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  • Users: David
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  1. David

    Arsefield's Hall of Shame

    No doubt Feeney will be claiming he studied engineering as well.
  2. David

    Arsefield's Hall of Shame

    Excellent post. I loved studying history in Maynooth but absolutely hated secondary school and its examination system. More often than not the Irish education system encourages dull cunts to rote-learn their way to callings such as teaching etc. Teaching and other civil service positions being...
  3. David

    Chat 🔥🤬General Chat Thread

  4. David

    Arsefield's Hall of Shame

    It's hilarious how Dan thinks he's some kind of South Boston tough guy...or Dedham's answer to Tony Soprano, e.g. "Oh no Dan's calling over, time to go into hiding before I get whacked".
  5. David

    Arsefield's Hall of Shame

  6. David

    Arsefield's Hall of Shame

    Why did he just doxx himself.
  7. David

    The Great Replacement "Theory" (reprise)

    I wonder what Val's dating advice would be? "Selling a tractor is a lot like making love to a beautiful sheep..."
  8. David

    The Great Replacement "Theory" (reprise)

    Swiss Toni was gas.
  9. David

    Chat 🔥🤬General Chat Thread

    https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/should-i-buy-a-pub-in-ireland.921/ No. Fuck off and stay in Boston.
  10. David

    Arsefield's Hall of Shame

    It's Dominic West from The Wire. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominic_West
  11. David

    Arsefield's Hall of Shame

  12. David

    Arsefield's Hall of Shame

    Wolfy's entire existence revolves around Arsefield's and the local off-licence. It's hilarious how these muppets think they're changing the world by scribbling a few angry posts after one too many Dutch Golds...or some other cheap piss water.
  13. David

    Green agendar not goodd

    I'd love to travel around Italy one day, so many places to see there: ▪︎Sicily ▪︎Naples ▪︎Rome ▪︎Florence ▪︎Pisa ▪︎Siena ▪︎San Gimignano ▪︎Venice ▪︎Verona ▪︎The Amalfi Coast ▪︎The Alps etc. You'd almost pay for the holiday with the amount you'd save on cigarettes in comparison to Ireland -...
  14. David

    Green agendar not goodd

    Val will probably end up getting drunk and offending some Mafioso guy. He'll be sleeping with the fishes at the bottom of the Tiber.
  15. David

    Green agendar not goodd

    Why do farmers think they've a God-given right to shoot / kill any animal which crosses their path?
  16. David

    Nordic News

    Is Finland as sports-obsessed as countries such as Ireland, England and America? In Ireland if you're not into GAA, soccer and rugby you're seen as some kind of social pariah. Same thing if you quit drinking and don't go to the pub. One thing I like about the Japanese is that they don't treat...
  17. David


    I went to an Irish language primary school, though I probably don't remember as much as I should. My mother is, and always was very fond of the language...hence her insistence that I go to such a school. I still remember myself and the other kids getting Nóta Béarla for speaking English in class...
  18. David

    Chat 🔥🤬General Chat Thread

    Pish is back. Should we join up? https://theirish.site/
  19. David

    Arsefield's Hall of Shame

    The whole begging Swords to come back thing is really getting pathetic. https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/message-to-zipporahs-flint.913/
  20. David


    That thing hasn't played CDs ever since Val tried to cook an omelette in it.
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