
Chat ğŸ”¥ğŸ¤¬General Chat Thread

Please note:


The Admin of this site has, once again, started a thread falsely attributed to a member.


Also, the Admin has not granted my account deletion request, the second site to (not) do so recently.


Both of these sites have not been able to attract any new members (@Kangal hardly counts) for years.


I think it's obvious why.

roc_abilly roc_abilly, why don't you try to defend your race denialism in the 200,000 thread on Gaychat?

You know, embarrass yourself across multiple sites

Embarrassment, you say?




David David, you're about to be banned

Poor Jimmy.



I also know that biologists have shown that race is a social construct rather than biological or genetic state.

Post in thread 'Almost 200,000 immigrants came here & stayed in just 6 years, says the CSO' https://politics.ie/threads/almost-...ust-6-years-says-the-cso.282329/post-14036464

A post directed at another site, well done.

Btw, roc_abilly roc_abilly, make sure you post this video (that you're aware of) by a biologist -

Post in thread '🔥🤬General Chat Thread' https://islepoli.com/threads/🔥🤬general-chat-thread.2/post-2292

Why not chance your arm and open an account on P.ie?

They'd fucking LOVE you over there.

Play fair now

Seamus: you're the single craziest fucker on any of these sites - you know?

I mean poo-pooed - all washed up and in need of some time out.

Head down to Oz again, you'd fit in perfectly with the giant rats hopping around the place causing chaos.

Give it six to twelve months and see how you feel then?
Obviously Parlon is doing a decent job slapping around the anti-whites/race deniers and he is aware of their biggest lie (which I've taken apart here with roc_abilly roc_abilly extensively) but there needs to be an argument made against their other dumb shit, such as "average person" (there isn't any such thing) and that (the population of) a "whole continent" is claimed to be mentally retarded.

There is nothing that precludes an individual member of a group that has a low average IQ having a higher IQ. And indeed, the African scammers who make it to the West are probably less likely to be the ones fucking crocodiles.

Post in thread 'Almost 200,000 immigrants came here & stayed in just 6 years, says the CSO' https://politics.ie/threads/almost-...ust-6-years-says-the-cso.282329/post-14036618
Embarrassment, you say?




Poor Jimmy.


A post directed at another site, well done.
Did you have something else in mind for your link?

Yes, I have an account there now. It's a matter of how to engage the enemy (anti-whites). If I could take the gloves off it would be full-scale annihilation, but I don't think I could do that there

They'd fucking LOVE you over there.

Seamus: you're the single craziest fucker on any of these sites - you know?

I mean poo-pooed - all washed up and in need of some time out.

Head down to Oz again, you'd fit in perfectly with the giant rats hopping around the place causing chaos.

Give it six to twelve months and see how you feel then?
Poor Jambo.

You still don't grasp the point. Still struggling as much with causality as a monkey.

Sure, there are genetic variances between races as we discussed. But as they are so much less than the genetic variances between individuals, they fail to explain racism, let alone structural racism or systemic racism.

Therefore the hypothesis that racism is a social construct is a stronger hypothesis.

It would be like a black sheep, or a black swan or a white ant that suddenly appeared in a colony of ants.

Obviously they are the same genetically, except for one tiny variance - but the rest of the herd or swannery or colony instinctively treat them differently, perhaps ostracise them.

And that is really the level of behaviour we are dealing with in human racists.
Poor Jambo.

You still don't grasp the point. Still struggling as much with causality as a monkey.
Sure, there are genetic variances between races as we discussed. But as they are so much less than the genetic variances between individuals, they fail to explain racism, let alone structural racism or systemic racism [non sequitur]
And stop repeating your same, tired, BUSTED lie here

Therefore the hypothesis that racism is a social construct is a stronger hypothesis.

It would be like a black sheep, or a black swan or a white ant that suddenly appeared in a colony of ants.

Obviously they are the same genetically, except for one tiny variance - but the rest of the herd or swannery or colony instinctively treat them differently, perhaps ostracise them.

And that is really the level of behaviour we are dealing with in human racists.
Go on roc, defend your race denialism on Gaychat, I dare ya..
Not my argument or thing.

There is no one posting on that thread who poses the same degree of interest, arising from cognitive dissonance, motivated by prejudice, as you do for me, Jambo.

