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  1. Lumpy Von Talbot

    Chat 🔥🤬General Chat Thread

    Those two should be sterilised right now for the sake of humanity.
  2. Lumpy Von Talbot

    Green agendar not goodd

    You mentioned Marseilles there, Mowl. Along that coast from Marseille to Nice is just gorgeous, the 'Blue' train I think they call it? Fantastic journey and I did it myself way back. Like a dream. The colours all offset by the deep blue Med. One of the best train trips in Europe I reckon.
  3. Lumpy Von Talbot

    Green agendar not goodd

    Counting up I have been to Rome, Florence, Siena, San Gimignano, Venice and the Italian Alps so haven't done too badly. Siena probably my favourite among that lot. I'd recommend the north of Italy too, up around Perugia. It is an enormous plain where the towns are all built onto rock formations...
  4. Lumpy Von Talbot

    Irish Nationalism and Catholicism (E.g. The National Party).

    Small man disease. Every time. Can't help noticing that a lot of these race supremacists look like they were hiding behind the door on genetics distribution day. Nick Griffin looked like he'd been put together by etch-a-sketch. Best part of them dribbled down their Da's leg.
  5. Lumpy Von Talbot

    Green agendar not goodd

    I hate it when members of the Seanad post here.
  6. Lumpy Von Talbot

    Chat 🔥🤬General Chat Thread

    Funny how even 'freedom' in the US involves buying shit from Delaware registered corporations. Slaves trying to buy freedom from the shop owned by the plantation they live on.
  7. Lumpy Von Talbot

    Chat 🔥🤬General Chat Thread

    1776 was about independence from imperial UK, dopey fucker. Who are Americans ruled by these days? Besides offshored corporations? Shut up and jam another donut down your neck. You are still free to watch TV.
  8. Lumpy Von Talbot

    The Music Thread

    Athens was like that at one time, so was Rome. Germany was like that at one time. In the long run the self-valuations ran them Donnie-like into the sand. You'd have to wonder what level of insecurity lies behind the constant attempts to puff one's self up as inherently special because of being...
  9. Lumpy Von Talbot

    Chat 🔥🤬General Chat Thread

    Give it about ten years and they'll all be wearing terrible Mom suits to PTA meetings, zonked to the tits on steroids and painkillers and trying to think up new ways to say they don't like brown people without actually using the term 'brown people'. They only thing they'll hate more are women...
  10. Lumpy Von Talbot

    Chat 🔥🤬General Chat Thread

    An unemployable idiot trying and failing to demonstrate a sense of humour, most likely.
  11. Lumpy Von Talbot

    Nordic News

    I'll tell you one thing for sure. At least one of those candidates needs their home laptop checking by the Gardai.
  12. Lumpy Von Talbot

    Chat 🔥🤬General Chat Thread

    Shouldn't they be wearing Freedom Burquas?
  13. Lumpy Von Talbot

    1 million asylum seekers and 4 million given temporary protection in EU+ in 2022.

    McEntee would be an unemployed lifestyle coach if her Dadda hadn't had it before. One brief stint as an intern somewhere, straight into Dadda's office, then his chair on a sympathy vote, then made Minister for Justice (no qualifications for that role at all) and then some browls about six months...
  14. Lumpy Von Talbot

    Australia: The Desert Continent

    Not sure about Galway. Roscommon, yeah. Nuke it.
  15. Lumpy Von Talbot

    Chat 🔥🤬General Chat Thread

    Shut up, Mongo.
  16. Lumpy Von Talbot

    Cannabis legalisation

    Yeah I could never do with smoking neat especially as I liked seriously strong strains. Always mixed in tobacco but that's because I was generally in company in a bar in the 'Dam and wanted to treat it like a cigarette. I used (and still do use) liquorice flavoured papers as I can't stand the...
  17. Lumpy Von Talbot

    Pro-White Activist Jailed For Two Years For Stickering

    Have you finished trying to wedge your interest in teenagers onto the forum yet, twisted old gobshyte?
  18. Lumpy Von Talbot

    Arsefield's Hall of Shame

    Shut up, Gang-Baby.
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