during the daytime hours (unless I'm out on tour) and always wait until all of my chores and preparations are done. Then I roll a doob, take a sauna and when I get back and am comfortable, I'll fix a Bellini and light the spliff. The three types I have currently are all nice, but the most recent one (labeled 'Gorilla' by the grower) is a fucking rocket. I bought ten grams around three weeks ago and I'm nowhere even close to halfway through it.

Friends up here think it's very funny how easily I get so high, but I always remind them that it's not a problem for me: my supplies last several times longer than theirs, and the same applies to alcohol - a very low tolerance so I'm always 'Paddy last' finishing my spliffs and drinks. Suits me fine, they can laugh all they like. I see nothing macho about being able to smoke a gram per spliff and then sit there like death. I rarely smoke other people's spliffs because they always leave me coughing up my lungs, so I just don't do it.

In fact, I usually roll a few spliffs if I'm heading out for the evening: I can smoke them in the general smoking room without anyone really noticing me. That's how little I use after my first spliff.

Why be proud of being able to hold fifteens pints and still walk?

Why smoke all that weed?

You can only get so high - after that, you're just burning weed like tobacco.

So you watch RTE on Facebook??


They're a dying breed - on YOUR watch, Jimmy.
Will her kids be Irish?
Which ones? So far you've only mentioned an adopted white [sic] Irish kid

How about the kids of the kids of the kids of the kids?
Again, you'll have to be more specific..

Aren't you English, Seamus?
About as much as you are Finnish
Which ones? So far you've only mentioned an adopted white [sic] Irish kid

Ever dated an adopted Irish girl, Jimmy?


You don't know what you're missing.

Again, you'll have to be more specific..

In centimeters, how big a cunt are you?

About as much as you are Finnish

Yeah, but I have a passport and visa securing my life up for whatever time I have left.

On top of that, I have a prime seat in the front row watching Ireland sink - and you with it.

It clearly bugs the hell out of you that I live in happiness and joy while you're still in that poxy little boxroom next door to your Da's bedroom, his snores counting down the remaining minutes of your life existence.
Ever dated an adopted Irish girl, Jimmy?


You don't know what you're missing.

In centimeters, how big a cunt are you?

Yeah, but I have a passport and visa securing my life up for whatever time I have left.

On top of that, I have a prime seat in the front row watching Ireland sink - and you with it.
It clearly bugs the hell out of you that I live in happiness and joy while you're still in that poxy little boxroom next door to your Da's bedroom, his snores counting down the remaining minutes of your life existence.
As Bono once said -

Nothing about your life bugs me. Your endless drivel (and lies) doesn't bug me either (as it should be)
Nothing about your life bugs me.

I can imagine how distracting it is when there's so many freaks and weirdos on your streets, stopping the traffic to pray to Mecca.

I know exactly how horrible it is after serving as a cultural coordinator in a Finnish school where they wash their feet in the kitchen sink, in the hand-wash basins in the toilets, and sticking arrows to the floor pointing to Mecca. They don't seem to have as much of an issue with washing their hands than their feet. Those big tents they wear that absolutely stink the closer you get to one.

I've seen them in Dublin, down on their knees on street corners, praying and begging - the limit of Muslim multitasking. I've seen them hand babies over to one another to continue the begging sessions, all of which are tightly scheduled. I know the babies are doped up with downers to keep them asleep, some babies more than others too.

Up here we move them along as soon as they plant themselves in. Downtown, the business owners who use hired security (full uniform/mace/baton) have them report to each other on the movements of beggars around town. All of the security guys and gals are in close contact by phone and they in turn report back to the cops, who move the beggars on. It's a tight-knit affair but also rather impressive in keeping our streets clear of bums and crazy Muzzies in head-towels.

But at least we have them in hand.

Ireland's washing their butts for them - so there's a lesson to be learned here: but once again Ireland will bury her head in the sand and let it reach crisis point before intervening - usually too late. Whatever you do, try not emulate our methods. They actually work.

Your endless drivel (and lies) doesn't bug me either (as it should be)

How's your big gay trio of doom doing, Jimmy?

Any instructions in for today's trolling?

Did Keith Woods buy a new jumper?

Updated your manifesto?

LOL @ Lumpy Von Talbot Lumpy Von Talbot

He's arguing that Israel is a "theocracy" in the Gaychat Gaza genocide thread on the basis that a Jew is an adherent of Judaism. What a dope
I think that if there's resistance to an "Israeli nationality" status as per the article Lump cites -

Supreme Court rejects ‘Israeli’ nationality status​

Allowing citizens to relinquish ethnic or religious identity in the population registry would undermine Israel’s Jewishness, ruling says

Then that's because Israel is a Jewish ethnostate and they don't want to end up like here where Irish nationality has become essentially meaningless by our traitorous ruling class and their vandalism of Irish citizenship.
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