"Race denialism" is a makeyuppey cult term in any case, no one outside of your cult hardly knows what you mean - and even if they did make the jump, they would be loathe to discuss the question in such stupid terms if they had even an ounce of intelligence.
Not my argument or thing.
You started a whole thread about it here 🤣

There is no one posting on that thread who poses the same degree of interest, arising from cognitive dissonance, motivated by prejudice, as you do for me, Jambo.

"Race denialism" is a makeyuppey cult term in any case, no one outside of your cult hardly knows what you mean - and even if they did make the jump, they would be loathe to discuss the question in such stupid terms if they had even an ounce of intelligence.
"Busted" like you "bust up" everyone on these fora, eh Jambo.


Then you come to, after you've slept off the inebriants.

You've probably read the lie of the land and know that you'd get slapped around by Parlon (if he doesn't have you on Ignore) who, by the way, is much more of an "IQ nationalist" than I am
Obviously Parlon is doing a decent job slapping around the anti-whites/race deniers and he is aware of their biggest lie (which I've taken apart here with roc_abilly roc_abilly extensively) but there needs to be an argument made against their other dumb shit, such as "average person" (there isn't any such thing) and that (the population of) a "whole continent" is claimed to be mentally retarded.

There is nothing that precludes an individual member of a group that has a low average IQ having a higher IQ. And indeed, the African scammers who make it to the West are probably less likely to be the ones fucking crocodiles.

Post in thread 'Almost 200,000 immigrants came here & stayed in just 6 years, says the CSO' https://politics.ie/threads/almost-...ust-6-years-says-the-cso.282329/post-14036618

Jesus fucking christ but you're pathetic.

Did you have something else in mind for your link?

What link?

Oh, that one?

That's the site software adding a link where none were intended.

Yes, I have an account there now.


It's a matter of how to engage the enemy (anti-whites).

Did you know Daz was the chosen washing powder of Ireland at one point?

A sort of greeny-white.

Or in your case, pinky-white.

If I could take the gloves off it would be full-scale annihilation, but I don't think I could do that there

You flatter yourself, you stupid little prick.

What you need is twelve months of military training up in Lapland with the rest of the kids serving their time.

They'd boot you around like a burst football.
Both myself and Parlon think you're an absolute fuckwit - because you are

And obviously I am superior to Parlon (who's a dopey 90s liberal, atheist (although I wouldn't be surprised if he called himself 'agnostic'), 'conservative', Zionist shill at the end of the day)
Both myself and Parlon think you're an absolute fuckwit - because you are

Well, there's no bigger girlie on any of these sites that can outdo you for the rage and the screaming.

If you ever saw yourself as you're seen by others you'd probably kill yourself out of guilt alone.

And obviously I am superior to Parlon (who's a dopey 90s liberal, atheist (although I wouldn't be surprised if he called himself 'agnostic'), 'conservative', Zionist shill at the end of the day)

You're a grade A moron, you silly little sausage.

Get a fucking job you bum.

I've walked past small wet piles of dog-shite with more awareness than you.

Parlon and I disagree on many things, (apparently).

However he's not like you who marks anyone who disagrees with them as outside the cult and enacts cult "protection of dogma" procedures.

Again, he is a relatively intelligent poster.

He may be quite the fucked up "conservative".

But he's miles away from the level you're on, Jamboi.

Thus as a specimen he doesn't hold quite the same interest for me.
Jambo you thick.

This thread is not attributed to you.

It has been started by the admin as the one place you may go to when you need to "cool off".

It's an administrative mechanism. As discussed earlier.

It is a bit, I agree.

Perhaps an answer could be that we have "a naughty step" on Isle.

Then when Jimbo misbehaves, he is confined there.

He can still rant and rave on his naughty step, but he stays there until he calms down and is ready to behave a little better?

Just a suggestion. I don't know how technically feasible it is to have a thread called say "Jimbo's naughty step" where only he can post when he's sent there?
That's an interesting idea. Done.
Actually I meant the thread to be reserved specifically for when he needed to go to the "naughty step", and he be barred from everywhere else until his behaviour improved. Somewhere he could blow off steam.
Jambo's ego gets in his way more often than Val Martin's does his.

He was truly at his best when the Shitstick was his moderator and nappy-changer in-chief. The two of them had this romance that grew and grew and then she fucked off to The Journal along with 'Honeybadger' - another wizened auld harpy who screeched almost as loud as the Shitstick did herself.

Jambo needs to be Mammyed, you see: his old dear topped herself after seeing how he was turning out.

He's never gotten over it - hence the constant hankering for some attention.

Any attention.

Even Kevin 'who the fuck?' Parlin.
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